Pinterest User Reviews

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  • My favorite social media because it is just media without the social !

    Pinterest has been my favorite app since I was in middle school (I’m in college now) I have boards for mental health/psychology, different aesthetics I’m into like cottagecore, a board for art reference/art how -to guides. It’s honestly just the best. The recommended pins on the home page are so well curated to the individual and so easy to manage if you see something you don’t like, no other social media actually stops showing you the things you don’t want to see, on Instagram filtered words don’t filter anything etc It’s just so calming :)) A few irritating things were recently added though, I really don’t like being prompted with “get notified when there are posts like this one !!” So often when I pin something, On a smaller level the pin button has changed and now the icon is like the universal save icon but guys. It’s called PINterest, people understand that they’re PINNING things, there’s no need to change it to being called saving it’s not saveterest😭I just miss the little pin icon Pinterest updates so often I hope they change it back, in the past I’ve seen a lot of irritating changes be undone so I’ve always felt like they actually care about how pleasant the app is to use :))

    Update✨ they changed it back to the pin icon I am so relieved and happy 🥹💕💕
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  • Over all great app

    First of all, Pinterest is an amazing app. Similar to other social and influencer’s apps like TikTok, Instagram and many more but different. I love how you can view things for sale on the app, but there is a slight problem. For instance, if you live in Japan and are viewing clothes that a company is selling in America, below the picture it would say “$13” or something close to that. But if you click to visit the company’s website it would now be in Yen. It isn’t really a problem but if you could, please fix it. I also enjoy that you can personalise watch you want to view on Pinterest. For example, there is different choices of what you would like to see on your For you page when you first sign up. You also add your age (which is on private) so you can view the appropriate posts. I recommend Pinterest for someone who enjoys socialising with people and sharing videos and photos. Though i am still figuring out how to post a clip, it's quite fun seeing what people think about your life, by wether they like, comment or follow. Pinterest is also good for introverts who might enjoy cute cats, skin care routines or many other things. I hope you enjoy Pinterest as much as i do!
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  • It’s getting worse

    So I’ve been having issues with product’s constantly pushed in my face with every single art piece that pops up but whatever I will live until I figure out how to fix that or it get updated out. I’ve run into a major problem for me. I can’t share my account and it is basically in forced ghost mode because of the new age policy and what not. I was trying to make a colab bored with a friend and every time she tried to join it would say it didn’t exist. I tried to fix it with no luck and I then went maybe my birthday is wrong and that’s causing me problems so I go and have a look. It says a day in May of 2008. My birthday isn’t in May and sure as heck isn't 2008 I’m older than that. My birthday had been set when I made the account a year or two ago and had been correct but guess what dear old Pintrist goes and does that reset my birthday and now want me to show them legal documents to fix it. I’m not showing random people my legal information like my birth certificate just to fix the age that they reset. I’m running into constant problems and it’s really sad because I love this app but can no longer use it as easily as before. Sorry for my long rant just wanted to share my thoughts on the new policy and how it is causing me more harm than good.
    TLDR: Pinterest wants to see a birth certificate to fix the issue with my age they caused.
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  • Small feature I am unhappy with

    Don't get me wrong, Pinterest is wonderful and one of my favorite apps. I use it all the time, everyday, for anything and everything. However there’s one feature I am a bit irritated by. You can’t post videos without a business account. I personally don’t have a business, but I would still like to post some videos or edits or whatever I want to on this app. I love how you are free to post photos, me and my friend both love to sketch and draw them share our art across the Pinterest platform. But I also love to make some edits and videos about book characters or tv shows and stuff, and it irritates me when I get reminded I may not post videos just because I do not have a business account. Many people have guides on how to turn your account into a business account or how to create a business account in the first place. But for some reason, it’s not giving me the option to convert my account into a business account like it is to others. But I very much do not want to make a new account because I have had Pinterest for so long now I would want to post videos on my actual everyday account. Not some other account I rarely use. So lesson of this review, if your gonna get Pinterest and think you might want to post videos today or some day, make a business account.
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  • I love this app but there are some annoying bugs

    I’ve been using Pinterest for a while now and I really enjoy it. I love looking at all the cool art people post and it’s so good for inspiration in any category. But-and I don’t know if this is happening to a lot of people or just me-my account is existing…but like it’s also not existing. What I mean is I can see my account directly but when I click on my followers button nothing shows up even though i know I have followers. And whenever I click on my following button they all show up (except specifically my four friends who I’m following for some weird reason) but when I click on their followers, I’m not there. I know they wouldn’t unfollow me because it all happened at the same time one day randomly (and I know some of them anyway). Also, sometimes I get logged out for some reason, and it’s pretty annoying. One more thing: I recently decided to rearrange most of my pins into new boards, but I have a lot of pins, so it’s getting a little glitchy. Sometimes when I move a big amount of pins to my new board, they’ll appear on the new board, but they’re still on the board the were originally on apparently?? Also one of my mini boards is empty, and it says I have 113 pins left in it, but nothing is showing up. It’s weird. Overall, this app is great, but pls fix these bugs, thanks.
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  • Love pinterest but i have a BIG problem

    I love scrolling on pinterest for hours and getting inspiration for my pins. I always look forward to seeing how my account grows and being able to share pictures with others. Although, recently I have developed an issue. My account is completely gone as if it wasn’t an account to begin with. I am still logged in and can post pins & save others pins to my boards BUT when I look at my following list and click on a account that I knew followed me back, my account is no where to be found. As you know it’ll say “That’s you!” but for me my account is nowhere in the list. My views on my pins have also lowered drastically. I also get notifications of people saving my pins but once I click on my updates page it isn’t showing up. I haven’t gotten a update for almost a week now. I have emailed pinterest twice already and they are doing the best they can but I wanted to post this review to see if anyone else had this sort of problem. To add to this, I did have one of my pins say “copyrighted” so it went against community guidelines but that was after everything started to happen. I hope this goes away soon because I truly do love spending my time on this app and like I said really look forward to seeing my account grow. My account is glcrygirl and i’m hoping that this issue only lasts for a few days.
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  • Great app but…

    I love Pinterest so much I used to use it everyday until I got deactivated about 2 weeks ago. I emailed them twice and they said they would review my account but 2 weeks just passed so I emailed them again just now. Come to find out, other people are also getting there account deactivated for no reason or for the wrong reason. Also having to spam the life outta Pinterest just to get their attention to get their account back; because for some reason Pinterest just ignores you in this dire situation. I myself got mine deactivated for NO REASON at least it wasn’t explained why it got deactivated. It’s extremely wild that this is happening and Pinterest are just ignoring people who are trying to get their attention to get their account back. I know it might seem like me and other people are overreacting but Pinterest is truly such a fun app, and having that taken away for no reason is so frustrating. This shouldn’t be happening and it should never happen. I know it could be a mistake by bot reviewers but bot reviewers should not be able to deactivate or suspend accounts. Bot reviewers should only be able to report their triggers to a human reviewer and let that human reviewer decide what’s actually happening. Overall this app is amazing but this is the only thing that vexes me, truly. (Sorry if there were any grammatical errors I’m kinda stressed out from this.)
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  • Love Pinterest, not the updates

    I’m an avid “pinner.” I spend time on the app each day and love to go over all of my pins. I visit it for pretty much anything I want to do. One of the few updates I’ve really liked has been the notes feature. I’ve enjoyed being able to plan on the things I’m saving pins for while in the boards. It’s been nice having the ability to do all of this work on the Pinterest app instead of having to switch to another platform to organize my thoughts. However, when I opened the app today, I was notified that I had just 2 days to screenshot my notes before they/the feature would be deleted. First, this is very short notice for those that don’t use the app everyday (I did not get a similar message when pinning yesterday). Second, I cannot see the issue with having a notes feature. If users don’t wish to engage this feature, it’s easy to ignore. I don’t use notes for all of my boards, but I’m certainly not bothered by the ability to do so. The only potential issue I could maybe see is that the design of the space for the notes button takes up too much space, but it fits just fine next to the more ideas and organize buttons. If this is the issue, create a small design or a drop down menu (though this is less accessible), but please restore/keep this feature!
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  • The Updates

    I’ve been a pinterest user for over two years now. I had grown a following and community on the app and I was absolutely obsessed with everything about it. It barely qualified as social media because everyone on there was so nice and funny and anything inappropriate could be shut down with a touch. The downfall of Pinterest began with the update about comments. Creators had to edit every single one of their old pins so that our followers could make their silly comments on our silly posts. It just made the app harder to use and that was it. The update for teenagers changed everything. I couldn’t access any of my boards because there were shared with other people, even though me and the other board members were over 16. All of my followers that had been under 16 couldn’t do anything so I lost a huge number of monthly views. Now the sudden change where you click a pin and it takes you to “more ideas like this”? WE DIDNT WANT THIS. THIS ISNT PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT. The rules about teenagers on Pinterest is understandable but I hope you change them, such as making it so that we can see what our age on Pinterest is or who our followers are. The update I lastly addressed should just be reversed altogether. I don’t understand it and it just makes it harder to see smaller text pins and videos. Please change back Pinterest, we miss the old you.
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  • Having an Irritating Issue

    I have use Pinterest for a while now. And I recently started having this problem, and by recently I mean today. I came here to look and see if anyone else was having this problem and I saw a lot of reviews discussing other various issues many others are facing. I am myself and having a unique one and I haven’t found a review on it yet, so I decided to write one. I have not yet found out how to fix it and it’s really irritating. Basically whenever I click on a pin, whether it’s when I’m looking to save it or when I’m just going to have a closer look it only brings up a page titled “More Like This” and the pin I was looking for is nowhere to be seen so I can’t take a closer look or even just see like who made it or who posted it. it’s really annoying as a writer I like looking at the smaller details and making sure that I can see everything that’s going on and just being able to collect my ideas, this is really agitating. The only way for me to even save the pin is to press down and hold on it but then when I go to my account to look at it, it’s still pops up the “More Like This page”. On all my boards, all my pins, and even one I don’t have saved. I’ve tried closing out my apps, I’ve tried shutting down my device but nothings working. This needs to be fixed and looking at the amount of other problems people have been talking about, something’s really wrong . Please fix this.
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