Weather Underground User Reviews

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  • No layout options, hourly jumps, location, privacy

    As a daily cyclist susceptible to Chicago’s ever-changing weather, I appreciate the accuracy of the hourly forecast, the one feature for which I routinely use WU over my default weather app, WeatherBug Elite. Unfortunately, there seems no way to adjust the layout, so each time I must scroll down to the hourly forecast. Even more annoying, the hourly forecast does not reliably default to the current hour. Instead, too often I find WU hourly jumps ahead two or more days, forcing additional side scrolling. It also works best with location info for the forecast, a privacy concern that also complicates getting info for a distinct microclimate (eg, Chicago’s “cooler by the lake”). Finally, although disclosed in the App Store and somewhat modifiable, the app certainly captures a lot of info for targeted marketing. All in all, some features are best in class, but it’s not especially friendly, and it’s downright intrusive.
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  • Ads, Tracking, & Less Trust

    I’ve been using the app for a long time & have been using Weather Underground as my main source of weather for over 10 years. I even have a few weather stations (home, work, etc.) that are a part of the network. That data feeds into Weather Underground and gives them awesome data and I get an ad-free experience. Or I used to. Now I have ads on my mobile phone all over the place. Tracking is by default, selling my location data, browsing habits, etc. to who knows what sketchy company. I understand that I can log into the web version and get an ad-free experience, but I don’t plan on dragging my laptop with me everywhere. It’s been known for a while that weather apps (specifically those owned under the Weather Company owned by IBM) track, mine, & sell your data. Now that I’m getting pop ups telling me how to turn OFF the tracking that I’ve already turned off because you’ve decided to turn them back on (you know, in case I’ve decided that I’m cool with being tracked), is not so cool. It was a good run, but I bid adieu. I’m pulling all of my weather stations and sending my weather data to someone else.
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  • Finally, an app that accurately reflects......

    the professionalism of the umbrella corporation who owns WU. What a huge difference between the old WU and this new version. It is easy to see what the weather is now and what’s forecast and so far it has been quite accurate. The hourly forecast is a big plus so you know what to expect when going out to shovel or blow snow, or actually determine what time is best to go do that. The daily is also handy so you know what’s coming longer timeframe, like maybe seeing that you might be wasting your time blowing snow now if it’s going to be crappy later on today or tomorrow. Very nice to know those things! I find myself going more and more to WU and finally paid the few bucks to not see the ads - why are ads so, well, a pain in the keester. All in all, this has become a great app and now includes quite a few interesting sidelines. Even the icon is iconic!
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  • 3.5 stars—glad to see some improvement

    I was a WU fan for years before the complete redesign a couple years ago. I eventually abandoned the service and began a quest to find something else that was as good for my purposes. I used to love the easy-to-understand, multi-day temp, precip chance graph format. The old design was summarily eliminated for a useless but colorful and “pretty” new design that just didn’t convey the same info. I was one of the frustrated users who left a one star review and went away, begrudgingly.
    Well, I was happy to see a move back toward the old format in the current app. I can now see several days of temp and precip trends at a glance. It’s a true step forward (or “backward” in a positive way). The first “speedometer-style” graphic is still pretty useless to me, but I just scroll down a bit for the old-school WU goodness. Thanks, app developers, for listening and considering the merits of WU’s tried and true formats. I’m back now. stars if the upgrade was more reasonably priced. $3.99/mo or $20/yr seems overpriced. I would personally find fair value at $2/mo or $12/yr.
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  • IBM Redesign Killed This App

    I’ve been a paying customer of Weather Underground for years, and the things I used to like about the app were how easy it was to read large amounts of data from local stations at once, and how they translated among views. When IBM acquired Wunderground and redesigned the app to be “sleeker,” they utterly destroyed that ease of use by oversimplification. Everything is in one continuous column except the subviews, so you see less at once. Scales on graphs are arbitrary and not marked on the main view. No more scrubbing flag on the conditions-over-time graph unless you enter the detailed view. No more precipitation graph in the widget, which hasn’t been updated for the new iOS 14 widget framework. Everything in the app feels worse and less helpful after the redesign, and never improved. It all still works, and you still get local weather station data, but it will never be as joyfully easy to read as the pre-IBM app, and that is a shame. The data here is still good, but it’s just nowhere near what it used to be before 2018.
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  • Lost Features, Disappointing

    Finding a new weather station, changing layers, running conditions removed. Where did they all go. Weather underground appears to have sold out.
    When the app first change it was not user friendly and hard to navigate and find the previously used features. I use the app several times everyday as I live on the coast and things can be very different with time or location. I have always trusted WU and recommend it to anyone I can. It has helped me run out a storm on the way to a boat landing many times.
    Unfortunately, the other features that were lost are quite missed. There is no longer hurricane info or am I able to add those layers during Hurricane season.
    There is also a glitch with your current location. It stays on previous locations even after shutting phone down. You can’t change it because you can’t pick a station any longer. My husband and I can be looking at the app and see two different things. Its very frustrating. I hope there are plans to make the app better because with the changes it’s not encouraging me to go premium.
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  • Great app

    I love the app and use it on a daily basis. The information is current and the app performance has been nearly flawless. The only issue I’ve run into has been when trying to create a custom smart forecast. The app always crashes completely. I’ve tried it on two separate devices running different versions of iOS with the same results. The custom forecast I’ve been trying to create includes wind speed, rain, and wind gusts (though I don’t know if that is an option since the app always crashes before I get that far). Obviously a smart forecast is more of a luxury feature and I can find all of that information individually within the app so I don’t think it’s worth deducting a star for anything, but it is a nice feature that I hope to be able to use in the future whenever the bug(s) get worked out a bit more. Other than that minor gripe this app has been flawless. Thank you!
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  • Long time user

    I am in agreement with so many others who have used this app for years. There is much less data than what wundrground website records from individual stations. There are so many weather apps out there this used to be the one that seemed to be most local. Not any more. Yes it fives the local station data, but the forecasts seem to be no longer based on local weather stations. The forecasts don’t even agree. The daily/weekly ones don’t agree with the hourly ones!?! It can’t be that hard to build a program to compare each weather station to a regional forecast and save that co parison data for each station. Then simply produce a local forecast for how the specific station varies from the regional data. It is sad that what was a great app (though it needed some improvements) has been so degraded. In the competition of weather apps this isn’t going to last.
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  • TWC killed WU!

    As soon as TWC officially took over the site and app, they promptly destroyed all of its functionality. They’re also manipulating the app ratings somehow. Just scroll recent and see how many 5 stars there are. With a rating of 4.2, the should be plenty. You’d think their main concern would be weather but no, turns out it’s just money. They used WU, it’s reputation, and loyal followers and exploited them all. WU, shame on you for selling out! We gave you your weather data for free, and paid a subscription fee for your services, and you show your appreciation by selling out in secret to the one company most known for inaccurate weather data and disregard and negligent to its expected purpose. They care about nothing but profits. Clearly, the private market cannot sustain a reliable, accurate, consistent weather data set and ui for public access. This is really important, life or death for some. NOAA needs to develop something like WU used to be. There’s crowdsourced weather data still ripe for the gathering at their disposal. Use it, so then we can. *THIS REVIEW SHOULD NOT BE DELETED FOR ANY REASON*
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  • Very useful but too busy

    Love the Doppler radar. The app was better when it didn’t have so much “stuff”. The basics are good and aviation layers helpful but you still must call and verify. Just basics with radar, forecast, precipitation predictions, outlook, and options for storm warnings, marine warnings, etc.
    I like the allergy and flu info, but would be much better if more specific by region. The fire data is not updated and simply lists all the fires even if they are not active. Would be better to list most recent in 7 day window, then separate list of all still active with touch screen to isolate. Really would be fantastic to make many of the features (fire and earthquake, etc) like this instead of trying to put them all into widgets.
    Despite all that rambling, I still use the app daily because of the the radar. Living in Florida, it helps with planning around frequent afternoon storms. The hurricane option should be a regular option selection along with a regional/local warning when the hurricane flag goes up, not a premium addition. This option is just as useful if not more useful than fire and earthquake info which is free. In the continental US, hurricane info is much more valuable and far reaching with regard to loss of life and property than earthquake and fire so why not add it at no added charge far ahead of other apps? Feedback for thought and consideration.
    Thank you for this helpful and useful app.
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