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  • Updates are terrible

    None of my pictures load on this app anymore. I’ve uninstalled and re-installed and that helps for a while then it goes back to being unable to load any picture on the app. Every single picture says failed to load. I’ve had to restart my phone and uninstall the app to get this to try to work multipe times. Also limits on DMs? All that does is make me spend less time on the app because I can’t look at or share tweets with my friends anymore. Why would you update your app so that I use it less? You are purposely creating less interactions for what? I promise I’m not “subscribing” to twitter to send more messages 😂. Stupid. All this update has done is make me spend less time on Twitter and more time on other social apps. Great job. And if you think I’m typing the letter “x” into any browser you are sorely mistaken. Everybody knows pornographic websites are known for using the letter x. All of these updates are terrible.
    Update: I have now deciding I will just be copying links and sharing them with my friends over other apps since Elon wants to limit dms. Once again, never seen a business model where the man actively tries to drive away his users and limit them to using the service less. It’s mind blowing. I will be sharing tweets with my friends through Snapchat and Instagram from now on. What a mess this app is turning into
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  • Twitter’s inevitable decline

    I never liked Twitter before Elon but gosh, he some how made me hate it even more. The reason for this review specifically, however, is the glitch(?) that happens when attempting to change your display name. I personally have 5 twitter accounts (personal & business) so the inconvenience of being locked out of one of my more insignificant ones isn’t that bad. However, after troubleshooting, logging out, logging back in, even changing my password, I’ve still been unable to regain access to my account. This wouldn’t be much of an issue if I could log into one of my other accounts, but I can’t. There’s a blank screen with the only button being “options”. When selected the options are “help” and “sign out”, which I’ve already attempted. This issue never happened before Elon, at least not to me. The increase in promotional tweets, ads, and paywalled features that were once free have resulted in the downfall of twitter as a whole.

    I was able to log back into one of my other accounts briefly by opening a dm that was sent to it. As soon as I tried to re-add the account I’m locked out of, the same black screen appeared. I knew of this issue prior to attempting to change my display name. I had changed my display name on another one of my accounts since hearing about it so I didn’t think it would affect me.

    All in all, my experience with Twitter has been disappointing at best.
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  • Just an insecure billionaire needing to put us hark on something

    Twitter was perfectly fine before it was bought out, and while the state of the app isn’t a 1 out of 5 overall, the changes since surely have been.
    I never thought we’d see a pay to win system implemented in social media but on any “post” as it’s called now you see every blue checkmarked comment before any others when almost all of these comments are irrelevant or just impression farming. You have to scroll past every “twitter blue” user to get to any other which is really funny when the new owner of Twitter brags about wanting true free speech. He’s also announced other ways users can pay to have a bigger voice in the future so it’s only going to get worse.
    There has also been a major increase in ads, although it fluctuates a lot so I’m sure they’re tampering with that system behind the scenes but X corp is just trying to squeeze out as much money as they can after losing billions on a horrible business situation so I understand why that’s going on.
    Realistically the app experience warrants a 4 out of 5 as is because the base idea is still the same but this was my favorite social media app and it has gotten noticeably worse since the change and pretty much every change they’ve made has been a negative for the user. Except community notes that is a huge W and deserves at least an entire star alone.
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    X ain’t a bad name, twitter was a cesspool of losers ain’t no one actually care abt their opinion. They mad cause they scared to look for twitter videos under the new name X Videos like bro just do it. On a real note there is no reason to be as upset as people are over the name change I get it’s kind of goofy and he should've went with Twitter X instead of just X. Simply to still market off of twitter’s old name/domain. Elon has done a good thing with a lot of the parts in twitter such as getting rid of the “M.A.P’s” aka pedofiles or any of the other words that describe the action that is associated with that word. I don’t think he’s taking the app on the wrong was like everyone else is thinking, if he was to take the app in a good direction like I’m thinking such as owning a bunch of different corps and using this as a platform for them all to use instead of it being separated and hard to navigate as well as still using the twitters already present audience it could help get some traction and preform well unlike what others are thinking.

    But overall I think what is still dragging this platform down is just the roaches that use the app in the first place.

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  • “We made improvements” BOLD faced lie.

    The constant degradation of this app, then lying about it is insulting. Twitter has been going down hill for quite awhile now so it’s not entirely Musk’s fault, but boy has he escalated things. It’s clear that this app is no longer in service of users, but advertisers. Every. Single. Change implemented lately has ONLY benefited advertisers or paying users, and even then BARELY.

    I’ve been using this app since 2009 and can say this is easily the worst it’s eve been. It is clear Musk wanted his own app, but didn’t want to invest the time, development, and audience building a new app needs, so he bought one with a built in audience. Which honestly, is not a terrible idea… Until he made numerous changes that only service paying users, inhibit non-paying users from using basic functions, then lie about why he’s doing it. Oh and he changed the name, throwing away years of viable well known brand recognition in a matter of days.

    A LOT of people have come to depend on this app, gaining followers to support their livelihood. These changes are dangerous for a lot of people, not to mention major turn offs, especially when they are taking away simple quality of life things like taking away the ability to DM anyone for free users.
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    Elon Musk has made nothing but BAD moves since acquiring Twitter, his $44 billion platform plaything that he overpaid for by probably half; first firing about half of the employees by e-mail, including many who were involved in content moderation and who filtered a lot of the dreck and disinformation from the platform but now that type of speech is allowed to propagate and proliferate on the platform and because of that, advertisers have been deserting it in droves! 👎

    I, along with hundreds of millions of other users, LIKED the powder blue Twitter logo with the tweety bird but now Musk has completely obliterated its former, well-established corporate identity and DEFINITELY NOT for the better! He has also eliminated most ethical standards to keep it from degenerating into a cesspool of crazies and disinformation peddlers and has replaced Twitter’s logo with a stark and simple “X“, which a garish, blinking white sign on the roof of the corporate headquarters in San Francisco now, that replaced the powder blue Twitter logo on the side of the building, was apparently erected without a permit and is a source of light pollution in the night sky now, perfectly represents! 😳

    I’m not going to run to Zuck’s alternative product yet but there is less and less reason for me to stay on or be active on the platform now! If Musk’s intention was to run Twitter into the ground, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 💥
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  • You’re better off with something else. *2023*

    I have never felt the need to write a review for an app, especially not one as big as this one. And you can probably guess what I’ll be leading with.

    The speed at which this app is hurtling towards an utter cesspool of garbage is unprecedented. With all the changes Elon has been making and will continue to make, you’re better off using some other social media. He’s using your tweets as lab food for his AI program without your consent. He’s driving off users (especially artists) in droves. He fired most of the original staff for whatever reason. You have to pay for the most basic of features. Your DMs will no longer be as private as they once were. You can no longer easily tell who is *really* verified because of Twitter Blue and misinformation is as rampant as ever. He rebranded Twitter into some mediocre Disney channel supervillain sounding “”””X Corp.”””” and lost millions because of it. It’s bad decision after bad decision after bad decision.

    I have met amazing people through Twitter and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t a generally good time until now. So it really hurts to see it go like this. It’s not hard to see where this app will end up quite soon. So save yourself the trouble and watch the garbage fire from a safe distance. Thanks Elon Musty!
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  • die

    Elon, just because you get to be carefree, happy, and lucky to be born into a position of such influence, doesn’t mean to have the right to so destroy what others have spent their lives building upon. I’m sure you’d hate what the history books will write about you; you’re annoying, unfunny, narcissistic, so incredibly happy and unaware to the point where your legacy has done damage to the social structure. Your money is worth so much more than you are, and even if someone took all of it—and used it to buy a plethora of gold-plated toilet seats—it’d be a million times better, because then at least they realize that they shouldn’t take an active part in society if they’re too selfish to realize what they’re doing to it. It isn’t just the apps you’re destroying. it’s the people who rely on their networking to live, their histories, and everything else just to fill your stupid agenda. And when that gun is inevitably pointed at your head, I hope you’ll reflect on the damage that you’ve done. This hatred is for a reason, you know; if you didn’t have the money you did, you wouldn’t have any supporters at all; nobody truly thinks you’re funny, nobody likes you. You’re such a liar, a narcissist, an egocentric tyrant who thinks himself worth more than everything, never realizing his entire influence was built on things he didn’t deserve…… more than ever, I want you to fall.
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  • Twitter is dead and Elon Musk is to blame.

    If you have an active social media presence or have been online at any point in the past few weeks, you are probably already well aware of the absolute dumpster fire of an app that Twitter has become. Since his takeover of the company, Elon Musk has already made some pretty controversial decisions, including but not limited too: laying off nearly half of all Twitter employees, requiring Twitter users to pay a monthly subscription fee to obtain the little blue verification symbol on their profiles, and reinstating the Twitter accounts of various people who where given lifetime bans due to repeat violations of Twitter’s community guidelines. At this point most, of Twitter’s employees have either resigned or been laid off, so I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised if nobody at Twitter HQ ever saw this, but honestly for me as a woman, the straw that broke the camel’s back was when Elon Musk made the decision to reinstate the twitter account of notorious misogynist Andrew Tate. For this reason I have decided to deactivate my twitter account and I will be deleting the app from my phone. I would like to encourage other women to do the same. This man does not deserve a platform to spread his ideology. I cannot in good conscience support a company that promotes the kind of hate speech that Andrew Tate is known for. RIP Twitter. It was nice while it lasted. I fully expect the company to go bankrupt.
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  • Twitter’s Downfall and Legacy

    Call me dramatic but anyways, I am writing as of July 28th, 2023 at 9:14. I had accepted everything Elon had done to the app, through the outlandish paywall for basic features, for the amount of hate escalated on this app, and the CEO’s (or “previous”) immature behavior on this app (as well as taking in decisions made due to his bias and political views). I didnt care because at this point, what social media isn’t ran by a complete nut. However, what crossed the line, however small: is the change of ADS! Mostly, promoted TWEETS! Before, it would be obvious it was an ad with a large caption at the bottom of the ad (you scroll DOWN and UP and normally don’t look at the side) that says “promoted tweet.” Now, it is in a small grey text on the top right with the word “Ad.” And in any other circumstance I wouldn’t care if it wasn’t making me see a bunch of political and not even making it obvious as promoted tweets. It’s misleading and honestly, just poor interface design.

    Why Elon wants to create such a major change to twitter, going as far as rebranding it as “X” is so.. childish. And outlandish. What is his goal besides like, being annoying?

    And hey, before you come at me, Elon is all about “free speech” so let’s stay true to his “rules.” Anyways, that’s my thoughts. But I doubt any sort of rating by some middle class American citizen would change the mind of a billionaire.
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