Pinterest User Reviews

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  • Meh

    First point: Have noticed when opening the app images aren’t always loading, even when I’ve got the latest update (and WiFi is good and my phone has the latest updates etc etc). Has been happening more and more the last 2-3 months.
    When the images load it is a pretty good app, but it’s getting to over 50% of the time images don’t load, and without the images the app is kinda pointless.

    Second point: violation reports, are the images actually checked by a human being employed by Pinterest before being sent to our violation centres? I checked mine after a notification came up and there are so many “adult content” violations on completely innocent images, one of the ones tagged “adult content” literally just shows a person looking a crystal blue tide pools in Canada, you can’t see much of the fully clothes person at all but you can see the stunning geographical features (every time I try to appeal the decision for that one I get an error message). Also images with no text that show a fully grown adult wearing plain clothes that cover them completely from their neck downwards while the are just sitting looking at the camera should not be turning up in anyone’s violation centre tagged as “adult content”, don’t out source your responsibility to review possible violations to your users.
  • A good app but they make odd choices.

    I’ve been using this app for over four years now, and I genuinely love it. It’s a great way to pass the time, and I’m not afraid to admit it has become a part of daily routine, however in the past year it’s changed rapidly which is causing a lot of odd things to happen. If you scroll through r/pinterest on Reddit, you'll notice that recent updates have been getting increasingly strange. People are receiving violations for pins they've saved to their boards, even though they didn't create the pins themselves, they just liked and saved them. The frustrating part is that many of these pins flagged for “violating community guidelines” don't seem to break any rules. For example, I once got a violation notice for saving a pin with a recipe to make cookie dough in a mug.

    Another problem I personally have been facing is that I can no longer see specific peoples profiles. I have been following my partner for nearly a year now and he’s been following me but all of a sudden, since the last update, I can no longer view his profile, I contacted support but even they were stumped but I’m still waiting on a further response, so not much can be said about it at present.
  • It’s good but here’s the bad stuff

    1. Most of the time the pictures don’t show for some reason, a coloured background for the pins appear instead. This is super annoying as it doesn’t go away with restarting your iPhone deleting and reinstalling or turning off a vpn

    2. The amount of ads now is insane, like ok get your bag girl but I’m not even looking at Pinterest images anymore or content it’s just ads. Lessen it down a bit guys.

    3. I don’t like how it always alters your feed, eg I search up a elephant for a one time assignment and the rest of my feed will be elephants even tho it’s not even relevant to me.
  • You’ve become a sellout.

    I’ve never made a review before because I didn’t care enough to before. But I have so much dedication to Pinterest, my issues with the updates have begun affecting my attitude for the app. I’ve been on Pinterest for probably a decade and no update has me more upset than the constant refreshing of the home page. I use all the platforms so I know that if you change from the home feed to your profile or to the search tab back to the home feed, the home feed automatically refreshes... when I even open the app sometimes I see a pin right away that I’d pin but for some reason it refreshes!! This is so irritating. Please fix this to wear it only updates the Home Screen if you pull down the feed from the top for a second. Like Twitter. You can’t even scroll through the feed sometimes without it randomly updating. Also the ads Pinterest.. come on. They’re every third pin! I get you have to pay the bills but more often than not your ads are irrelevant to my search. Ads are not helping you. Pinterest was for curation, for creation. Not to be another soul sucking platform for over consumption. And, why is it that when I search one thing my home feed will suddenly be filled with that one search? I didn’t follow the topic, I didn’t follow a new board, I don’t care to see it on the home feed I have sort of curated myself. This has been a lot of complaints and my rating is low so that you get how irritated I am.. I love you Pinterest, rarely change.
  • Love the app, censorship is weird

    I’ve been using Pinterest for years and I love it, and I’m always going to love it. I love how easy it is to save things and make new boards and organise existing boards and make new sections, everything is very user friendly.

    However very recently a lot of my pins (ones I have saved, not ones I have made) have been getting reported and their distribution has been limited (no longer appearing on the front page and under some searches) or they’ve ended up getting removed. What worries me about this is I might have a pin with someone just holding a gay flag or a screenshot of some people on tumblr discussing what it is like to be queer, and these pins get flagged for ‘hateful activities’ and removed from the home page. I also have pinned screenshots of PG rated cartoons flagged for ‘graphic violence’.

    Idk if they’re doing this with an ai thats just overzealous, but the result is a site-wide censorship on LGBTQ+ visibility and discussion which is immensely messed up. Some of the feminist pins I’ve saved have also been limited which is also worrying. I really hope this gets fixed but if it doesn’t I will likely look at alternative sites.
  • Violations Reports, Ads, & more are ruining the app

    I’ve been a loyal Pinterest user for over a decade & it has recently become virtually unusable for me. For one thing the home feed is just one giant ad. It seems to follow a ratio of every 3 pins come with 5 ads surrounding them. I don’t even use the home page anymore because I never find anything I like- only people trying to sell you something. But maybe I could deal with the ads if the new violation rules weren’t so frustrating. They’ve come up with new guidelines (probably to cover themselves in case someone wants to sue them for having inappropriate content on a website where kids could see it) & they are ridiculous & block out so much harmless stuff that makes no sense. Gone are the days where Pinterest could be a fun safe haven. Now it’s a ridiculously regulated & run app. Every single day I'm getting violation reports on pins that are not sexual, or graphic at all. All the edits I’ve uploaded are muted & there’s no way to saved them with the sound so I can store them elsewhere. There’s a 50/50 chance that an innocuous pin I save (not even updated myself but just saved) will be flagged out of nowhere & get my entire account that has amassed 16k followers deleted. I never write reviews but I’ve finally been pushed to my limit because I am so sick of losing so many great pins over nothing. The app is a chore & we are all sick of it. Go back to old pinterest!!!
  • I love the app but

    Sometimes a pin I saved will suddenly say that I was the one that posted it, but I haven’t actually posted anything on Pinterest. I just use it to look at pictures. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem but I just got an email about one of the pins I had saved being disabled due to Copyright Infringement. Again, I have never posted. Thankfully it seems like the email has only stated that the pin is disabled so no actual issues were done to me or my account. Unless it’s a misunderstanding on my part, I’m getting concerned about whether this will end up with my account or myself being punished due to not knowing who the original poster was.

    I have been using Pinterest for a while and have never been able to use the app without there being some sort of bug taking place in the app. For ex., the filter in your saved pins that you can try to use while trying to even use the filter to search always has a connection error. But that’s not why I’m writing this review. I always use the Home Feed Tuner section in the Settings to browse which pins I have looked at. Usually I’m able to click on the pin with no problem since the pins, which you’ve looked at that appear in the home feed tuner are able to be looked at only when they have a -checkmark- in a box next to the compact pin next o all the others which have the same. RECENTLY, it has not been working as something to look at for a history tool because I cannot look at my pins I have clicked on because the box with has the checkmarks automatically placed in them have all my pins hidden, so I CAN’T LOOK AT THE PINS FREELY WITHOUT RE-CHECKING THE BOXES MANUALLY, MAKING IT KICK ME OUT OF THE HOME FEED TUNER SECTION AND UPDATING MY FEED WHEN ALL I WANTED TO WAS TO LOOK AT THE PIN. I used the HFT as something I could see a pin I clicked on before the Pinterest refresh could get to it. Now, when I try to see any pin I have to check in the box myself, making it tune my feed so that I see less pins like the one I checked in just so I could see it closer. Hopefully I could get some help on this topic so it could go back to being browsing history for me.

    I have been using Pinterest for a while and have never been able to use the app without there being some sort of bug taking place in the app. For ex., the filter in your saved pins that you can try to use while trying to even use the filter to search always has a connection error. But that’s not why I’m writing this review. I always use the Home Feed Tuner section in the Settings to browse which pins I have looked at. Usually I’m able to click on the pin with no problem since the pins, which you’ve looked at that appear in the home feed tuner are able to be looked at only when they have a -checkmark- in a box next to the compact pin next o all the others which have the same. RECENTLY, it has not been working as something to look at for a history tool because I cannot look at my pins I have clicked on because the box with has the checkmarks automatically placed in them have all my pins hidden, so I CAN’T LOOK AT THE PINS FREELY WITHOUT RE-CHECKING THE BOXES MANUALLY, MAKING IT KICK ME OUT OF THE HOME FEED TUNER SECTION AND UPDATING MY FEED WHEN ALL I WANTED TO WAS TO LOOK AT THE PIN. I used the HFT as something I could see a pin I clicked on before the Pinterest refresh could get to it. Now, when I try to see any pin I have to check in the box myself, making it tune my feed so that I see less pins like the one I checked in just so I could see it closer. Hopefully I could get some help on this topic so it could go back to being browsing history for me.
  • Pinterest my Beloved

    I love you Pinterest 🫶🏼 But on a more serious note, Pinterest has always been a place of inspiration for me. A lot of my art motivation came from the community of posts left by fellow artists that always amazed me so much. I think this app is so good for that and so many other topics besides art! Fashion inspo?? Cooking reccomendations??? Not to mention being able to organize your boards to the littlest details?!? For me, that is a huge winner. Some problems may be related to how there isn’t much of any control over people reposting artists’ creations claiming it to be their own art. Although that happens on every single platform, I feel like it happens way more on this app. If something could be done about that, it would be very beneficial to the art community!!! As for content that gets deleted due to violations to the community guidelines.. I must say, it seems a bit unreasonable to make a rule that bans people who may have saved it in their board(s)? I feel like it’s a bit unreasonable, since the one truly at “fault” is technically the person who posted the content? It doesn’t seem right to point fingers at the people who may have unknowingly saved it maybe during a rough patch or just not knowing what crosses the guidelines. A lot more young people use Pinterest much more than you’d think. So yeah!! Great app, hope my reccomendations for this great app makes a change!! 💕

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