User Reviews: Pages

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Literally amazing

    I love the app, and I use it to write my books. I do have one idea, though. I think you could have a grammar assistant, similar to Grammarly, but free. When I write, sometimes I do get off track in my tenses (for example, I would write “I said” instead of “I say” but not notice it), and it would be sUpEr cool if Apple had a software IN Pages that helped you with that. For example, you could have different settings like “change tense” added to the “More” tab. What these settings would do is present a question asking what tense you’re writing in, you answer, then it reads your document and highlights all the errors in it, making suggestions for changes to make. You would also have the option to ignore or accept the change, since you could be in a flashback and need to be in the past tense, but the rest of your document is in present tense.
    I think that this would be a great addition to the app and make it all the more worth using. Thank you so much for reading this!!
  • Old Version Update Problems

    Overall I like this app, but I have an older iPad and was upset when I could no longer open it with the most recent update. Not all my documents were on iCloud and I thought I’d lost them forever. I had to delete the app, and when I re-downloaded it gave me the option of downloading the most recent compatible version. It would be a big improvement if you were allowed to use the most recent compatible version without having to delete the app and lose documents. (If anyone else has run into this problem, I finally figured out how to save my lost documents. I saw they were still saved on my iPad when looking at the app storage-don’t delete the app until you’ve saved your files! The feature to attach files on Yahoo mail allowed me to search ios files, so I was able to email it to myself).
  • Great except...

    Just a couple complaints! The number one being that while I love that pages has a very easy-on-the-eyes layout that’s pretty easy to follow, it’s not student friendly AT ALL! I hate having to use Word to get my college assignments formatted correctly because Pages doesn’t allow room for things like MLA8 format or even APA or Chicago style. I would use it so much more if I could format my essays properly, but I can’t on Pages. My second qualm is with creating a document on my phone. Why does it change all the fonts and sizes and color only when I’m on my phone? I don’t ask for it to be bigger and I want all my texts to be the same size, but Pages on my phone automatically changes it to something completely different that I can’t change. Now I have to type something on Google docs instead of Pages on my phone.
  • One irritating thing

    I use Pages for almost all my first drafts and it works perfectly for straight fiction writing. I’ve never used it in any other format than just a straight document and I’ve never had a complaint until now.
    Whenever I tap to move the cursor, it always jumps the page so the cursor is at the very top of the screen. I dislike that. I like my cursed to be where I want it to be, thanks, without moving the part I’m looking at. It’s really irritating especially when I’m editing or reworking a scene or simply trying to backread a little bit before I start writing again. Please fix this. It’s throwing me off every single time and is not conductive to my thought process when writing.
    I am on an iPhone 7 with whatever iOS is the latest one as of writing this.
  • Several Basic Operations Missing or Flawed

    The following needs to be improved before Pages for iPhone will earn 5 stars from me:

    Inability for me to either modify Basic Templates or allowing me to create my own templates. Because of this, I am forced to tediously redo template parameters for every single document I create. The ability to do this is available in MSN Word for iPhone.
    Since the issuance of iOS13 and its revisions to on-screen cursor operations, I am constantly frustrated by the following: 1) the inability to easily position the cursor within a word or between two improperly conjoined words, and particularly within words highlighted by the program as mis-spelled and 2) the difficulty in selecting a group of words because I am unable to move my finger away from blocking the view of my selection while I’m making it. These problems don’t exist for me in either Notes or most other iPhone apps where I find the new cursor operations a real improvement over the old.
  • Good app

    I enjoy Pages as an iPhone app. With a keyboard and mouse I personally prefer Office, but I like a lot of the features and the flexibility you get with Pages, like having numerous templates to choose from; the new editor view is also nice for if you just want to read through a document.
    I’d say one big thing about this app that could be improved is its compatibility. Some people have said that there aren’t quite enough fonts to choose from, and you can see this when you try to export a file to another platform like Word for instance. It can get annoying having to go back through the whole document to fix everything.
    Other than that, Pages is generally a good app that I’ll continue to use in the future.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this if you made it to the end! ✌️✌️ — Maximum

    Hello!! Okay so I absolutely LOVE pages SO FREAKING MUCH!!!! It’s literally the BEST app EVER!!!!!!!

    Okay well, I’m an author(well I want to be!) and this app has been a life savor! No joke, literally soooo helpful!
    Well ok some of y’all are all like “it’s really confusing” so if you are trying to write a story, here’s how I do it!
    First you make a create a document, then when it sends you to the template section, press the “book” button on the top menu. Then choose what kind of book template you want(you can change the cover photo if you want. Just double tap it) then remove and/or change the dedication/copyright text. Then delete the text for the prologue (and if you don’t want a prologue to ur book then you can delete that too) and write your story! Then if you press the paint brush button you can change the size/font of ur text!

    SO THERE YA GO!!! Now you are writing a book! You can also publish to Apple Books directly from this app(I’m going to go with a publisher though! But self publish is great too!) so enjoy!!!

    Also the more you use the app the easier it is to use! I’ve Been using it for like a. Year! It’s AMAZING


    love, some 14 yr old author lol
  • AngryParentLOL

    Hi! I’m Meredith! I just ❤️ this app so much! Writing stories is so much fun! You can write just about ANYTHING! You can even be inspired by new ideas! Writers have new thoughts everyday! I have about 116 stories on pages and it’s amazing. I usually don’t always get the chance to edit them, because when you’re writing that many stories it’s not easy multitasking. I require everybody who enjoys writing or wants a chance to write something juicy. You can make stories that have to do with dreams, drama comedy or just about anything! You can use gorgeous fonts and gorgeous colors to make your stories detailed! I love this app! I surely would recommend it to anybody who loves to write as much as me! But I love that when you stop writing it still saves your work and it shows where you left off. You can even delete your notes and make new ones!!! Thank you pages for making my writing career better each day!
  • Good app, really. Saying it is useless is WAY too harsh.

    I don't get it. Some people seem to hate this app so much, and it is really getting on my nerves. A lot of them are comparing it to more advanced apps on the computer. OF COURSE those are going to be better. But really? Why is everybody complaining so much? My experience on Pages has been great. If you have an iPad or iPhone and are an aspiring author, then Pages is a great app to create stories and even future books. You can also use it to write things for school, though yes, it is not the most professional app. It has some flaws but overall is exactly what it says it is: an app to write and store documents on. Whether those documents are fiction stories, or your own biography, it will be useful. It also has templates for flyers and brochures. Yes, it is not perfect. But it is free and should not be receiving all the horrible reviews. It is several steps above Notes, if any of you have the app.

    Maybe some people have had different experiences then me. This app has had barely any glitches, and the ones it had were easily fixed by closing the app.

    To Pages developers:
    THANK you!!! I love this app, since I hope to be a writer someday. I would die without it. I store all of my ideas and stories on here, and I even use it to print out reports for school.
  • Pages Works For Me

    I use Pages constantly as my main word processor. I love the Newsletter templates. I alter them a lot but it gives me the basic lay out and nice color ideas. I find it very user friendly. I’m just doing basic documents and newsletters but Pages works great for me. The only trouble I’ve had is getting my cursor down to the next blank page at times. I figured out if I type a letter I can move that down and access the next page. It’s annoying but the other features: changing style, colors, using text boxes so it’s movable, columns, templates, types of type built in, adding pictures you can move around, wrapping text, etc. tons of features. It’s really excellent. I used to use Pagemaker for years and Word just never cut it for me. I find this little app can do everything I need and more. Adding; NEEDS A FORWARD DELETE BUTTON.

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