Pinterest User Reviews

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  • High Praise, but why change the feed on ‘following’ to single pix?

    I note the feed for ‘home’ is thankfully the same as before, with multiple pix across the page, but the feed for ‘following’ is single, large format pix., making it difficult to consume many photos for time spent. Please, please change this back! That said, I have been a long-time Pinterest user and have seen it go through a lot of changes. I have to say they have been pretty responsive to requests, overall. You can now opt between suggested pin feed, or feed from people you follow. You can once more arrange boards to suit. You can also choose how you want to view boards, 3 across, 4 across, or a page of small thumbnails. Also, as many Secret boards as you like. Something for everyone. It used to be far more social, as far as associating people with their pins, even when they were re-pinned...although problems sprang up with people being very protective about the artistry of their boards and discouraging people from pinning more than a few pins a day, and so things changed. I agree with many that the promoted pins can be a bit much, and I would prefer not being automatically taken to a site. Still, it is a great app and still allows for lots of creativity and enjoyment.
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  • PinterestLover

    I have had Pinterest for more than three years now, and I love it. In fact, like many millions of others, I am a Pinterest addict. I haven’t been crazy about some of the changes made to the app, but I’m still pinning madly. I do have one comment to make though, about the age group for which Pinterest is recommended. I have seen images and content offensive to adults. Definitely not suitable for children under 15, and some, shouldn’t be viewed by anyone younger then 18. The new order of comment paragraphs is confusing, with the last at the top. Instinct is to read from the top of the page, but now you need to go down to find your first comment.I find it amusing that you inform me you’ve deleted a pic because of copyright, and show me a photo of a bowl of soup. What was the actual complaint about? The photo of a bowl of soup? The ingredients used to make the soup were stolen? Ha ha, guys, your random computer generated pics to send as cover for what you actually deleted, are hilarious. But when you send a pic of something I would not have pinned in a fit, that’s a bit disconcerting...
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  • Great app, but

    Sometimes when attempting to scroll through a board after rearranging it, the scrolling is oddly difficult—significantly slower and more limited than usual, and when I stop touching the screen it scrolls up of its own accord. There doesn’t seem to be a reason for this.

    The activity page is just awful. Not only do I now not get to see the boards to which my pins were saved, but now they’re swamped with recommended “related” pins—a feature I can already access from an excessive number of alternate means. Let me see the boards to which my pins were saved, and cut the recommendations in the activity feed. No one wants them there.

    The process to reorder and personalise pins in their boards is cumbersome. To move a single pin I need to click it, click reorder, and then wait for the board to load, and then I have to scroll to find the pin, and only *then* can I move it—and after all that, the preview doesn’t show the end result of the change in the actual board itself, so you don’t know how it looks until you save it. This process used to be so simple; just a tap and hold to drag it into place. Why was it changed?
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  • Still great!

    I love Pinterest and the app has made it so convenient for me to be able to save the things I like onto boards. Not only that but I can always find creative inspiration for my next art project or meal! It’s like having an online memory box where I can look back years and see how my tastes have changed and evolved. Plus I’ll stumble onto an old project, recipe, or general pin that I like and be able to use it again!
    The only thing that I would change about the app is a feature that has pulled up in the newest updates. For example, when I search “brunch ideas” there is a button on the lower center portion of the screen that says “Refine”. While I can appreciate the concept for it, it’s more of an annoyance to have it on top of where I’m scrolling to look at pins. I think it would be a better fit at the top of the screen in the same section as the search bar so that it eliminates the issue of a button covering part of my pins. It’s a small issue, however it can become quite cumbersome when I don’t want to refine anything. Even if there was a way to turn it off/close it when I don’t want it, that would be great! So far I haven’t been able to find out how to do that.
    Even with this, I still love the app!
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  • Over all the stuff that I don’t follow but am forced to look at!

    I use to love Pinterest. It was my favorite. I chose what I wanted to look at. Then they started changing things and changing things more and more. Made us have to look at their stupid ads and suggested posts. Now it has gotten to the point to where 90 percent of everything is ads and suggested posts-guess what I don’t want to see what you have suggested. I want to see what I want to see-what I chose to follow. There is no way to remove the crap and even if you report and remove the incessant ones, they just add that many more. Here’s a little tip-I do not want to see and have no interest in pins that are in a foreign language and I have to look at them constantly. So I’m really getting over Pinterest. Add in the fact that I can’t see who pins what anymore-I like seeing when the people I follow that I like have pinned something but now I can’t tell because it’s blank where a user use to be listed. Every update it gets worse and I find myself getting on Pinterest less and less. I am quickly losing my interest in Pinterest. They need to go back to letting people control what they look at. I could understand having some ads but the amount of content on my board that I didn’t follow has gotten way out of control. If it doesn’t get any better and I keep getting pins in foreign languages then I will just quit using it. I hope it improves soon. If not then I will stop using it.
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  • I have three things that I would like fixed

    First of all Pinterest has WAY to many adverts on it now. Every time I go onto Pinterest a million of the exact same ads just it me in the face and I don’t want to use Pinterest anymore because of it. The second thing is that when I try to zoom in on pins the screen just freezes and I have to go out of Pinterest in order to continue using it. The third and final thing is that when I try to reply to a comment, the ‘add’ button is covered up by the bar at the bottom of the screen. This is very annoying and means that I can’t reply to any questions or thank people for nice replies and stuff like that. I don’t like using the app as much anymore because it just isn’t what I would expect (nor want) from an app as big as Pinterest. really hope that these things get fixed and that I can enjoy your app once more. Hope you understand and help me to enjoy Pinterest again.
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  • ALL Ads & Algorithm. NO (real) friends

    The Sponsored Pins are out of control. I see sponsored content more than I see my own friend’s post (and I mean face-to-face friends). On multiple occasions the sponsored posts have opened without any intentional interaction on my part; just from my scrolling through the app or when searching for something. But I have to put an effort just to see what an individual friend’s personal activity/recent pins. I feel like a creep. And now I’m getting told “Hire an interior designer from [sponsor]” when I’m just tryna look at a bookcase! That’s too far.
    I’ve been on Pinterest since it’s was invite only and now it’s overcrowded with multi-level marketing schemes and aggressive sponsored ads posing as real pins. I miss seeing my REAL life friend’s posts, not just what some AI algorithm thinks I want. And what’s up with the pop-up asking “did you find what you were looking for?”, why do you need an answer when I don’t even know what I was looking for? It’s just as uncomfortable as having a sales associate invading your personal space and following you around the store tryna make a sale sell when you’re just trying look around. That behavior is what keeps people from making a purchase or coming back again.

    Now I’m concerned with how my data is being used. Don’t pull a Facebook Pinterest, I’d hate to see you go down like them and lose the trust of your users.
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  • What’s up with the ads?! Please go back to how it was

    I love Pinterest, hours could easily go by without realising as I browsed the app, finding useful tips and beautiful pictures. It’s always been a fantastic and resourceful tool as is. When you first removed the ‘like’ button, it was a bit frustrating as it was useful but I soon got used to its absence. Then you said you will be getting rid of the explore page which is again frustrating because sometimes when you don’t know what to browse, you can select from the available categories and get inspired. But now worst of all, there are a ridiculous amount of ads that I’m not interesting in seeing and when I say ridiculous amount, I mean every 4th image is an ad. Why are you changing Pinterest?? It was a beautiful and smooth system, now I’m just getting frustrated with what’s being shown and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels that way. Please make it go back to how it was originally. I’m all for change as long as it’s good and so far especially with this ad nonsense it hasn’t been. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!!
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  • following

    the statement below was my previous rating, till I realized that Pinterest created an old-school space under the "following" tag where I only see images from people I'm following... exactly why people fell in love with Pinterest to begin with. thank you so much for going back to the basics, and even though you still have these whack ads, they're on the "home" section, not the "following" one, so yay!!! please don't muck it up with ads on the "following" section. what you did is genius, and now everyone should be happy.

    old review: why, Pinterest? why? I don't understand why you continue to push pins from people I don't follow. I don't follow them for a reason. don't you understand that pinterest is visual therapy for many, that is, they log in and get much relief from seeing all the ideas they've pinned as well as pins from people or boards they follow. but then we see ugly images that are supposedly taken from our own interests, and they muck up the whole flow of image therapy. then I have to click "hide" one image after the other after the other until I get so sick and tired of seeing the same ugly pics and just close the app. you guys are whack.
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  • Review

    I have been enjoying all the different subjects, ideas and crafts I found on Pinterest. Great selection!!

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