User Reviews: Pages

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    If you are an aspiring author, get this app. If you need a poster to find your lost pet, get this app. If you moved and need to tell people your address get this app. Looking for a job? Planning a party? Selling something? Get. This. App. It has everything you need for all these purposes and more.

    I am a tween, but I like to write books. So one day, I was looking through the App Store for an app to write books on my iPad. I didn’t know which one would be right for me. And that’s when I realized… I had one all along. Pages! So you may not even need to download the app! You will love this, trust me. Look for it on your phone or iPad, and if you don’t have it, get it! Do not wait! Get it!

    Well, I’m off to write a story on Pages. 100/5 stars from me ⭐️ P.S. if you add illustrations to your books I draw my illustrations on procreate but procreate costs 20 bucks but I also use Gacha Life too. So, enjoy! I know you will! I’m not even going to tell you lol (lots of luck) because you won’t need it!
  • Good, but some really frustrating problems PLEASE READ

    Pages is a really helpful app and it’s great way to be creative. It does have a few problems though. One of them is that it auto-positions things. Like, I want to move a text box to a very specific spot, but it moves it elsewhere because it wants everything to be in alignment. The opposite thing happens sometimes when I delete a drawing or a picture on a page where there’s a few other things. When I delete it, the whole page goes out of alignment. So weird! And very frustrating. I wish that there was some way to turn off the auto-alignment thing.
    Another problem is that there’s no easy way to add a page when you are in a document that is not a template. You have to select a page, duplicate it, drag it to the place you want to go, and then delete everything on the page. I think you should add a tool to add a page on the blank template.
    A similar thing happens when I try to delete one specific page. Sometimes, all the pages have connected text. So, when you want to delete one page, it might delete all of them. Then, I have to delete everything on the page one by one, and sometimes that thing where everything goes out of alignment happens.
    It’s a good app, but it has some problems that stop it from reaching it’s full potential. Apple, please read my message and try to fix these issues.
  • Anonymous Anomaly :)

    This is the best writing platform I’ve probably ever used, and I absolutely LOVE it! You can change the fonts, document size, and so much more. Wether you like to write for fun, or for work, I completely recommend this app. As an aspiring writer myself, this is super useful. There is only one issue I have with the app at all, and that’s only occasionally. Just a few times over the many years I’ve used this app, all my data on it has strangely been lost. Luckily, the last time this happened, the things were returned to normal in a few days. I hope that this issue can be solved if it hasn't been already, and I am super grateful that my documents came back that last time! Despite this one problem I’ve occurred, I still completely recommend this, and if you are worried then you can save copies of your writings to another platform. I don’t often give things five stars, but I say this app has more than deserved it. I wish anyone all the luck in the world with their writings!
  • Pages

    Let’s start with I’m 78 and not particularly tech savvy. But I’ve done a lot of work on my IPAD with documents over the last 15+ years.
    I’ve wondered for years why it’s so hard to open some documents on Pages and why when I get an external document I often can’t save it to Pages.

    But the problem that bugs me most is the difficulty of gettin page numbers on a document. If you can save your work automatically is it too much to ask to have a default page number in system and a simple one or two click turn off or alteration of the style? I’ve given up numbering pages most times as a result; or printing and hand numbering the pages. Yesterday I wanted to export a document to a lawyer and thought I really needed page numbers. I spent an hour, first on the IPAD help page and then on my IPhone help page , first ringing the instructions and then attempting to follow them. In both cases the symbols in the instructions one needed to find and tap did not appear on my devices when I followed the instructions. I kept randomly looking for them in other places or trying to find a place to add pages just hitting various options on my screens. Nothing worked. To say this really irritated me would be a very polite understatement.
  • I know not many will see this.. but please read

    I will not lie, pages is pretty much my life. From writing Star Wars fan fiction, to my own little series, it has been very helpful. It’s not to complicated, but it’s not plain. I love all the templates you can choose from and all the fonts you can use. But there has been one little tiny thing that has driven me mad.
    Pages has been deleting some of my paragraphs. The first time this happened I panicked as it had deleted over 40 pages (size 11 words, .25 gap) of work. I was having a panic attack thinking I had lost 30+ hours of my time and imagination. THANKFULLY I had sent my document an hour before, so my friend had it and was able to send most of the pages to me. From then on I screenshoted my work before taking a break from writing. This didn’t happen for the next three months. I had started to think somehow I had accidentally deleted it myself, and stopped wasting so much space in my photos. Anyways, I got onto pages last night and noticed a chunk of my ‘ideas’ (for the book I am writing) was deleted. I started to rampage through my storage, searching for these lost ideas. My book is built on these ‘ideas’, without them I have no structure, and will have to rethink tons of what was lost. I don’t know if this is happening to anyone else, or if it is a bug, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this!! I am still stressed out from what happened. I hope perhaps there is a way to get my ideas back. Thank you for reading.
  • Terrible end of sentence sequence

    One of the last updates to the app has resulted in an almost unusable on-the-fly editing. If I backspace to enter a period at end of a word at end of sentence, it highlights the word and suggests an incorrect spelling of some other replacement. If I enter the period, or any other entry, it deletes the correct word I had there. If I simply enter the period instead of backspace to avoid this result, I end up with a space between my last word and the period at end of sentence. There’s a lot of corrective measures you have to do to fix this which slows productivity and messes with stream of consciousness typing. If you’re not paying attention and doing all the edit manipulations it makes in error for you, you’ll end up with sentences missing the words you thought you typed, including having words in it you never typed in first place as well as mispelled words that their algorithm selects for you. Note that the whole thing is triggered by the backspace for the period. It’s designed to remove the space between the period and last word after you insert the period— after you’ve added a space. But the problem is no one puts a space between the last word and period as they type. So virtually every sentence you type is unnaturally expecting you to add the period after you enter a space at the end of a word. Whoever created that sequence clearly doesn’t write in English language.
  • Great!

    I enjoy writing stories, and Pages is the place to do it! It has all the tools you need for not just stories, but resumes, flyers, informational articles, anything! There are different templates you can choose from, and you can write on your computer AND phone. I would like to suggest that you add more of a “fictional story” type template so that you can view it on the computer as if it were a book you were reading online! There are templates for novel writing, but, maybe I don’t know how to access it, but I wish you could view the story and maybe flip through the pages as if it were a book. And make it so if I wanna look back at chapters, I could just tap on it, without all that scrolling! (I initially used Google Docs, which had that ability, but I found Pages easier to use in general) But overall, amazing app, just wish there were a couple of changes. I know this app will be excellent for anyone who wants to write ANYTHING.
  • Works ok could be better

    I use this app for all my paperwork and it’s manageable but not as easy to work with as I would like. I really don’t use the advanced features because every time I try to the results are so unpredictable and out of my control I just end pushing undo until I get back to normal. But the main reason I gave this app three stars is because every time they updated it gets harder to use instead of easier to use they take functions that used to be in easy to find areas that you would expect to find them and put it in an area you would never think to look in, and sometimes even make the menu practically invisible. You can ‘share” files from this all you like, no one‘s going to be able to open them. If you want anyone to be able to open them, you’re going to have to “” export them , good luck finding that menu ! 🤣There is a teeny tiny little arrow next to the name of your file at the top left-hand corner you have to click that to get the option to ““ export the document in order to put it into a format that anyone is going to be able to open. You think that’s bad ? Try getting it to add rows to your spreadsheet !
  • Convenient to have use my phone, but dictation is miserable

    It is nice to be able to write something when I’m stuck somewhere waiting. That is the main value of having pages on my phone. I like not wasting time. I like that I can send a piece to my computer or wherever to edit it. Unfortunately, the dictation Siri provides is crap. There are so many corrections I have to make. I gave up making them on my phone. It is way too hard. I just repeat the sentence over and over until it’s mostly correct and save all the mishmash to delete later I guess I really should not have given the app three stars, but I think the dictation problem is not the app. I especially hate the way Siri creates contractions that are incorrect. Often the contractions completely invalidate my meaning or express the opposite of what I want to say. Also, there are several small words that Siri always screws up. I should have left this review as Siri heard it. Then you would have seen exactly what I am talking about. If you talk to text on an iPhone, you probably already know how bad it is.
  • Need to FIX

    I have been an iPad user since they were first released. In addition to my Macbook Pro, I use the Pages app on a daily basis. When the Pages app was updated to change the “export” and “email” function, my enjoyment of the pages app has unfortunately plummeted. Now, when using the Pages app, when I export a document (as a PDF), complete the body of the email and then send said email, it doesn’t always deliver. I am very familiar with the app, so I have been incredibly disappointed Very strange. In fact, just a few minutes ago, I did the same (while watching my “sent” folder) and said email did not deliver. The difficult thing is it doesn’t happen consistently, so to be safe when using the app, and exporting documents I write in the pages app, I now must copy the body of my exported emails, and resend (this can take 2 attempts, when the pages app w/email is not working in tandem with the export feature). Professionally, this has been challenging with my work. I have had to abandon the app, altogether. I am using Microsoft Word, regularly now. Thumbs down to all the recent updates to the pages app, that have now made it unreliable and inconsistent. As a life-long Apple customer, I have had to start the “break-up” process.

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