Feedly User Reviews

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  • Most powerful, functional RSS reader.

    This is in a league of its own with functionality I never even envisioned for RSS readers. You can highlight, save in boards (like folders), add notes to stories, create teams to share in folders, send emails to your account, even add newsletters to be sent directly to your account, and create priority topics to filter through your many sources for the most important stories. I rely on this for my research and to get up to speed quickly on topics in my industry when I’ve been out of the loop. The big drawback is it’s pricy and to get an industry-specific AI subscription, only those with a company account or the wealthy can afford this. The Feedly Pro+ sub, however, is worth it for individuals and makes the app run particularly fast. (And for those who suffered through Feedly’s horrible reloading error bug, that looks like it’s been fully resolved.) This is one of the most professionally useful apps on my iPhone.
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  • Great service

    I escaped social media years ago and needed to find a consolidated place where I could get informed. This did it. I used it for free for some time but realized of the benefits of going pro+. I believe it’s a pricy app but this is the only service I use, I’ve connected all the sources I trust, magazines I like and publications I enjoy. I really like the ability to follow specific topics across the web without being source specific. This truly allows you to harness a lot of information in a clean and streamlined manner. I check it constantly and really enjoy reading and discovering things otherwise wouldn’t come across. I don’t get why it gets so many negative reviews. It worked for me since day one without issues.

    Those complaining with the ads in the free version, check your phone settings. I’m happy paying to avoid advertising and even when I downloaded it for free, Feedly didn’t throw unreasonable amounts of ads as some say. Now as a premium user, ads is a thing of the past. I also have strict measures in browser to further enforce an ad-free reading experience.
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  • Used to be great, now unusable

    Came back to Feedly after a month or so - I gave up because of the constant “no network connection” errors. No luck. It still throws these errors and loses track of what you’ve been reading every few minutes. This has been going on since the app update 4 months ago and now sign of a fox or a peep from the developer about what is going on. I seriously regret paying for pro version - that’s how much I liked it! - and definitely won’t renew. It has the best reading experience of any app of its type but it’s unusable. Not sure what’s going on - did all the devs quit? - but Feedly should stop taking people’s money until they get their act together. Pretty disgraceful lack of transparency.

    UPDATE: After trying a bunch of other feed readers, I decided to give Feedly another whirl and… still has the same “no network connection” error on iPad. And hasn’t been updated in 11 months. Such a shame, as there’s so much to like about it - when it work. Still hawking the paid premium subscriptions though.
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  • Great app, one ask for the devs

    I really enjoy Feedly. Use it a lot every day. Don’t know what I’d do without it

    One question I have is whether you guys could optimize the audio player. One feed I use is a podcast sort of thing, and I noticed that Feedly burns through my phone battery very fast and my phone gets really warm with audio. I listen from the preview page rather than opening the site (maybe I should do that instead?) since it’s better not to have to leave and go to an external site. Also the audio will sometimes freeze or cut out for no reason

    I know this isn’t the core use case for Feedly but if you have the time to improve the audio I’d really appreciate it. I’ll keep using the app regardless, but it’s the feed I use the app for most :)
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  • Solid app, doesn’t seem to be a way to turn off the AI assistant

    I, and likely many other users, use RSS readers to escape the algorithmic newsfeed hellscape that dominates other platforms. I specifically use the chronological feed mode for this reason.

    Recently, I’ve started seeing little badges on certain articles that seem to be AI generated tags based on the content of the articles. The tags are rarely relevant, and even if they were, I don’t want my articles to be processed by some recommendation engine. Your App Store page says you collect no user data, if that’s true then how exactly is your AI model trained?

    There needs to be an obvious way to turn off Leo in the settings UI. And when it’s off, my data better not be used to train the AI in any way. I do not want my RSS reader to be smarter than me, I want to have full control over the content I see.
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  • I really want to migrate from Feedly Classic, but…

    Feedly Classic’s magazine view shows 6 stories with a title and the first sentence of each story alongside the picture. So, paging is 6 stories at a time.

    The “new” Feedly shows only 3.5 stories with less of the title and little to no text next to the picture. Paging is 3 stories at a time.

    So, the new version requires twice as much paging and shows half as much information, often not even a taste of the article. I really want to use the newer version, but the magazine view is so useless that I’ll look for an alternative app before using the new Feedly. I wish there was a way to opt in for the same density on the new app’s magazine view (getting back to the Classic’s 6 stories with a sentence or more of text along with the title for each).
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  • One of the best tools for focused work

    Feedly isn’t perfect, and there is a small learning curve to how RSS works. That said, this is an incredibly powerful tool that has transformed my workflow. I love that Feedly Pro (the paid version) allows me to subscribe to email newsletters directly from Feedly (via customized emails) and to scrape websites that don’t have RSS or email newsletters. This lets me centralize virtually every source of news I might want to keep track of, and then to bucket those sources by context.

    So unlike email where both important and unimportant, long form and short form, etc. are all dumped into one common inbox, I can easily organize Feedly so that I am only seeing what’s relevant to what I’m doing right now, without being afraid of missing anything.

    Great app, great customer service, happy to pay to see this app continue to be supported (especially the iPadOS version that right now is a little buggy when it comes to resizing split screen windows! *hint*hint*).
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  • Very good RSS reader with a few bad bugs

    Feedly is my preferred RSS reader. I like the layout and the ads don’t bother me much. I don’t subscribe to the pro features because I have no need for them. It’s basic and that’s all I need. But there are some annoying bugs. First, and this started in the last few months, is that the app will show the option to arrange sources non-alphabetically, it doesn’t actually let you. You go to move a source and the app snaps it back into alphabetical order. Seems kinda dumb to let users rearrange the sources but not keep them there. It used to happen only when adding a new source, but just the other day the app started alphabetizing my existing sources. Not cool. Second, it’ll randomly give a “no connection” error and throw you out of whatever you were reading, even if you have a perfectly fine connection. I also don’t like that there’s no support link on their website; I’d rather email them about these bugs instead of posting them here.
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  • Missing couple features and over priced

    Overall Feedly is one of the best rss readers available no doubt however they do a couple things that make me really want to switch to another one.

    For all the great features that are available, one major one missing is that you can’t get notifications on your phone for any article. Being able to get notified when a certain keyword comes up on the feeds that you follow can be pretty use and important yet doesn’t exist.

    Another major issue I have with Feedly is that their AI is one of the biggest things that set them apart from the competition yet after charging you $144 a year for their pro+, you don’t even get the full thing as access to industry and competitive intelligence features of the AI are only for “Enterprise” groups rather than individuals which is such a major disappointment to any individual that needs a feature like that like individual investors.

    There was one another major feature missing but I forgot so I might edit this later when I remember.
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  • A bit hostile and heavy handed

    Been a big fan of Feedly for years now, and would be down to pay a flat fee for the development of this app - however a lot of newer features although nice aren’t really needed for a slick light weight RSS reader with a clean user experience. I don’t site
    Reviews often, but I’m pretty bummed the way development has been going and is really starting to cross the line of good user centered experience to user hostile experience with basic functions and ease of use (slide right/left for functions) to dive directly to paid functions. Really bad. the simple act of saving articles for later reading went from slide right to save to, slide right+click, to now slide right, and pay. Feels a bit sleazy and user abrasive. Why not adopt a Apollo model and pay for cosmetics, and extra plugins? Now looking for alternatives in a niche market.
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