Poorly designed; login issues
The app doesn’t ask you to log in to report an issue until you try to submit a request. If you have a login issue, you’ll lose your progress. This has happened to me multiple times with an error that says my email isn’t verified, which is inaccurate because I’ve used this account for years. Attempting to resend the verification iemail and click the link fails, saying I am clicking an old link. Clearly their system is broken. I tried this from the app and website with the same issue. I also reset my password and had the same issue. However, I was able to log in using the profile page in the app instead of the login prompt when trying to submit an issue.
Aside from the grueling login issue which renders the app useless unless you can get around it, the flows for submitting issue are poorly designed so you have to tap in and out of each question to make a selection instead of progressing through the form naturally. I would rather have one long form so I could just scroll than all this nonsense tapping in and out of pages. Whoever designed this didn’t use it themselves. Most people would want to use this on the go, but it’s not designed for that, unfortunately.