Pulse quiz
Doesn’t work with AirPods
Interval quiz doesn’t work
No Bluetooth connection
Good but not accessible through Bluetooth speaker
Bug leave microphone active after quitting app
Developer needs to urgently fix this security flaw. Otherwise app is a great learning tool.
Bluetooth connection not working
Not a trainer just a tester
Response from developer
Hi Eleined, Thank you for your comment. We have released an update which should have fixed the issue you describe. Please install the latest version (3.0.1), and if you continue to encounter a problem please contact auraltrainer@abrsm.ac.uk so we can investigate further.
Very good app
Response from developer
Hello, thank you for your comment. Please note that there are no clapping tests in the app - you must tap the screen in order to answer the question. If you clap, your response will not be registered as the app is expecting you to tap the screen. You can tap anywhere on the screen but try to stay on the same spot on the screen. If you leap about too much your response may not register fully. If you need further assistance using the app please contact auraltrainer@abrsm.ac.uk.