Pinterest User Reviews

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  • Love Pinterest but...

    I absolutely love Pinterest, I use it daily and it's super useful. Plus I've had it for years. Although recently within the last few updates its been making me want to stray away from the app. I use Pinterest on my phone and my iPad, but mainly my iPad. And I can't click onto photos and videos without it showing me 'More like this' and I can't actually see the post this includes pins I have saved on my boards. I like Pinterest the way it is and I understand that developers are trying to find ways to make Pinterest 'better' but these last few updates including when my boards we're disabled for a while because of a 'Teen safety' campaign, reallt have just made me want to use the app less and less. I think it would be better if they just leave it the way it was and only change things that would actually make Pinterest better. This may just be me and a few other people but this is just my opinion.

    Thank you 💕
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  • Not working right

    Can’t open pins. Just keep getting “more like this” pages.
  • The new update

    It is my favourite app and I just love finding exactly what I am looking for whenever I need it. Pinterest is perfect! However I have one problem.. recently there is a new update for accounts under 16 years old are to be made private and some boards disabled. This is not necessary for Pinterest to do as I believe it is such a safe space already. I am particularly annoyed with the restriction and the accounts being made private as some people are no longer able to see my acc at all. My girlfriend and I have board for each other that we can look at but now she is no longer able to view my account! This is really heartbreaking as our first way of communicating our feelings was through our pins we had saved and sent to each other. I also have looked up to see if anyone else is having difficulties and are unimpressed, there is quite a lot. The update may have had good intentions but the functionality of Pinterest is now broken. I urge to you remove the update and keep private account and option. I will continue to support the app but this change is disappointing. Hopefully you take action.

    Kind regards,
    a beloved Pinterest user 💜
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  • Ridiculous new policy

    I have been using Pinterest since I was 12 and absolutely love it. But they recently put in place a new policy meaning that all users under the age of 16’s account is made private and all boards shared with under 16’s will be disabled until all collaborators are 16. This is ridiculous, I am now 16 turning 17 and have had over half my boards, most I use for school, disabled. All my friends and board collaborators on Pinterest are all over 16 as well, yet our shared boards are lost. I am a VCE student and a lot of my subjects require evidence of though process and collaboration, this new feature means I cannot access the boards I use for the subjects and inhibits my ability to provide evidence and injures my study score and grade. I also lost a lot of boards for my passions of art and fashion, which I share with friends, and they are lost too. I’m taking about 5 YEARS worth of pins GONE. Pinterest is meant to be a place where users with common interests, likes and hobbies and collaborate and communicate with like minded individuals. A massive portion of Pinterest users are under the age of 16 and this inhibits and isolates them from a community of common people. This entire policy is stupid, unnecessary and ridiculous. I have written complaints to the help centre and hope this policy is dissolved and removed effectively and soon.
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  • I can’t message anymore, Help?

    I love Pinterest and I have used it for years with no problems, but about a month ago I updated the app and suddenly things are going wrong. First of all, it always says that I have lots of notifications but I click on the tab and there is nothing. It’s not like people just don’t interact (explaining the lack of notifications) because I comment on lots of posts, and I always used to get quite a lot of notifications about likes or replies, so it’s really strange that I haven’t had any in the last month. But the most important issue is that I can’t message anyone. Not only have all my past messages disappeared, the whole messages tab is completely gone. At first I thought this was a privacy thing but I looked through all the settings and I couldn’t fix it. My friend told me that they tried to send me something but they couldn’t send anything to me, meanwhile when I try and send pins, there isn’t even an option to send them within Pinterest. I’ve updated the app at least three times, hoping it would be fixed, but nothing has changed. I would appreciate it if this could be sorted as I mainly use the app to send pins to my friends and I can’t do that anymore
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  • Good but not enough options to tweak feed

    I've used Pinterest for years and generally really enjoyed it. HOWEVER, I wish I could turn off entire categories of ads in feed eg all cooking ones, all meat ones ( as a vegetarian), all clothes ones ( as I don't care). Even worse now is recent move to make it a condition for you to enter your birthdate.
    Trouble is I am atypical for my age. I now get ageist jokes which bother me, ads for products I never use, concerns about health I don't care about. I'm young at heart and not stereotypical in taste. I like leading edge stuff not traditional interests. I know I'm not the only one as retirees today were the hippies in their youth. Many of us still have that attitude.
    I'm wondering what I'm missing now in my feed because some algorithm has decided I wouldn't be interested.
    There has been much discussion in how much info companies REALLY need about you with all the identity theft around. So is birthdate really necessary. I am person not an age. Even if they are fixed in asking a year, do they need to store the month and day of birth.. does the month or day change my preferences???
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  • Message feature not working

    Personally, I love Pinterest. I would rate it five stars, however, since the new update, my message feature hasn’t been working. I found that this is the case for my friends as well, as we can’t see users we would like to message and it shows up as blank. When you search up a user to message, it shows as “this conversation could not be created.” Did you guys delete this feature or is this a bug? This is on iPhone by the way, on computer you can’t see the message option at all. Please add the feature back! Or please fix this bug, thank you so much. 🙏🙏🙏
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  • Deactivated

    I have been using Pinterest for some time now and have found the content interesting most of the time, while there are some things on it that maybe shouldn't be. A lot of content is repeated. While the app is good, I did an update recently and found my account had been deactivated for unknown reasons. My issue is the lack of customer service when I used the contact link to appeal the deactivation. No reason for deactivation was given leaving me a bit confused. I don’t post anything to Pinterest and don’t spam either, so I have no idea why my account was deactivated. Is has been more than 48 hours since I contacted Pinterest vis their contact page. No response has been received, I could not operate a business that leaves customers hanging and wondering what happened. It’s a good thing I don’t have a business that uses Pinterest, it would not be a viable way to advertise if the account just gets deactivated without reason. That’s the only issue I have is the difficulty and time wasted trying to get the account reactivated.
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    I love Pinterest so so much! you can find so many things you like/enjoy what to watch, you can make businesses, DM/make new friends and talk about what you enjoy! ^^ but three problems! now I don’t know if this is just because my quality is bad but when I post a video like the first 20 seconds of it its so blurry! is that just my problem or pinterest!? and another! The DM bit is not working, even if you have permission to dm this person is says to fail conversation, and its not just me. its many others! three, if I get a notification from pinterest and I check it out it comes up with nothing like I never got a message which is very annoying as since it could be like a question etc. so can you please fix this I would really appreciate it! ^^ thank you so much! I do love this app! :D 4 stars! (might change to 5 if you could fix the DM problem and the notification thing ^^)
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  • amazing until recently…

    i’ve been using pinterest for so long and i spend so much time on pinterest so it’s kinda frustrating because this has never happened before. i upload/post things on my pinterest feed and i never get notifs when someone comments on my stuff so whenever i look randomly that’s when i find them. yesterday i was scrolling through my posts and i noticed i had some comments so i went to go like them and the “liked by creator” never showed up like it usually does. i thought nothing of it and tried highlighting the comment and a message came up on my screen saying “something went wrong on our end. sorry about that.” i replied to the comment and when that person responded to me, i tapped on the notif and it brought up MY post but had a DIFFERENT user name on it when it was MINE. and now whenever i look at what’s supposed to be MY comments, OTHER creators comments show up but again, with MY pictures that i upload. I’ve logged out, deleted the app and reinstalled it and it still continues to do this. i recently uploaded something and when someone commented, i liked their message and the “liked by creator” showed up but it still won’t for my older posts. i tried ignoring it but it’s really frustrating and i hope pinterest fixes this soon. i really don’t want to delete everything and re-upload it or delete my account entirely.
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