Pinterest User Reviews

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  • “Improvements” weaken the app

    I’ve been a long time user of Pinterest, about 12 years now. I love the purpose of Pinterest, it combines three things I love in one place: pretty visuals, inspiration and organisation. Although it’s a social media app I don’t do it for the followers, this is a pretty useful app more than a social engagment one.

    Which is why I find it unusual that Pinterest has adopted trends from other social media apps that just make them increasingly terrible to use. Pins as reels has got to be one of the biggest flaws of the app, and the aggressive ad placements throughout is quite frustrating. I know that all social media apps’ one goal is monetization and engagement and these things keep people on the website or app for longer but I implore Pinterest to consider whether it’s positive engagement or just another thing that’s going to make people associate the app with time wasting.

    Let’s go back to the simplicity of Pinterest being a digital pinboard for static imagery.
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  • Update idea / feedback

    Pinterest has to be one of my all time favourite apps ever to go on, listening to music while making boards and just scrolling enjoying the pretty pictures has to be one of my favourite things to do, like a hobby you really like doing.

    I think one of the best updates Pinterest could ever do is if you could put sections in a section on the boards. I’ll explain so you can maybe understand more if you don’t, basically imagine you are just making a board on Pinterest and you have it dedicated to something that you like and all the sections are different. Like you make a board dedicated to yourself say and you name it like “me core” or something like that and all you sections are like “people” and “lookalikes” but what ruins it would be you can’t put a section in the section naming said people and lookalikes. This would be a look easier for people to use and I would be very pleased if you took this idea into consideration. Thank you.
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  • so many ads it’s distracting

    I love pinterest so much and it’s the perfect social media that isn’t overwhelming. but recently, every single scroll there’s been 1 or 2 ads. I was completely fine when they were dotted in, but now it’s the exact same ads over and over again to the point when i can’t use the app for its purpose without noticing the amount of ads there are. This app is so great, I love it heaps but i feel like surely this many ads aren’t needed for profit. Please reduce the ratio of ads to actual pins! it almost feels like it’s 50/50. Thanks for an amazing app though.
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  • Good app.

    I really like this app. It’s quite easy to use really! Just sign up with google, apple, or just email; your in! All of your info is safe and you can start scrolling. There is also an introduction so that your feed is full of things you’ll actually see/watch/do/like!
    An actual review will have a few complaints though. I was scrolling right, and then the screen turned black. I was really confused because this app is something I use all the time since I don’t have TikTok or Instagram. (I’m on mobile) I had to refresh the app and it was brand new? I’m really confused and the thing is that it happens regularly! It happens every time I use the app in fact!
    Next complaint. (This has only happened twice) I opened the app right, and then I saw my feed, it turned black again. So because it happened regularly I just refreshed my page. But to my surprise I had been logged out! I was so scared that I could be hacked or even worse! But I logged in perfectly??
    I must say, this app is splendid but there are loads of bugs and glitches in the app. Thanks for reading!
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  • Real time decay

    I’ve been a Pinterest user since 2011 so I’ve seen all of the changes of the app for over a decade. Usually the updates Pinterest made in the past has been for the better and I believe that is why they have been able to keep up with the ever changing social media landscape. However, in the past few years they have gone too far.
    The thing that bothers me the most is that I never get update about the people I follow anymore. I never seen them in my home feed or my notifications, so I don’t know what they are pinning so it makes following people moot because the homepage has become for suggested pins and pinfluencers. And I don’t my the pushing of influencers and suggested pins I just wish we would also be able to see the people we follow. Getting rid of the follow tab was a bad move.
    Second, when I search for something it doesn’t show me pins based on what I search but rather it shows pins from topics that I’ve already looked at.
    As a result, I’m less inclined to use pinterest, because it just doesn’t function anymore. It’s sad because it used to be my favorite social media app with the other’s not even coming close. And not only for me but my friends as well. It was a way for us to bond and share ideas to each other. But now I don’t even know if any of us use it as much. I would love an new update where they correct these things but I don’t see that happening so until then I’m just not going to use the app as much as I did.
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  • Weird lasso outline now

    Ive used pinterest for years, never had a problem with it, absolutely love it. But just a week or so ago my phone had updated the app and now every time i click on a pin whatever is the focal point of the image gets outlined by this little dashed line for a couple seconds and goes away. I know that sounds like not to big an issue but it seriously obstructs the whole feel of pinterest😅 After a while of clicking through pins it gets extremely irritating seeing it outline something on literally every single pin i click on. I do not need every object in an image outlined. I dont need the focal point of a painting outlined. This doesnt imrove the user experience in any way. This feature could already be accessed before with the little scissor and search icons in the bottom right of the pin, at least then it was in our control and we could choose whether or not we want it to pop up.
    Ive searched up on multiple sites, looked to see if anyone else had this problem and apparently its been going on couple months now. It wouldn't be too bad if there was a way to turn it off but so far no one has found a lasting solution. Please fix this pinterest! I have loved this app for a long time now but i find myself using it less and less with this new update.
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  • good app, very annoying design

    this is a really useful app, and it’s pretty fun. but there are just so many little design things that make this app very annoying to use sometimes. why can’t i scroll through all of my boards on the top of the home screen? why is a pin still saved to my board when it gets deleted by the creator or removed? why when i’m looking at ideas for a board in full screen do i need to tap save and THEN tap which board? why isn’t there a button next to the save button that saves it to the board that i’m looking at ideas for? why does it make me scroll through all of the images of some of the ads when i’m in full screen? if i didn’t want to see the ad i could go out of full screen and skip it, so why do i have to do that at all? why do i see so many duplicates? surely there is some sort of program that can filter out pins i’ve already seen/saved? why can’t i use dark mode on the pc version? why isn’t there a paid, ad-free version? also you can still see deleted pins by pressing the edit pin button, should probably sort that one out. i’m sure there are answers to some of these questions but those answers, if they exist, should be made much more clear.
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  • Freezing, Glitching, & Too many Ads

    Please fix the glitching and freezing. I tap on a pin to view and it freezes. I would also like it if I don’t see so many ads—it’s more than just every other pin sometimes. Also I will delete a board and then if I try to recreate/remake another board just like the one I deleted I get a message saying, “you cannot make a board with this title because you just recently deleted a board with the same name.” So I just add an extra letter somewhere in the spelling to sort of fix the problem but at the same time this does not completely fix it. Another glitch on one of my boards I don’t have the more ideas option for some reason. Also I had my screen to go almost completely black while I was looking through some pins and I didn’t know why it went black. All I was doing was viewing a pin and the screen went black. This concerned me because I thought my phone was shutting down but as I said it went almost completely black and all I saw was the save button. Also, I have at least two boards that are private and now they continue to show all pins even though I have had them on private for months—the new private boards I make also don’t actually end up being private. Lastly, I go to view my followers and the ones I follow and sometimes it won’t let me scroll to the bottom of the list. I would appreciate if these problems could be fixed and everything starts to work more smoothly.
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  • Driving away your users

    The new policies and using ai to monitor the platform is causing so many people to either lose their accounts from faulty reports or consider leaving Pinterest entirely. The new CEO wants it to be a shopping site which isn’t even the reason why Pinterest grew so popular in the first place, and now there’s an insane amount of scammy ads which just makes it difficult to use. You don’t have to be experienced in marketing to understand that frustrating and ignoring the needs of your audience is actually gonna cause you to lose money as a company, because people will just end up deactivating their accounts if they haven’t been auto-banned already. Just from taking a few minutes to read through the r/pinterest subreddit I found so many people who are struggling with the exact same things I am. And I mean HUNDREDS of people talking about how completely normal, safe, appropriate pins they’ve saved have been removed because, guess what, ai can’t correctly or accurately tell the difference between normal/sfw and explicit/harmful content. Not that the CEO cares though since he’s been deleting people’s comments with complaints on Twitter. If things don’t change for the better, chances are Pinterest will lose a lot of users and therefore lose revenue from getting too greedy, which I’d hate to see because I used to love the platform. Stop relying on tech bros and ai systems and start actually caring about the people who support you as a company.
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  • Wish I could save videos

    It’s an amazing app for entertainment and it has everything. If you look something up you’ll easily find it. I love how I can save photos to my phone but it would be great if I could save videos because some of my friends and family don’t have Pinterest and if I want to send them a video of if there I can’t. If they don’t want Pinterest they shouldn’t be forced to download it just to watch a video. If you could make it so we can save videos too that would be great. Overall it’s an amazing app and I definitely recommend it if you need some source of entertainment or if you want to look something up it’s easy to find on there. I find absolutely everything on here and I think you will too. If you need ideas or are bored Pinterest has it. Personally it’s way better than Tik Tok with the environment. I’ve had the app for a good while now and all the time I have seen barely any people fighting in the chat and if your scared that people are going to talk bad about your post you can turn the comments off which is amazing. I hope you try it out I think it’s a good app for everyone all though there is one more thing. I think Pinterest needs to check their ads. A lot of the ads I get are inappropriate or they make me feel very uncomfortable. The ads are WAY worse than the actual post people make. I don’t think they should have ads like that on there. Anyone shouldn’t see stuff like that.
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