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  • Buy & Sell on X - Like Marketplace on Facebook

    X needs a buy and sell option on the site similar to that of Marketplace on Facebook. I feel more people would come over to X and subscribe and spend more time and money on the platform as well if X had this option. Would love to see more options like facebook has , but without being harassed about everything like the facebook police always do. I recently left Facebook and came to X in search of platform to speak freely without repercussions. Not looking to spread hate , but also don’t want to turn a blind eye to it and want to voice my opinions about what I think when I want to. Lots of people like me that I know feel the same way and like to buy and sell things like car parts, household items, garage stuff etc but they feel trapped buy facebook because they like the marketplace part of it. I also liked some of the ads about things that I saw on Marketplace but just wasn’t enjoying Facebooks constant oversight and suppression of my opinion. I am a hard working American Truck Driver with Republican Party beliefs and Conservative Values and I won’t apologize for that. Hopefully this feedback helps because there’s lots of us looking for a better alternative to Fakebook .😉
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  • love Spaces; don't like follow limits! overall great for info sharing

    Big fan of Spaces!!! Thank you for this great option! Something I really miss is when I used to go to someone's profile page, if I had a pending request from them, it would show on their page, too, not only in my requests tab. I've tried asking if this moved somewhere I'm not seeing, but no one from the Cstn Srv team ever answers any questions I've asked. Also not a fan of any tech company censoring speech or misrepresenting data (trending, etc) based on the personal biases. Of course private companies can do what they want - that's a big part of America's success - but if marketed as a platform for people to practice freedom of expression as set forth in the US Constitution under our First Amendment rights, then people should not be suspended for different opinions that don't involve any plots of death or other illegal activity. I also don't like that I can't follow whomever I want to because X thinks we need limits and won't allow me to follow whatever number of accounts I want to follow. I do like that @ handles in replies no longer count toward space max; would be great if at least a "grace" number of spaces or handles were also allowed in new tweets.
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  • Would give it 0 stars. Horrible account recovery system.

    I logged onto X recently to find my account suspended. I found out that the reason was that a few months ago, I was exposed to a security and date breach that lead to my account being hacked and used for scam/fraudulent activity. After sending a request to restore my account, it was declined even though I stated that I was inactive when the incident occurred. Losing that account is fine by me, I had nothing important on it. What was truly ridiculous was that because my account was suspended, the system did not allow me to remove my email, phone number, name, or accounts that had been associated with it prior to the incident. That means that even if I wanted to start over with a new account, I would not be able to. My information is forever stuck online associated with an suspended account. Furthermore, the suspension of my account means that I am not able to access the login history or devices that are currently under the account. Due to this, I will never be able to locate the source of what took over my account and used my information. I find this outrageous, but it isn't as outrageous as the manner at which the support team closed my case without any investigation.
    X has truly disappointed me with its downfall in support. I will not be using this app ever in the future, and I advise everyone to stay away from it.
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  • This app needs to be removed from the app store.

    It’s like this app was designed to make people as miserable as possible and to spread misery and hate into the world. It’s actively made my life worse every time I’ve opened it. The toxicity on this app has gotten worse and worse over the years and nothing gets done; I’ve had enough. Trolls and bigots get treated with kid gloves here. Your time is better spent doing ANYTHING else; there is nothing of value here anymore. If I could give it a zero stars rating I would. Twitter was a mistake.

    UPDATE - unbelievable. They ACTUALLY will just allow open discrimination. But if you ever get too mean in responding to it, oh no we can’t have that. Twitter Safety is a misnomer and this app is actively hostile to minorities.

    UPDATE 2 - it gets worse. Much worse. I wrote this review even before the buyout. This app is completely and totally unusable to anyone wishing to hold in to a shred of faith in humanity. And now apparently the app is infested with straight up illegal things so disgusting I’m not sure I should mention it by name, and thanks to the new ownership completely gutting the moderation team, nothing gets done. This app shouldn’t even be allowed on the Apple Store or any other distributor. Adult websites have to moderate their content to make sure illegal material is not shared, but apparently the new ownership of this app doesn’t think rules apply to them.
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  • Oh no I can’t believe the advertisers are gone!!!

    Lord bless it, those who cast out demons by his name can only come from him, beelzebub can not cast out demons in his own name. Know this, those who can read the Bible and fathom it couldn’t walk in a “Biden” way of life, 1st Timothy tells you to test all spirits, Corinthians speaks of the good works and how to earn blessings through your labors, how to live and build within your life to serve the lord.
    Through these trying and wicked times, where we’re all granted access to these devices because the watchers were unearthed a few generations ago right in time for the Industrial Revolution and the Gilded Age. The influence of these Spirits, and what the Holy Spirit truly is, if I may… I invite it to be upon you, through a stirring in your chest and a deepening in your heart so you may further comprehend the emotional translation between the Lords will, for your spirit and your own lowly desires for your own flesh. Best of luck wishes and prayers. Time is thinning, and the ropes are tightening, the trumpets have not been blown but by my faith in god I have seen the gleam of them being raised to the sky. All that’s left is the breath. Lord I pray, your Kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth… as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And deliver us from evil. For the Kingdom, His Power, and Glory forever, Amen.
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  • Whole Mars Blog

    When I wake up in the morning and wait for my coffee to be brewed, I hop onto Twitter to read the latest news news. I can trust these sources of value above all others, Elon Musk, Whole Mars Blog, Stock Talk Weekly, and only a handful of others. I interact to have human contact, though the occasional spar with the ignorantly belligerent is not uncommon. Those who are unbelievers of the Tesla and SpaceX technologies, those who create chaos and throw spokes into the wheels of change. I fight racism, governmental hypocrisies and panderers: all non-humanitarians in general. I’m not always right. Sometimes I act on feeling instead of intellectual grounds. Sometimes I go too far then recant and delete my own tweets. Though, I must admit I have witnessed so many and With my tweets, In response to all others, I dare to Change a life or three OR upwards to infinity Where Hope dwells. I teach others, and I am taught. Without Twitter Earth, our Future, Would be less than naught. We fight the good fight daily To Thee Lifegivers of Twitter, Hurrah!!! Sincerely yours, Chef Bretagne Buonaparte Utopian-Traditionalist born in 1971
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  • Severely degraded/disfunction-able version of Twitter

    There is almost a complete lack of unbiased and timely news and information once so plentiful and reliable on the previous platform. What once was a vast array of diverse subjects and topics both interesting and informative is now nothing but a political party battleground of anger and angst, where actual discussion, debate, and dialogue has been reduced to name calling, trash talking, and one upmanship . Vital and functional features of the app have been removed and/or replaced with useless non-social-media pay for/pay wall related garbage extensions, verification schemes, etc and subscription schemes designed to monetize the platform. Algorithm for X is highly slanted towards the right-wing MAGA agenda. Reporting of (what are we supposed to call them now) posts no longer includes the ability to report political attacks or blatantly misleading information/ lies. Most reports for vile posts/comments go unanswered. Lots of hate speech allowed/condoned under the guise of “free speech”. Even the owner of the company participates in posting/reposting vile content. Appeals for wrongfully reported posts go unanswered for months. This leaves no other recourse other than users must accept the strike to regain access/remove restrictions and it appears that the appeal is totally dropped at that point leaving a permanent strike on the user’s profile.
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  • X is out of control

    I like Elon Musk, but this app is not good for humanity. I was on the app for 4 minutes and I saw a guy get jumped by 6 people, a guy run a red light deliberately, and another fight at a restaurant. How is this good for humanity if everything going viral is violent, illegal, and harmful. This encourages more of this. I get life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but viral content should be harmful. Bad things happen, but it doesn't mean we should promote it and encourage this behavior by it getting traction. I love Tesla and space X, but X is a depressing nightmare and it feels like it even affects Elon Musk as we heard on his earnings call. This app can still turn around and a way to do that would be to eliminate any viral content that is fighting, running red lights, and robbing people. Ya I saw someone get robbed on the app and it's so sad, but that stuff should be private or else now we have encouraged bad behavior.

    On another note twitter isn't the only one to blame. I got off Tik tok after the day I saw a dog get swallowed whole by an alligator. It feels like that's where X is heading right now so I'm deleting both of them off my phone.

    I also have bought the 8 dollar verified and to me it's still not worth it to just be at the top of a fighting viral video.
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  • Opinionated

    Tweeter is a place where you can have an opinion. Your opinion is not what everyone else may like or agree with, but it’s yours. It will expose you as a person of high or low character and that’s not either good or bad. We live in a society that has welcomed people from all around the world and it will take time to trust and appreciate each other. It’s what we do with the time that matters! I use to think Tweeter was a great place where everyone could express their opinion, but since it has changed hands and ownership I feel it has lost credibility. Everyone should be able to express themselves as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. I hope that truth is more important than greed and power.

    I still like the platform that use to be Tweeter, but I am saddened by the negative controversy that came with the new owner. The country is being torn apart by self absorbed individuals who think everything is about them. It’s not about one individual and no one human being is God. We can make the world a better place if we recognize our limited time on earth. Let’s embrace humanity and work for the betterment of mankind.
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  • a ruined app

    i’ve been using twitter for 7 years, was amazing for catering to my specific interests and I was successful in shutting all other things to avoid “doom scrolling.”
    Then Elon took over, now political extremists flood comment sections, journalists are banned left and right, you can’t say a single mean thing or criticism about Elon “comedy is now legal” “free speech absolutist” Musk or your account gets locked or harassed, I would regularly see people who advocate for the death or suppression of minorities, many have claimed to see at least one gore video a day in their home feed, i’m regularly harassed by bots who en masse follow and @ large groups of people to push bitcoin scams and sex scams, and now Elon regularly threatens to push payments onto Twitter’s users because he can’t stand a second not being the center of attention with his twitter blue hoard licks the soles of his feet in the comment section.
    Elon’s acquisition of Twitter has absolutely ruined the app I’ve called my “main site” for years now, now its akin to a shock site that regularly encourages people to post the most heinous and hateful things to garner attention and twitter blue revenue.
    I hope this app gets banned in Europe, I hope Elon continues to suppress legitimate users for the sake of greed, I hope this app crashes and burns because of one man so everyone can see how much of a mismanaged loser he is.
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