Weather Underground User Reviews

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  • $48 a year!

    The app interface is absolute garbage now. Before everything was on one screen. You could briefly glance at it and get your info. You could also customize it the way you wanted. Not anymore. This was the best weather app for the iPhone. The format was perfect why change it? The premium version went from 4 dollars a year to 48! They took their most popular app, which relies on user driven data, and jacked the price way up. Not to mention charge for features that were previously free. I will no longer be using this app. I know I could use the free version but it’s loaded with too many obnoxious adds. Congratulations on ruining the best weather app.

    UPDATE: instead of fixing this broken app, the devs decided to double down and lie. They have deleted thousands of one star reviews and have added fake five star reviews. That says a lot about a company. Rather than listen to their customers, they just lie and deceive even more. I will never download the app after this.
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  • Somethings gone terribly amiss.

    I’ve been using wunderground as my main weather app for years and it’s been awesome but over the last few months I’ve been having more and more accuracy issues and often finding people using NOAA or even the stock apple weather app are having better results when it comes to forecasts. Considering I don’t need a weather app that tells me what’s going on currently, because I can see, that makes it pretty useless. Then there’s this update they recently made to the app and oh my god it’s awful. There used to be a way to just open the map and select any weather station. Very convenient. Not any more. They’ve shifted the data into a hard to read, visually appealing, but not very informative graph layout. There’s not much to love about the new layout. So instead I’ve made the switch to PredictWind for wind forecasts (stupidly accurate and filled with cool tools)and I’m trying darkskys out as a general weather app. Good luck and don’t bother with whnderground until they go back to being a weather nerds easy playground.
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  • Moving in the right direction

    I’m one of the many, many people who loved the old WU app and HATED version 6. It was such a major downgrade that I switched to a different app and checked back periodically to see if they’d undone the awfulness.

    *Note* I had left a scathing review with no cursing or other inappropriate content, but my original review appears to have mysteriously disappeared. Very suspicious.

    Anyways, the most recent update is definitely a step in the right direction. The line graph showing temperature and precipitation chances is taller now (like it was on the old WU) so you can actually see it now. And it’s nice that you can tap on the graph and see more detailed versions (maybe the only good thing to come with v.6). Also, I like that this version lets you pick what app icon you want—more apps should do that. Anyways, I still miss the original, but at least they’ve improved.
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  • Why?

    I have had this app for years and used it almost daily. It was amazing and super accurate. To the point where I could say things like “it’s going to start raining in 18 minutes” and be right every time. That matters when you are working outside and need to cover your work but also on a time crunch and need to work every minute possible. I waited until the force update day. Annoyed at how many adds there now were and their placement but could deal with it. Annoyed that features previously available were now behind a paywall but I could deal with that. Woke up around 2:30 in the morning to the sound of rain, checked the app. Not only did it say nothing of rain but also informed me it was sunny out. In the middle of the night. Out of curiosity and habit I still check the app a lot. Not once has it been accurate. Why would they totally destroy such an awesome app? Looking for a new weather app and using the disappointing stock weather app that came with the phone until I find a new one.
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  • Devs — LISTEN to complaints!

    UPDATE APRIL 6, 2020
    App is still horrible. What complete destruction of such a good layout. And over the last couple of updates the developers are still stubbornly sticking to this degraded visual timeline. I’m done with App, unsubscribed from Premium, will no longer tell my friends about it. NOAA seems to be a fairly good substitute. Don’t know why developer egos get so huge they can’t admit when they’ve made a mistake based on customer feedback. And feedback here should tell you a lot.

    WHAT did you do to the previous clean interface?? This was my go-to app, checked it throughout the day, turned a bunch of my friends on to it. But what have you just done?? MAR 2020. It used to be a clean graphic timeline of the next 10 days and an easy pop in for the hourly view.

    Why can I no longer swipe left and right between my favorite locations?
    Where did the Webcams go that displayed at the bottom of the scroll so we can see real-time images? Why have SO many features disappeared? MOST of us access this app on our phones — why are you catering to iPad app and downgrading the mobile experience??
    Please go back to the Premium design you had just a month ago. I will never refer this app to anyone again.

    Graphic timeline had a clean presentation. For the love of god don’t just think this update is good because you’ve paid someone a re-design fee. Put ego down and listen to your users who now hate it. We all see the reviews.
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  • Best to worst in one day.

    This app USED to absolutely amazing. The moment I found it I fell in love and instantly made it my go to weather app. Nothing even came close to what weather underground provided. The layout, features, and overall simplicity in the app was just so far beyond any other weather app available. All of these other weather apps try to make it look new and different to try and stand out, but all that does is cause a ridiculous amount of confusion and makes it difficult to even find some of the information you may be looking for. Well, I’m sad to say that Weather Underground has done exactly that. The last update changed the entire app making it unrecognizable and exactly like the apps I despised so much. That very day I seen the change I was so frustrated I took the time to find an email in hopes to try and contact them about how terrible this change was and I never waste my time with that but this was too much. Hopped on it today and it still made me mad so now I’m taking the time to vent and make sure they know this app is garbage now.
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  • 6.4 is Crippleware.

    As a longtime user, I must unfortunately concur with criticism of this latest forced upgrade. Simply put, it is commercially-driven crippleware. An example is the daily summaries, which have been replaced by a conspicuous advert: ‘Upgrade now to get 15 days of summaries’ (for $48/year). The existing summary menu is buried at the bottom of the screen where most users won’t find it or recognize it. Hourly forecast graphing is harder to access and far less readable, and even the Wundermap itself, the distinguishing feature of Weather Underground, has been made less useful and visible. (Although, I approve of the improved mapping quality.)

    Instead of fixing long-term bugs like disappearing crowd-sourced weather report controls, and cumbersome menus, they have made the app less distinctive, more generic, less functional and more obviously commercial. Within minutes of using the new app, I found a new bug. Woe be the user who selects ‘my location’ (GPS), when searching for the missing Wundermap station functionality. (Make that two new bugs, or one new bug, and one old one.)

    As of 6.4, I am looking for a new weather app. Unfortunately, none of the mundane options which these developers are inexplicably trying to emulate come close to what WU offers in terms of granular weather data. If only they would hire competent developers....
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  • Not Nearly as Bad as People Say

    Due to the negative reviews, I was scared to update, and didn’t do so until today only because the old version was no longer supported. And I must say that I am a bit confused as to what all the fuss is about. I think this new version is just fine. Sure, there are some little hiccups, such as the daily details and graph not being fully displayed without clicking on “more” and the seemingly more prevalent appearance of ads. But first off, those are very minor things, and second, this is a big change for the app and developing team, so there’s obviously going to be some kinks to work out. And there are some features I LIKE about this app; it appears and behaves a lot cleaner, and I kind of like the design better. But that’s just my personal opinion. And let’s not forget that while the interface is different, the data being reported is still the same. You still get accurate, hyper-local forecasts that are hard to beat, and for free, no less.

    I don’t know who these people are writing the negative reviews, or why. Maybe they’re really into weather and used the old app more features more extensively. But I can say as an average person who just wants to see the daily weather, it is still a great app.
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  • Used to be a great app, ruined

    This was my one and only weather app for years, until the latest redesign ruined the interface - I tried to get used to it for a day or two but hated it so much I deleted the app and I bought Carrot, which has a nice clean interface and good privacy protections (and a great humor team, added bonus). Highly recommend switching.

    The top feature I used to love about weather underground was the temperature and precipitation odds graph - the graph was the single most useful and unique feature of WU, quickly indicating what to expect when. Now, the graph is further down in the app and squished to such a degree it’s unusable. I also used to love the nice clean current weather bubble right up front, with the color border quickly indicating current temp, a few smaller weather stats visible, and a radar thumbnail that could be expanded if you wanted to - now it’s a hideous color wheel that doesn’t tell you anything up front. The ads also used to be unobtrusive and you could buy out of ads entirely. Now, I’m outta here.
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  • Extremely disappointed from favorite app to no longer wanted.

    Fire the pm and the info xm graphic designer immediately. This decision was terrible I can appreciate new looks and fresh ideas. I also know you can’t please everyone but this shouldn’t have gotten any further than the first revision. This used nothing of the phone’s physical size or attributes to make some guy or reading easy. I can’t glance at a day. Now I have to work to see the information. I even thought ok I don’t line this but I will give it the benefit of the doubt. I slide to find temp, I figure out the time and how disconnected it now is. Then I try to determine the windiest part of that day. The time and speed feel like they are on opposite ends of the screen., worse the time slide starts moving it took me roughly 20 seconds to figure out and not exactly what the wind speed might be, might be. 20 seconds. Disappointing and dismal my favorite app on my phone you dissected and disemboweled. Harsh words for a harsh job. Truely disappointing. I can see by the length of others you have really gone off the deep end. I never see reviews and have never really provided a lengthy review as such.
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