PowerChart Touch User Reviews

PowerChart Touch
PowerChart Touch
Cerner Corporation

Top reviews

Drains my battery

The newest version drains my battery. After 15 minutes using the app my battery is down 30%. I have an iPhone 8+, and previously my battery would last 2 days, now I’m having to recharge it at lunch

Keeps crashing

Need a better app, keeps crashing.

Not a great app.

No tracking board views, no micro results, no image viewing, horrible user interface.

Still lacks even the most basic features

This app completely lacks the ability to perform even the most basic and frequently performed functions, such as **ordering medications.**

As a physician who works with two different mobile EMR apps, Cerner’s PowerChartTouch highlights glaring feature disparities that are emblematic of the long-standing deficiencies inherent to the Cerner’s parent EMR. Of note, these deficiencies are a solved problem in other EMR apps. For example, Epic’s Haiku app has supported basic functions such as ordering medications for years. It is remarkable that — despite this profound feature disparity — Cerner’s PowerChartTouch app has made no apparent progress towards integrating even the most basic features within the past 12 months.

I recommend that physicians seek out alternative EMRs when possible and avoid Cerner’s languishing platform altogether given the seeming lack of active development.
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Slow to fix issues

Haven’t been able to read prior notes on here for over a month. Told it was a known issue. Super unhelpful.

Very stressful

Why are we forced to buy new phone if this app is worse the the old version which worked just fine?
In this time of COVID-19 when doctors are so stressed, they don’t need another reason like the so called “upgraded app” that will add to their stress and wastes time that should be used for patient care.
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Since the latest update the app has been freezing nonstop.
I constantly have to reinstall the app or restart my phone.
Please do better

Stalls out

Since last up grade stalls out all the time requires to be deleted and reloaded.

Upgrade doesn’t work

The new update has ruined the app. If the app actual opens it freezes and won’t start back up. My days have gotten longer playing with this. Please fix this!!

Updated now not working

After the last update it goes into a loop of log in and log out.

Alternatives to PowerChart Touch