Feedly User Reviews

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  • Don’t separate news by topic

    I really wanted to like this app, but there are two issues: 1) It’s slow. It takes WAY too long to add news sources. Each time you add one you have to wait 5-10 seconds, so if you read a lot of news you could spend an entire afternoon just adding news sources. Tap. Wait. Tap. Wait. This is made a lot worse by the fact that other news aggregators like Flipboard and Apple News allow you to add a news source within a split second. 2) I don’t want news to be separated by category. Show me all the news from all categories all in one long feed. You can do this if you open the app, tap the button on the left side, tap All Feeds, and then wait another 5-10 seconds. But there isn’t any way to set this as the default reading option. I don’t want to change this setting every time I open the app. I wanted to move away from Flipboard after many years because I think their magazine idea is stupid and distracting, but I guess I will stick with it and hope they get rid of that feature.
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    Developer Response

    Hi! If you long press on the Feedly icon in the bottom navigation when you load the app(right in the middle), it'll allow you to set your home page to All Feeds. I've just tested adding a new feed and it took 3 seconds. Once all of your sources are followed, you don't have to follow them again. Are you on wifi or a cellular network? Make sure you have a decent connection. Thanks so much!
  • Still No

    I felt a bit guilty about still using the Classic version so I thought I’d give this one another shot. Nope, I am now back to Classic again. I hated that I’d swipe up on an article to show I’d read it, but swiping wouldn’t work half the time. It got really frustrating to repeatedly swipe ten times on an article only to have it not go away. It would just bounce back into place. I also don’t like the Home Screen options (the first page you see when you open the app) and find the Classic version much better at displaying that info. Classic makes it much easier to save an article for later. The Classic version is faster and less buggy. I’m surprised that after a couple of years of doing this “new” Feedly, they still haven’t worked out those bugs. While it is useable, the Classic version is still much superior.
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  • Dear Devs,

    Heya. You should not have the bot asking for user feedback on articles *before* we have read them! Please change that feature before we sabotage your sorting system by design. It should ask users whether the article fell into the guessed category *after* they have gotten a chance to actually see what is in the article.

    Also— rejuvinate articles once read or let us scroll so we can find more articles than the few that have been chosen?

    Other than that it’s lovely!! I was avoiding the news for a long time, getting overwhelmed by opening too many tabs. Feedly does a good job of helping people like me sort articles. Nice to see previews and choose what to read that morning by narrowing down my interests even more. Healthy info diet. (:
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  • Best NewsCatcher Availbile (one minor quibble)

    Cleaner UI than any other news app on iOS, better privacy policy, ad-free even in non-premium. Aggregates articles and RSS feeds from any publication worth reading. The base version has a great set of features. It’s simple and it works.

    One minor quibble: I’d have no problem paying for premium if I could just pay a one-time fee instead of a monthly subscription. Or maybe $60 for a two-year membership. I’m not against the idea of paying the developers in order to keep the app user-supported and ad-free at all levels, but I am against the idea of paying an $8 a month fee indefinitely for a service I know I want to stick with. The free version meets my needs better than the paid version of any other app, but I think the subscription model is holding Feedly back.
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  • The reason for Feedly Update

    I’m going to leave this review for the real reason behind this Feedly update. None of us like their Sponsored Ads. You can call them any other names, they are ads.

    They claim you can pay $8 a month for Pro, just to lose ads on articles and add features no one asked for. $8 a month is a rough price for some streaming services and definitely not worth it for this kind of service.

    They created the Feedly Classic app to try to get users back on it so you can get what you used to have. They tried to cover their tracks of what they really did.

    The real reason of changing this app instead of creating a new one. The sudden change of the app goes against everything they started with. They built up a great amount of reviews from people that loved what they did, thousands of 5 star reviews. By making this change, they are able to keep those total reviews and great score.

    Everything they’ve done is deceptive. They sold out and got too greedy. Apple should reset their review score because this app is not the same as it was. Adding in fees and new features is taking advantage of the flawed system Apple has in place and the people that once supported them.
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  • Wants you to open external links all the time

    I love seeing everything in one app. However, I’m very confused. Why is it that many articles get cut off and make you open the rest in an external link?? I never want to do that, Feedly was supposed to help me keep everything in one app. It’s frustrating to click stories and keep having to keep leaving them mid-read.

    I need a way to either “turn off” articles that cut off like this and never see them in my feed, or see them labeled somehow so that I know not to click those.

    I also don’t like the double-tap to close article feature because I do this by accident all the time, then I have to open the article again and scroll down to where I left off since it doesn’t remember where I left off, since it doesn’t anticipate this user error happening so often.
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  • A seeming step back with latest update

    I have been using Feedly for a few years now to collate journal articles; RSS feeds are the most efficient way to keep up to date on a field of science. For the most part, Feedly is excellent for that, but the update that seems just to have happened has a couple of important steps back.

    First, the design looks somehow worse; I am not a fan of the new font choice in the source-selection menu. This isn’t a big deal, though, and I’ll get used to it over time.

    Second and more importantly, there are now sponsored posts that have snuck into the feeds. It’s quite jarring to see a scientific article and then a clickbait blog post about getting rich. I would like to see those removed.
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  • Can’t Express my Disappointment Enough

    First, adding a monthly pay wall for RSS features that are easily obtainable thru link structure is, plain and simple, thievery. Disgusting.

    Second, the features offered in the Premium/Pro version that can’t be achieved thru link structure are weak. Limiting users to 100 sources is another money grab, “VIP Support” exists really only in name, and I’d get better results using Yahoo Search than the little AI bot. The only features that make the head turn are notation and sorting by popularity. Pathetic.

    Third, and this one is rather specific, if you use Reddit RSS feeds, EVEN WITH THE PRO SUBSCRIPTION, you do not receive the feed as it is posted, like in most other readers. Instead, you get a dump of posts from “X hours” ago. Good luck with your “diversified” feed. False advertising.

    Finally, and in summation, this service is not worth the effort it takes to achieve the desired result. You pay far too much for elements that should be free, and if you choose to go without the subscription, your feed stops updating with any relevant speed, you gets lovely ads (not only thru “sponsored posts”, but thru Feedly’s own “upgrade” ads), and are limited on the sources you can add.

    Go download Reeder 4 or NetNewsWire.
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  • Issues still remain

    Very good in many respects but missing some key features. Still no native iOS 13 Dark Mode (they haven’t switched from their old custom dark mode thus screens like sharing and onboarding are still in light mode.

    You can have articles open in safari built in reader mode automatically which is great but you can’t disable that for select feeds like you can in other apps like Reeder 4. For instance Daring Fireball and HackerNews feed you will always want to open in feed mode rather than the actual linked page. This is the biggest issue I’ve found.

    Other apps like Reeder support background refresh so feeds are always up to date. Feedly oddly still does not so each time I open have to manually refresh.

    macOS was updated last year to make safari more secure yet they still have not updated their Safari extension so still no way to save articles in safari to the read later system, not even a js bookmarklet.

    No Siri shirtcut support like other reader apps. All in all the app is bit behind the times in supporting all the iOS technologies.

    Also the action buttons are on the top out of reach rather than the bottom when viewing an article like most all other apps that have in thumb reach at bottom.
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  • Pro features need to be labeled clearly

    Currently they're not labeled at all. If you want to search articles, you'll get a message overlaying the search results telling you "get Power search!". But what if i just want regular search? 🤔 There's no button to close the overlay, making me think power search is the only way...and it takes me to a window sign up for Pro. This also happens on the desktop version btw, so I think this is more deception than bad design.

    Another example is when they announced the revamp with new features and we can filter out articles by phrases or keywords. But there was no option for me to enable this in the settings and after a bit of searching, found that this is a Pro only feature, WHICH they neglected to mention in the blog post. Nice.

    I'm not against companies wanting to make money and I think subscription models are appropriate for online services like Feedly (that have to run on servers in order to work). But users should have a choice and we should not be deceived by Pro only features. Things like search, have it grayed it and label it Pro Only. Done. This whole thing was irritating enough for me to shell out $5 for Reeder. Good riddance.
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