Covenant Eyes User Reviews

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  • Very honorable, but…

    What’s the point if I have all the control? If I really wanted to watch porn, I could turn off the VPN and other settings. Then watch whatever I want, safari still allows me to access porn sites even when everything is still installed and “up and running”. The accountability partner idea is great, but it still doesn’t stop the act or decision to watch porn. This is really the only feature worth paying for, but I don’t think it fixes the issue at heart, plus I could get a accountability partner for free with a close friend or loved one. The other reason why canceling my subscription and requesting a refund is because the the website advertised sixteen dollars a month, but though the apple store it’s twenty three dollars a month. Don’t get me wrong, this app is good and works for a lot of people but I can’t trust myself to follow all the rules therefore this app isn’t for me. For you, it will either be a hit or miss.
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  • Addicted

    I’ve been addicted to pornography for basically 37 years and my marriage is on the rocks. I am ashamed of my addiction and have wanted to stop since the day I got married but never had that proper tools. This allows my wife to help control what I have access to as well as have the ability to see what sites I have been to regardless of apples private settings which gives me a breath of fresh air. It also gives daily thoughts with links to articles about overcoming pornography as well as ways to help protect your children, a very worthwhile thing to do!! I pray now only that I did not find this too late and for continued sobriety. That said I think this, combined with one or more 12 step programs is the way to go.
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  • Did not work and caused issues on Mac

    My fiancé wanted to download this to use to help and we tried setting it up, now our Mac is freezing, never was able to fully install. He tried searching for things on his phone to test it out and see if it blocked, on the phone it did. However under activities nothing showed up even with him searching free porn. However on the laptop we could not get it to work, it would either just say this app is closed, or our Mac started freezing and now we can’t even get it off of the computer. Luckily we did not install it on his other Mac which is his work computer yet. The support was very helpful, but we were not able to get it working and with our now new computer issues we requested a refund which they were wonderful about and did give us that. This system needs a lot of work, would not recommend.
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  • Months long issues/new issue freezes and shuts down

    There’s a lot of good about this app. Overall it’s really helped keep me accountable. However there is an annoying issue with the notch that loads a window with the search bar on the notch, forcing you to reload the window. It’s not that big of a deal but it’s annoying. I’ve been waiting months for an update to the app to fix this.

    The other issue that has cropped up recently, and is what prompted my (negative) review, is that the app will load onto a blank window that doesn’t let me do anything. The only thing that generates a response is pressing the button that normally brings up the multiple windows. But instead of bringing up the saved windows it crashes. This happens several times. When it finally loads a screen that brings back normal functionality, all of the saved windows are gone. This is especially frustrating when I don’t remember exactly what website it was on and have to search for the URL.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for leaving a review! We're sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing with the app. The app has been designed to load the last website visited when opened. We will be more than happy to take a look at the issue. Please feel free to reach out to us at 989-720-8000 or
  • Needs major work

    I really want to like the CE iOS browser and related VPN. But the performance of both is just unacceptable when compared to other options available for iOS.

    The browser regularly freezes. I am constantly having issues with the URL section being hidden and not be able to get it to appear again; which requires me to close the app and open it again.
    When click a link from another app, say iMessage, I almost always have to go back to the message and click the link again as the first click only opened the CE browser but did not load the page. Also, there is absolutely zero ability to block trackers or ads like there is with every other major browser.

    I really dislike that the VPN is required to be used in order to access the browser. I regularly use an actual VPN and having to switch in between the VPNs or temporarily delete the CE VPN is very inconvenient.
    The mandatory use of the CE VPN doesn’t even make sense. If I wanted to access something I shouldn’t, I can just delete the VPN (which doesn’t notify my partner). So it really doesn’t provide practical protection.
    Also, the CE VPN regularly causes my Wi-Fi connection to drop or flat-out causes stalled internet connections. Which requires me to turn it off and back on again to refresh the connection and restore an internet connection.

    Please stop preying on those that are weak in their self-control by charging (a pretty high price) for these underwhelming and underdeveloped services.
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    Developer Response

    I'm sorry for your disappointment with the app. If you call us at 989-720-8000 or email, e'd be happy to figure out what is happening.
  • Service is great. Browser needs some work

    The Covenant Eyes service is great with the accountability and tracking, etc. My big complaint is really with the Covenant Eyes Browser.

    Unfortunately the browser is not fun to use and allows all the ads that Brave currently blocks which can lead to ads contributing to un-desired content being shown. I can't control what an ad shows so without blocking I am at risk. Thus, I don't use the Covenant Eyes browser right now. Once an aggressive ad blocking feature is added I'll be down for using it but up until then, it is a worse web experience than using a different ad-blocking browser such as Brave.

    Another possible way to go would be to provide a browser plug-in so I can have the accountability features (monitoring and url filtering, etc) regardless of the browser I am using. I don't know if this is a possibility but it would be great not to be tied to the Covenant Eyes browser for all of the features to work.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. We are glad that you like the accountability that the app brings, but are sorry to hear about this technical issue. We would like to see what we can do to help improve your experience. Would you mind contacting us at 989-720-8000
  • Does it’s job but doesn’t always work great with certain websites.

    This is a great app and I greatly appreciate the extra level of protection and accountability that it provides. On that front this app is 5 stars. However, the overall functionality of the browser compared with others is lacking. Videos have trouble loading and will sometimes not work at all. Additionally, there are increased loading times. No doubt this is due to the VPN feature and is not necessarily a problem; Though it is noticeable. I think if the overall user experience in the browser could be made comparable to safari or chrome then I would have no complaints.
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  • Doesn’t catch everything and buggy

    The app was working fairly well for a while, but it zooms in on some pages with video players for some reason, and good luck getting it to load more than one video in a row. The UI is clunky, it has slow load times every once in a while, the safe search seems to be permanently on, and it does not catch some things. It seems like incognito modes in other browsers don’t set off accountability as much. Haven’t tested it on porn sites, but it will usually flag Reddit or other pages when not using the mode, and as far as I can tell will not if in private browsing.

    This app will catch things like Instagram-linked questionable sites, which is much appreciated, and it has definitely improved over time. It is a valuable tool for fighting porn addiction, but the bugs and the clumsiness can be absolutely maddening. Safesearch all of a sudden being an enforced thing across apps is also not something I want, but it isn’t necessarily bad. I would recommend its use, but make sure your accountability partner asks you specific and uncomfortable questions often, because there are still plenty of ways around this accountability software.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for leaving a review and detailed feedback. We agree, the Accountability Ally relationship and asking tough questions is extremely important in ones success. The app will have two levels of reporting, Screen Accountability within the Covenant Eyes app and domain monitoring outside of our app, which should monitor incognito activity as well. You may be seeing the domains on the reports due to the different levels of reporting. There are some things we may be able to adjust regarding the filter settings, which affects safe search, as well as the videos and load times within the app. Would you reach out to us at 989-720-8000 or chat(Covenant Eyes My Account), and we can help?
  • They won’t allow you to cancel your subscription!!

    I have been trying to cancel my subscription for the longest. When you try to cancel within the app it says something to the extend of “due to protecting members this function is not enabled”. That’s crazy - it’s says to contact costumer service. I have done so twice asking them to cancel my subscription. It is still charging me every single month. I’ve been paying for 4 months after I tried to cancel.
    This is unacceptable and more aligned with a scam than a reputable app. I don’t even know how Apple allows an app to disable the function to unsubscribe.

    To the developers: please cancel my subscription. I no longer with to be charged for this service! You should really reimburse me for all the charges made to my account since my first email to you in which I asked to cancel my subscription
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  • This version works great

    I uninstalled an early version of this browser because it worked so poorly. My experience with this version and screen accountability is great. One big improvement is that the CE browser opens automatically when you click a link in email, etc. Previously, Apple forced Safari to open; if blocked, which it should be, you had to copy paste. Ugh. No more. IOS seems to see the CE browser as Safari. Browser functionality is excellent and VPN works well both in the US and while traveling. Occasionally, web pages load slowly when switching from cellular to WiFi due to VPN reconfiguration in the background.
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