User Reviews: Pages

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  • Need something permanent

    OK so I’ve used Pages for two years, and I’ve used it for just about everything such as is making fake stories or just for fun and share them on the web, talking about things a lot more. When I use it I use my iPhone all the time. However: it seems like in this new iOS system, ever since you updated pages in September when you released iOS 11, now you can’t rename your files if they need to be changed. It was nice to have it where you could rename a file, instead of having it the same thing. It’s still a good app to use, although that should be changed. The thing I like to use Pages this is to share them on the web Jen, because then I can view them online. It’s a great app even though there are some flaws, but it still good.
  • Can’t create new documents on the iPhone app version

    I don’t use this app very often and in fact mainly use it to make memes every now and then, ergo, I can’t said much about how great the app is. HOWEVER, I will mention this one complaint that has stopped me from being able to use the app on my iPhone. The app never stops loading a new document when I select one, after pressing the plus sign. After deleting and reinstalling the Pages app several times, and even getting to a place where I had Wi-fi, it still didn’t allow me to create anything new. Also, it wouldn’t let me open a document up I originally made; I thought I could just open up an old and delete everything and rename it later, but the app couldn’t even open something that was old. Eventually I gave up and just downloaded the app to my iPad, and it worked fine. Although, I don’t take my iPad everywhere, of course, and would appreciate it if you fix this problem with the iPhone version. I have no idea myself on what’s going on, maybe the loading is taking forever. Hopefully you guys can figure it out. Thanks.

    Developer Response

    Please reach out to our AppleCare team at the following link: They can look into this further with you.
  • I’m screwed.

    I have an iPad Pro. I’m a speech writer. I rely heavily on my Pages app and I love to write in Pages on iPad Pro. 2 weeks ago, I did the iOS 11.1 upgrade. “What could POSSIBLY go wrong????” I’ll tell ya what... my Pages crashed and won’t load. I uninstalled and reinstalled. Nope. Did it again. Nope. Did the iOS upgrade and the app upgrades as they came available. Chatted with support and they wanted me to wipe my iPad and reinstall.... I did that at the Genius Bar. I was good for a few days and then, GUESS WHAT? Pages is ghosting me again!!! By the way, the app is fine on my iPhone... HOWEVER... Do you have ANY idea how annoying it is to type a 6 page speech on an iPhone???? Not recommended. Then I tried going to the full iCloud site thru my iPad to access the app.... boy, was THAT a time waster!!! I’ll keep trying, but Pages is not very responsive using that method. I need my Pages app back on my iPad Pro. I need it to be stable. And I need it NOW. HELP. BTW... no stars since I have NO USABLE APP.
  • HORRIBLE. Useless, time-wasting, ugly.

    Also: Since Apple “submits” your “review” for you when you even touch the stars, I am guessing that many of the 5-star “reviews” are, like one I apparently just submitted, mistakes! 1 star. I would give a zero if I could.

    I used to love Pages, despite some of its slowness and etc. But now I hate it. The 8 steps it takes to name a document (now only available as “Rename,” and requiring, literally, 8 steps, including immediately closing the document you just opened) make my workflow impossible. As a writer, I use Pages for poetry and drafts and often want and need multiple documents open at once. To have every document “named” “for” me as Blank x is not only absurd, it’s a complete time waster —and the fact that I can’t quickly name/rename a doc from within the doc is worse. Also, the new views are ugly — the whole thing is just a mess.

    How could anyone design a word-processing program so that naming your documents is a massive interruption in workflow? How could anyone design a word-processing program where all of your documents have essentially the same exact name automatically applied to them, forcing you to completely interrupt your workflow to rename them so that you will have a chance at knowing what they are later .... when previously, you could tell what it was ....

    it’s as if whoever designed this update (3 and beyond) never used the program.
  • ONE Problem and only ONE!!!

    I absolutely LOVE pages, numbers and keynote. I have Office on my MacBook but prefer these over Office hands down. I have purchased so many of the template apps as well, that now I think I could open a business creating documents for others.
    The problem is that the rest of the world does not use these Mac apps. Most of the time, I have to send my masterpieces that I spend hours on back to the office where everyone uses Office, so before I do, I have to send the document to myself so I can see what changes were made in Office and then make it look as close to what I originally created as possible. There should be better compatibility between the 2. Many have complained about the font shortage. That is definitely a true issue, but my biggest complaint is the compatibility. When I import docs from Office to iWork there are also issues (background color or font color changes in keynote, drop down menus change in numbers, etc.)
    Please, please, please do something to improve this. I love playing with the templates and creating beautiful items that everyone thinks I'm a great graphical genius, but if the rest of the office can't see them, using/buying these apps is pointless.
  • Utterly devoid of even a sliver of value

    Each time Apple has issued a new release of Pages for iPad, it has gotten slower. So long as you stay strictly in a typing mode, without repositioning the input location or highlighting text, it works just fine. But if you need to make a change a sentence or two back, the wait for the application to respond to this is sometimes greater than fifteen seconds. I don't understand how people who are supposed to know something about software can do this kind of thing. Don't they even bother to try and use the thing they implemented? I just do not get it. I've checked the amount of free memory, I've closed all other apps, I've rebooted the iPad. The problem is in the app. When you reposition the insertion points, the software takes a hike, no doubt due to some bug, because there is no possible way that anything that it might ought to be doing should take that long. Apple does not test their software. Apple honestly does not know how to develop software. They don't understand the crucial role of requirements documents in the design process, and they do not make any more than a token effort to test it before releasing it.
  • lag and keeps changing my formatting

    Seriously problematic. I even reduced as many features as possible and it has a ton of latency on my iPad 4 (no that's not that old->fast enough to play vainglory no problem. no speed problems searching the internet).

    I have 1 page documents that have 2 columns and the latency is atrocious. It's a 1 page list! how can this have more lag than a touchscreen moba?! I turned off every bonus feature i could find and it still lags when i click to edit or copy paste...oh and did i mention this new update is reformatting my layout? titles are now somehow in the same row as the text and even after i fix it by separating the two-->but wait! i open the document and they are on top of each other again. This is ridiculous. oh and i'd edit this, but why bother---clearly its totally cool now days to just put things out there without quality control.

    and i may sound like that guy that's critical on everything--i'm not! I never give bad reviews! Seriously never---but this basic app has been giving me problems for months. i've posted on the ios boards, read every possible thing i could about the problem---nothing helps. I just want to cut and paste and click without waiting 3 seconds every-time i click to edit---and final i thought they fixed it! nope! 10x worse and with new and exciting formatting problems!

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