Beat Hazard Ultra User Reviews

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  • Flawless

    Absolutely incredible, there aren't many apps or games out there that integrate your library so well and seamlessly. Most would crash or bug out if they even tried doing as well. Brilliant fun, highly recommend to anyone who likes listening to their personal library while playing.
  • Great visuals

    and worth the asking price for that alone. as far as shooters go, it pretty good. Not the best, bust the concept and presentation is second to none. some things are weird tho. the spaceship doesn't point the way its moving, so seems to glide about, and that doesn't seem intuitive. that can be lived with. the biggest annoyance for me is the lack of music grouping options. it's just a giant list of songs. I've got a few gbs of 100s of tunes. It really needs genres and album folders.
    Whatever, for this price you'd be stupid not to get it. enjoy
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  • Better than the xbox?

    As soon as I saw this game on the app store I knew I had to get it because I had such a fun time with it on the Xbox. Who would've known it was better?! The controls are really easy to use and it suits to all players, with 5 difficulties ranging from easy to suicide. I prefer medium because I like a challenge without being too into it. Anyway this app was a great buy and I recommend it to anyone who likes games that blow your eyeballs put of your head. 5/5
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  • Omg! Flawed but Great looking game!

    I found out in order to play you have to select the menu item by scrolling up or down then tap. Weird way of doing things, I can see why people are getting confused. Really great pricing for the IAPs 3 dollars to unlock all perks?! Big props to the developers for not being IAP miners. Now the flaws. First you can't select the music you want to play in that level. Definitely needs this option, this game could be soo much fun with it. Secondly when the tempo or volume gets high in the song the bloom effect though totally awesome really makes it hard to see what you're doing or shooting. But could be just me. In any case maybe tone down the effect a little or make the enemies pulse too so you can see them better. Thirdly the direction controls are a bit hard to master for me and those enemies with the tractor beams are super annoying. Here's a tip if you're having trouble seeing your ship consider buying the gold ship option. It has an effect that helps me see it better when things get hectic. Oh! And I could really use a magnetic perk that lets you attract all the items instead of having to chase them. Thanks and great job on making a beautiful game
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  • By Jove, I think they've got it!

    I believe I noticed an early relative of this on iOS last year and seem to remember passing it up at the time as those in the know were unsure about the music algorithm performing at all well.

    Well, with this version all seems... well, well.

    My long app suffering GF and I demo'd the very different tracks we thought might push the game in interesting directions* using the differing control schemes and difficulties on offer.
    We had, as you would hope, very different shooting experiences and both noted that the other had made "little impressed faces" throughout.

    The wealth of perks, thoughtful options, and a well implemented Internet radio legitimises this as an alternate way to enjoy short blasts of music for me and I am happy to recommend it, for all that is worth.

    I am using an iTouch 4G, while my better half (typically) has a better device, a 4S, and we encountered no problems. We both paid 69p.

    * She used Black & White by Mr. Jackson while I opted for Hallo Spaceboy by Mr. Bowie - which I can confirm is one hell of a ride at later difficulties.
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  • Worth your money.

    I quite like the visualizer function on main menu. Game is a very fun to play with your music. Has the modes that are on PC version. Controls are fine, go to options for fixed controls. I found that it helps.
  • Absolute Brilliance

    Just like when I bought it for my PS3, Steam and when I had a 360, Beat Hazard is one of the most well-designed games, ever. Anything that allows me to experience MY music in unique and creative ways gets two thumbs up and a standing ovation from me. I wish I had an iPad to be able to enjoy the touch controls on a bigger screen (I've got meat slabs for fists and sausages for fingers that take up a lot of screen space). The twin stick mode works better for me than one stick, but I sincerely appreciate that feature.

    If you are looking for an incredibly addicting, challenging, and intensely fun game for your iPhone or other iOS device, this is THE game to get.

    I've been waiting on this since I first heard about it last year. I am as impressed as I am pleased. Awesome work, and you very well might have just spurred me toward buying an iPad!
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  • WOW

    visually stunning, great dual stick (single stick!) shooter. Fun to listen to epic metal songs/dubstep :)

    This game will put a huge grin on your face and command your total attention to all its awesomeness! Once you start you're not gonna stop! What are you waiting for?!
  • Buy buy buy!

    I love listening to my own music while playing something super casual but yet so well put together. Kudos to the developers on this one! Plays great, no lag (iPad 1), good control, looks great. Easily worth a couple of bucks (paid 0.99).

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