Weather Underground User Reviews

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  • Every Time I Think it can’t Get Worse…

    …it amazes me in all the wrong ways. Seriously, it used to be so good. They’ve leveraged off thousands of users’ goodwill to share their personal weather data so it could be packaged into a valuable resource - especially in places where traditional forecasting does poorly, unfortunately, since IBM/TWC took over, even the most simple functionality has taken a dive. App doesn’t update efficiently, stations don’t show up to date information (or any information), location information is wrong (the app think’s I’ve been in the middle of the South Pacific for the past several days, while stating in the title I’m in the middle of Oregon) even with app restarts, phone reboots, and even uninstalling/reinstalling, the app maintains its delusion. If this was a new company building its user base and database, I could cut them some slack, but it’s not. It used to just work (for the user, anyway). I’m sure it didn’t work for the bottom line and I’m ok with IBM figuring out how to make it profitable, but don’t break all the functionality in the process - because that’ll only ensure it never becomes profitable.
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  • A Lovely Weather Graph without Time to Reference

    Hi Wunderteam,
    Under the day or hourly forecast, the visual graphs with in depth detail of temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and more information, the is a line that gives off numerical readings except if you scroll down to access anything below temperature and feels like, you lose the date and time of what your looking at which is kind of IMPORTANT! I like the visual graph and want them to stay, just insure that the little time stamp stays with in the view of the screen making the information both usable and awesome! I think this was just over looked or accidentally forgotten as if anyone saw this, it probably would of or should of been fixed.
    Thank You Wunderteam!

    This problem is not due to me or my stuff and is out of my control:

    My phone is a Iphone 8 and updated to IOS 14.4.1 which should be fine and my Wunderground App is fully updated to what ever I can update to app wise with my version of IOS although the problem is not unique to me but rather ubiquitous to me, my mom, dad, brother, sisters, friends... who have more expensive and less expensive phones with better and worse hardware, and softwares that are at lower versions or at higher versions that that is always better. I have a diversity of app users with the same problem. Please make us happy, thank you!
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  • Most features are broken

    I’ve had this app for since 2012. It has continually lost functionality and now the ads have sound. I’m done and moving on.

    Dec 22: I haven’t been able to open the app for the last couple of days, it only stays on the splash screen. December 2019 Update: innovative? LOL not at all! The redesign is worse in literally almost every way. Information and options were removed from most features. Storm tracks in radar seem to work now but they show up as an arrow until you zoom in on them, then they actually work properly. The ability to tap on an area on the map and see all the relevant alerts for that area seems to be the only unique feature that remains. If that had broken, I would have literally no reason to continue using this app, which is the top left app on my home screen. Almost every radar feature is broken. Weather alerts don’t work at all anymore. I consider this app mostly broken.
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  • App (or it’s ability to speak to individual weather stations) no longer working

    I have really enjoyed this app
    For several years but in the last month or so, most of the weather stations on my list appear with /two dashes inside a circle/ which means the weather info is not available. This app used to be really reliable and there are two weather stations located within a mile of my house in an area of NorthernCalifornia with many microclimates which was so helpful because we are usually a 10 degree difference here than in town. Even the weather station in town shows up “unavailable” these days. As do the weather stations near the coast, 2+ hours inland at my parents place, my friends in Southern California… there seems to be no logical (to an un-sciencey person like myself) explanation or pattern. Needless to say, I’m bummed. I don’t know of another app that people can check the weather of such specific coordinates. I have been checking for app updates almost daily, hoping that one will pop up that will allow me to use the app reliably again. Am I the only one experiencing this? Is there hope?
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  • Disappointing

    I’ve been a WU subscriber for years. Like most people in the reviews, I was also disappointed at the big update about a year ago. Unfortunately, there still wasn’t a weather app that gave the amount of information I wanted, so I have still been using WU. Recently though, when I open the app, it won’t even display the temperature or any current weather info. Instead everything is appears with dashes in place of metrics saying that the information is temporarily unavailable. The website also states that premium subscriptions come with 24-hour future radar, which I don’t see anywhere in the app. The radar stops at the current time still. I wish that they kept the feature of being able to report the current weather condition where you are, because often when it is lightly raining or spritzing outside (enough for umbrellas) the app doesn’t pick that up and says it’s not raining. That type of weather was usually picked up by local reports from people on their current weather conditions. Now it’s just as useless as the other apps.
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  • Charging station owners for ad-free

    Here’s a note I wrote to WU Support: “So let me see if I have this correct ... I supply you with free data for your web and app based products. In addition to the free data, I pay for and maintain an expensive hardware/software system and pay for the bandwidth to get it to you. Then you want to charge me to see that data in an incomplete mobile app that has ads ... that has been previously free to me as a station owner. Which is especially galling after you have essentially abandoned all support for the webcam component in the latest integration of the mobile app … and soon on the website! That webcam wasn’t cheap either. Seems to me that you are biting the hand that feeds you. The Wunderground community of station owners are the heart of your business model. We are your business partners. What would happen if a majority of us decided to stop sending our data? Please honor your previous commitment to us as station owners and restore free access to the mobile app. And add back in the ability to see a stations webcam as one of the components.” Time to take my business and data elsewhere.
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  • Used to love it but…

    I used to love this app! It has a lot of great features and we, myself along with about a dozen close friends, used to use it almost exclusively. The app was great for the hourly wind direction and speed indicators, but this year the wind direction is completely wrong,if you are using an iOS product. We are boaters and the wind strength and wind direction is very important to us. Unfortunately, the only wind indicator that is correct is the original wind compass at the top, for the current time, the hourly wind direction is the complete opposite of what it should be, ALWAYS. We compared it with several of our friends; some of them using iPhones (IOS) and others that are use androids and it works correctly on the androids but it does not on any of the iPhones. I emailed the developers several months ago to make them aware of the issue, along with pictures demonstrating the problem, to which they neither answered my email nor fixed the problem. I will obviously have to search for a new app.
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  • What I miss...

    I really miss the old version of WU before version 6. Looking back at screenshots I have, it was so much cleaner but yet more feature rich. I really don't understand the change. BUGS: - Weather Station Rain Accumulation on the map shows hourly rate and not daily totals as of version 6.6.2 WHAT I LIKE: - The map and radar loads much faster in version 6 - The daily forecast graph has been improved to look more like the old one WHAT I MISS: - Ability to slide the daily forecast graph back to previous day to check precip totals - was useful for determining how much I needed to water - Single graph on main screen that you could toggle between daily / hourly / summary (although at least I can get a detailed hourly view on a separate screen) - No ads as a contributor with a personal weather station - Slide right/left to other weather locations - Landscape mode on iPhone to see the whole week forecast - Webcams to quickly check visual weather conditions - Tropical Storm / Hurricane mode - Free smart forecasts - Ability to rearrange the screen
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  • Gone Commercial

    This used to be my “go to” app for current weather and forecasts. The radar was easy to use, fast and accurate.
    For the past year though the functionality of this app has been in decline. Telling is the update history. Version 6.7 6.8 and 6.9, the most recent, only state to contact developer with suggestions or comments. The reason for this, in my opinion, is because they aren’t fixing bugs or improving performance with these releases, but instead are crippling the app with advertising and performance reductions in a bid to make you subscribe to the ad free premium.
    For example, in the past, the radar loop would load relatively fast and would loop smoothly at a speed that allowed you to visualize the speed, direction and intensity of storm development. Now the radar loads slowly and loops just as slow. Too slow for me to find it useful, or even comfortable to use.
    There’s plenty of other apps that now outperform this one, and I’ve decided to move on.
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  • What once was great now noting

    I’m finally writing a review because I don’t see things getting better. I’ve had this app since the beginning, in the past this app used to be great, a titan of meteorological information, it’s where I went to get all sources of information even aviation METAR data could be pulled up and read. It had amazing info graphics and a great source of tropical weather. Their network of weather stations and webcams made it very accurate to read and even see what the weather was like pretty much anywhere. sadly since IMB and the weather channel took it over it’s a husk of what used to be my favorite app on my whole phone, they were even making a dedicated storm app but that’s just dust now. I now have to go back to noaa and other sources just to find the info I want, the prediction and data displayed is often wrong or somewhat inaccurate, saying overcast yet it’s barely partly cloudy, I get storm warnings for a place that’s 50 miles away. This app is a general weather app now just like all the others bland and unremarkable. Even the website took a huge hit. Sad days in the kingdom fro those who remember what this used to be.
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