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  • My take on X

    In a world where all other social media sites have become artificially left leaning bastions of liberalism, X has allowed users to guide the content & pursue free speech with the necessary boundaries that guard this right.

    I am VERY pleased with the content allowed on the platform & I use X as my main source of up-to-date domestic & international happenings. It’s fast, accurate & allows users of all political preferences to voice their opinions, concerns and ideas. Simply put, X is the BEST social media platform for those who are pursuing truthful & accurate social media content.

    The transition from Twitter to X is unimaginably different & better. I am thoroughly impressed with Chairman Musk’s presence & use of the platform, and his actual commitment to free speech. I watched in awe when Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman” was needlessly censored at every turn until Chairman Musk pushed back the biased objections & allowed the film to be played for free on the X platform - the results speak for themselves. As a result, the transgender agenda was shown to be a fundamentally flawed & depraved celebration of mental illness - allowing the masses to see the truth for themselves. I am proud of the platform & will continue being a user as long as the platform adheres to the free speech guidelines that have recently been implemented. Long live Chairman Musk - blessings to him!
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  • Elon, don’t change the stuff that doesn’t need changing

    After Mr. Musk bought Twitter, things have honestly been feeling like they’ve been going downhill a lot faster than before, especially due to the unnecessary/unwanted changes <-(such as renaming Twitter to “X”, and said letter tends to be used to refer to a different website, which results in making video links on Twitter sound kinda questionable/suspicious) and some pretty bad ideas for changes <-(like how you were considering to completely remove the option to block accounts [even though it’s something that’s required for a social media platform], saying something along the lines of “the option existing/being-a-thing makes no sense and that it serves no actual purpose” when really it does make sense that it-exists/it’s-a-thing and it does serve an actual purpose, anyone with common sense would agree. And those who think that the option existing/being-a-thing makes no sense and say that it serves no actual purpose are likely people with ulterior motives). And now I hear that things from accounts labeled as 18+ are being effected now too. You may wanna rethink that before it’s too late and Twitter ends up like Tumblr, and nobody wants that to happen.
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  • The Evolution of X

    X, formerly known as Twitter is the great modern median where thoughts and feelings of humans can connect. It has helped the World evolve socially. Been informative. It also opened a Pandora’s box, as any good tool can be turned into a weapon to do bad. Used to control. To propagate agendas. It MUST remain apolitical so that honest debate can continue and opinion is not suppressed, and Liberty & Free Speech does not die! And people do need to think before they tweet; respect the platform and be sensitive to the boundaries of others. But lots of people are angry at the traitorous BidenAdmin, & those who support & defend it; with more LIES & flat-out DENIAL of REALITY! More abuse of power. Mr Musk has revealed Democrat & Media treachery in collusive Election tampering, since taking over Twitter & renaming it X. “Do the right thing” fits him well. But our current leadership just doubles down on dishonesty & dereliction of duty. And DUMB! Fixing what isn’t broken, by breaking it. Throwing gasoline on any fires! The U.S. Dollar’s being the prime World currency is under attack & in great danger because our enemies are winning & Biden helps them! TRUTH is not their friend. Neither is common sense & sanity! X proves it everyday! Leftists are not Liberal!
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  • X

    X can you please bring another feature to your app? next to Followers can you please bring a verified tab next to the followers where it when you tap that it will show the list of all verified users on your profile and bring a search option when you search someone’s user name it will show up in that section so we can make a life more easier to find verified users that you follow or people followed you if they’re verified on X and it will tell you how many people you are following Verified and how many people are following you back Verified on that tab and if they ever stop being verified, they will go out of that section and go in the regular section. Please bring this to the X app 100%. so it makes life really easy when we’re trying to find our followers thatVerified and searching them up on the app and it would make life so much easier to know how many foul Verified uses we are following on X 100%. and you only get access to this feature if you subscribe to X premium and when you tap that tab to see all your verify users that you are following, are people following you back it will tell you how many people you’re following and you’ll be a search tab we can enter the user name or their name and it will show them up if they’re in that section and if they ever stopping Verify, they will go out of that section and go in the normal section 100% in the X app on your profile
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  • X

    X can you please bring another feature to your app? next to Followers can you please bring a verified tab next to the followers where it when you tap that it will show the list of all verified users on your profile and bring a search option when you search someone’s user name it will show up in that section so we can make a life more easier to find verified users that you follow or people followed you if they’re verified on X and it will tell you how many people you are following Verified and how many people are following you back Verified on that tab and if they ever stop being verified, they will go out of that section and go in the regular section. Please bring this to the X app 100%. so it makes life really easy when we’re trying to find our followers thatVerified and searching them up on the app and it would make life so much easier to know how many foul Verified uses we are following on X 100%. and you only get access to this feature if you subscribe to X premium and when you tap that tab to see all your verify users that you are following, are people following you back it will tell you how many people you’re following and you’ll be a search tab we can enter the user name or their name and it will show them up if they’re in that section and if they ever stopping Verify, they will go out of that section and go in the normal section 100% in the X app on your profile
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  • Disappointing change I miss Xs old name

    I hate how the app is called X! And there's a building with a giant x that shines all day and it's very bad for people who live near it. They can't even sleep because of how bright the light shines in their eyes!! Another reason why I'm disappointed about x is because I miss the logo and name Twitter. The logo was so cute, a little blue bird on it. But NOT ANYMORE, out of all things Elon Musk could of changed but no he decided to just make a plain simple letter and boring letter on the logo. Twitter was such a creatively made name with the matching blue bird on it. It's truely disappointing, it's a great app and all but that's just my opinion on the new logo and name. And all the updates they've made of Twitter all those years it was still a little bird. But then they changed it. I'm sure there's a lot of people out there as disappointed like me too. If they want an app called X with the logo X they could of just made another app similar to that. So, I really hope that at one day we persuade Elon Musk to actually change the logo and name back to its one that really makes it the app. I miss Twitter.
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  • A new platform for a world of information and possible friendship

    I’ve been on several different platforms & been banned for my opinion & use of free speech, including TS. On X I’ve pushed the boundaries & I’m still accepted, with a active account. The only thing I’m aware of not being permitted, is, anti semitism, that I agree hate or violence is not free-speech or American. X offers a worldwide of information & the opportunity to come together, unite & the chance to know other’s in a new light, the only platform where the owner interacts within the community & if you are lucky enough to receive a msg from Mr Musk himself, I for one can testify that it doe’s happen & for a poor nobody, a deplorable that means a heck of a lot! So come aboard, hard to tell who you might get to know or where it will lead but 1 thing is for certain X is the platform to be!! Keep your head low watch out for the scammer, yes they’re everywhere, even praying on Patriot’s, but other than that, my time on X has been a good learning experience to know in general we’re just trying to be a worldwide family! Peace and Love to all my friends on X that considers a poor boy, Patriot Family!! To the main man himself, I give thanks for this platform & all he keeps doing to aid humanity!!!
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  • On the state of the people:

    What we’ve learned is “free speech” is only free speech if you don’t disagree with the underlying bias and beliefs of those who have the money. I get it, you can own a company and do whatever you want with it. I just hope the people who respond to reason and logic will stop participating in this childish game that used to be a pretty decent platform. Life is never so black and white that one can say that everything that has happened with Twitter/X is 100% right or wrong, but I hope people will realize that everything that has changed has sparked nothing but unrest.
    Choosing to be rude, unkind, racist, sexist, or disagreeable will never be right. There is a reason other companies choose to censor comments and post like these. It does not provide for a better humanity to promote the evil voices of the world. It does not make anyone happier, more fulfilled, more relaxed. It just stirs more people up to anger and malice, which is the last thing we need more of in this world.
    Choosing to allow such energy to exist in order for financial gain and popularity status is twisted. I hope Elon will see that the impact he left on this world is not a good one. He has only allowed a place for more ill will and hatred to spread. Until things change and good will is restored on this platform, I will be deleting all accounts. I hope that others who want to make a stand will share their voices.
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  • Best Accurate tracker!! Very awesome ✅💯

    Recommend monitoring and tracking suspected cheating wife and activities at work. However some great app couldn't grant all access I needed to detect and catch my wife red handed in her deceptive ways. It all started when I had a suspicion on her with some recently inherited behavior like staying out late nights after work, being clingy to her phones and so on. I came to the internet to find a lasting solution to solve my marital problems. Thank God, Dav came my way after checking through positive reviews, how he helped a woman catch her cheating husband red handed. I reached him via his mail at Gordcyberspy (@) gmailcom and he requested for certain info such as my spouses phone number and phone model. Within hrs I got a notification popped up on my phone it was from Dav. he gave me a spy link which I accessed with my phone web browser there I was able to see all of his texts, call logs, WhatsApp, Snapchat, deleted conversation, social media shared pictures and videos etc as if I got her phone in my palms. It's really a great opportunity to use the services of Gordcyberspy (@) gmailcom, if you got similar issues right now I'II strongly advice you write him for an excellent spying and tracking services. This is the most highly recommended and genuine services that works efficiently than the spy apps.
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  • Interested

    A lot of acknowledgments are sparse through a atmospheric-exchange of fortunes, merely, a decision of "goodwill" which is quite odd: but I guess we can work with a -blind; no fun here though it seems reluctant to behave a knocked 'spell' chance which is quite common to be! Isn't the point of a Function of a twittering was here not of there??

    A lot of people are missing an escape aka escrow of followers or connectivity that x'ed out through a plural event; not knowing but understanding a corner stone without a starterkit - I suspect a alternative is how rude some ate the ground of the whole "statement." This is a varied. No good to see an endless clause of offering? Not sure! Keep me posted on release to data! Most end would need a near-far close! Eco-Friendliness was a fiend movement point of view made? Oddly a questionnaire is adhere to its owner-ship! A shareholder may be the one to pin on, not here or there. As if a company was a follower but a adherents, Idk if identifying a clause and indicating value that never ceasefire. I suppose the demeanor: was a follow up of lack of demand, Lol. We needed a true control over a spellbound area effect! If not say the least for a escapism; if truly truly written - to self! Which mech, locale standard of living was the founder of capitasism! THERE!
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