Expensify User Reviews

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  • Political Pressure

    About four years ago during the last US Presidential Election, Expensify employees contacted me to pressure me into voting against a presidential candidate. I felt like this was completely inappropriate and a violation of organizational relationship with its customers... regardless of political perspective. Since then I made several attempts to close my account through email and have been met with auto responses... which is troubling since their employees were so eager to have conversation with me on political topics unrelated to their business. After multiple requests to be removed from email subscriptions and to have my account closed, I took it upon myself to close this account through their website per the auto response instructions. I am truly saddened by this because I genuinely feel they have a great product. However, I can no longer trust that this organization will respect me as a customer or a person. This is no longer a safe company to do business with.
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  • Was amazing, now terrible.

    This app used to be amazing for submitting expenses. You can make reports add things by importing your credit cards and click items on the cc and it added the receipts. It was absolutely amazing. About a year ago they changed it and your expense accounts automatically send themselves. The Problem with this is that the expense account has submitted itself to your HR manager before you’re ready for it to be submitted and before it’s complete and apparently there is no workaround for this so every Sunday whether you want to or not, the expense account is submitted. The only thing is that if there’s a dollar limit on your expense account so my expense accounts are often over $100,000. Well, it doesn’t like this, so it’ll constantly say expense account over threshold well I’m sorry how is it any of your business how much my company allows me to spend on my expense account as long as I document it? So what once was a wonderful way to keep track of expenses is now a terrible program. Skip it. Find a better program.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Missy! Sounds like you have Scheduled Submit enabled, this setting has been around for quite a while but maybe it was just enabled in your case. It is managed both at the company and personal levels. You can check if it's enabled at the personal level from the website under Settings > Policies > Individual > [Policy Name] > Reports > Scheduled Submit. If it's disabled there then that means your admin has enabled it at the company level and you'll need to reach out to your admin if you'd like them to disable it. I hope this helps!
  • Terrible Experience that has made growing my company difficult.

    I’ve had to deal with issues around an expensify card settlement for over 7 months. Despite me providing my bank statements per request 3 times they keep randomly adjusting my card limit and settlement process. Last week I started receiving notices that all of my key marketing and domain services were disabled b/c of payment denial. This was caused due to Expensify adjusting my card limit from $25k to $100. I’m literally struggling to run my business because of this and feel forced to use alternative cards. I’d understand this is I didn’t have over 800X the original limit in my bank accounts (statements provided) for the past year.

    I’ve even tried to request a call to work out the issues but have been told that messaging is the only way to resolve this.

    Very disappointed because I really wanted this to work for us. I guess the more traditional expense systems are used by most for a reason.
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  • Excellent but pricing not adequate for a simple usage

    Hi, my usage is just scanning receipts, letting the OCR and algorithm do their thing, and getting a pdf report. I do not need it to be connected to another external system or invoice, as my company has its expense tool. The trip taken is an option, I do not use it. The pdf report just accelerate my reporting process, and also give me a more advanced solution on my phone, to add info during the trip. Our company only is over 20k employees, and we all have a similar issue but don’t have a solution provided. Also, concierge seems to be a good idea but it is sometimes a little bit invisive. In that context, the pricing is wrong for the usage described usage. I would like a flat fee or a way lower subscription fee just to be able to do what I described. The app is excellent at getting the right information (some other apps are retrieving too much info, but this one is well “calibrated”). The only issue is the pricing.
    Note: it would be great to be able to “send” by email electronic receipts so that they appear in the expense section, like for online orders and Uber/Lyft trips.
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  • NEEDS AUTOSAVE + stop auto submit

    Fantastic app and website
    But for the LOVE OF GOD

    The amount of times I have entered a description or edited the category and then clicked back out to edit another (and it lets me) instead of clicking save is INFURIATING. This just feels like the kind of thing that saves automatically, since it let's yoy just exit!
    This should obviously auto save, or at the very least do the "are you sure you want to exit?" pop up cause wow if there's one thing people don't want to spend extra time doing or do correctly only for it to disappear is expenses and descriptions

    Secondly, the auto submit is extremely annoying. I want to be able to be on a biz trip and submit as I go without it trying to submit right that night! And it's not obvious how to do this / it's part of my company policy. No bro, when you create a report, just have a freaking auto submit toggle, and either way certainly notify before you auto submit. Can't believe that's still not a feature.

    Ok thx bye👋
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  • Great app but needs improvement

    The concept of this app is great and if you set it up for your needs, it’s extremely useful. However, since I’ve started using it (January 1st, 2022), it has been very slow and glitchy. Often doesn't get receipts right and it seems as if it gets overwhelmed when you have a ton of receipts to separate into different reports. Again, awesome concept. But if you don’t have patience and can’t stay on top of manually sorting receipts into the reports you want them in, this app is definitely not for you. But with that being said, not having to deal with thousands of receipts at the end of the year is great.
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  • Best online customer service ever

    I love the app too, but I just wanted to say that the Concierge chat service is hands-down the best online help service I’ve ever used. They keep going until they solve the problem and their instructions are word-for-word and so easy to follow. I have never had a question not answered nor a problem not solved even if they involve 3rd party synchronization issues where the problem is on the other end. You set the bar for online help!
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  • Two complaint

    1. when traveling in a personal car for work this software offers you the option to have it track your miles. This is very nice except that it pulls on the processor so hard that your phone heats up like an oven. I can play video game on my phone and it doesn’t even get hot. In fact even when the phone is plugged into the car charger it still decreases in battery while running this option.

    2. The second complaint is the stupid political stuff that randomly shows up when using their service. I find it unethical to charge us for a service that you use to push your political messages. Even if I agreed with the message, it’s still not ethical and you should never be seen on any “professional” service. Some people might even find this problematic as it may need to be reported as a donation to the party as advertising.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, [**username!**] Thanks for the review. We actually recommend the Create from Map option for mileage as the best approach - if you want more info on how to use this feature, please do message Concierge. You can also unsubscribe from our newsletters in your account settings, and we can help with that too!
  • A great idea that turns out to be a scam

    I’m currently in the process of reporting this company to the Attorney General of my state, Federal Trade Commission and Better Business Bureau for unethical practices. The software is a little complex and unintuitive, but once you figure out the basics it works well. They’ve changed how they bill so now I’ve been billed for 6 people for the past 3 years when I’ve had a max of two. When you contact them they won’t refund even though they confirm that only two people max have used the software for these years. I deleted the users but the reworked the system so you are still billed for them unless you change the software in a secondary setting. Like I said unintuitive. I’m an honest hardworking business that has had to borrow money to stay afloat for the past two years. This business just went public and makes 100 million a year and charged me over $2,000 for no service delivered and won’t do anything about it. Either be extremely on top of them monthly or find another more ethical business to support your company as they will gladly rip you off when they can and do nothing about it
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    Developer Response

    Hi 50 Pence, it sounds like your subscription setup was less than ideal. It sounds like you have been in touch with Concierge and hopefully have now disabled the auto-renewal and been able to review your user count to an appropriate level for your next subscription period, or set it to end. If not, please do reach out to the team so that we can make sure your subscription is set up correctly for your needs.
  • Extremely useful app and helpful concierge

    I have used this app for work in the past and found it extremely easy. I set up a free individual account for a nonprofit organization I volunteer in as the treasurer. I did this because other volunteers kept losing receipts. I had an extremely specific issue with this individual account on a Saturday at 4 pm and the concierge support team was a live person who helped. I am not paying for this app yet I still got this level of support. I think that speaks volumes to the quality of this app.
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