higi User Reviews

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  • Great app

    Great app
  • Great new feature

    The ability to check your symptoms against possible health conditions shows a lot of promise! It’s great to see new features showing up on a regular basis.
  • It’s 2022 and it’s still doesn’t integrate with the health app

    This app is of limited interest as long as it doesn’t write the data into the Health app. It’s 2022 I’m still waiting for this feature.
  • Bad at visualizing long term data

    If you get your blood pressure checked here weekly like I do, you will only be able to see four data points at a time because you have to view by month. How about allowing us an option to see a year’s worth of results and so be able to see more effectively how we’ve made changes over the long term? Such a simple and user-friendly change. I remember this app used to be better when I used it pre-pandemic. Not sure what changed.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, My name is John I'm the Product Manager for mobile here at Higi. Thank you so much for your feedback, I wanted to let you know we heard you loud and clear. I'm very pleased to let you know we've just rolled out an update that allows you to change the graphs to 7, 30, 60 or 90 day views. We haven't introduced a year view at this time but it is not something we have ruled out for the long term. As you have noticed, our app was completely re-written from the ground up in the last year. While the old app had a bunch of features people loved, it needed a lot of love from the technical side. We rebuilt it to allow us to to take a faster, more iterative approach to our development roadmap going forward. So we have a lot of improvements planned already, but we welcome and value your feedback as ultimately we want to build something you'll love. If you would be interested in talking to us more about what you'd like the app to do please shoot us an email at research@higi.com and we'll follow up. Thanks!
  • Helps me track my numbers

    This is a great app for tracking your health information. I use the app QR scanner to log into stations. If the weight isn’t correct make sure your feet are on the foot bar and not the ground. Let the pharmacist or manager know if the station isn’t working. There are hundreds of people that use the stations and let’s face it, these are mechanical units. Things are bound to break. Higi can’t fix a station by your app review let a site manager know if a station appears to be broke.

    I show my doctor my blood pressure and weight records, so she can see what is going on over time. I’m really impressed with how far blood pressure kiosks have come since I was a kid.
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  • Useless app and useless updates

    I don’t see what “bugs” or “glitch” you fixed every update........what things you can’t understand ALL the reviews here complaining about your service, today I went with the lasted “update” of yours and guess what DIDN’T load your app. Again, the app doesn’t load you can wait an eternity sit in your machines, waiting the app load to scan QR, at the end I have to enter manually like everyone else here at this review section or delete the app and re-download like everyone here.
    Apple Health doesn’t show up my blood pressure or weight. The machines doesn’t have any maintained repair, some machines are broken screen or weight doesn’t work accurately, looks like you doesn’t care about the machines or the service you’re providing.
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    Developer Response

    We do apologize for the inconvenience! Please reach out to our support team at support@higi.com and they will be happy to help out with the problems you are running in to. -The higi Crew
  • New update offers spam over metrics

    Used to be a four, maybe five, star app where you could check into one of their stations to check your blood pressure and weight then open app to track how you're doing over time (known as metrics on app). Had a monthly challenge and a website where you could get a small coupon or donate your 'watts' (basically points earned for 'steps' you've done)to one of two charities. Simple and easy!! NOW, I wouldn't recommend this app to my worst enemy!! Omg, mostly 'spam' when opens up as it goes on about the new communities they want to expand on, talks about the two they have, asks trivia, asks how you doing, blah, blah, blah. The challenge is still there, only they now also do extra ones for each community so who knows if anyone is actually in the community for what the community is there for or just for the chance at a gift card. This makes these communities almost worthless to connect to others in the same situation as you, which may be why you joined. The metrics are now last, and they will even ask 'what do you use the app for' if you email them about this horrible update!! Even if this is free, just NO! My recommendation is keep eye out for the stations & use them plus a small notebook to keep track of your own blood pressure & weight. If you can't find one then, and only then, download app to find a station. Just be aware that it's up to you to notice if the station is working correctly on top of everything else. You have been warned!
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  • Thanks for constantly reminding me I'm "obese"

    Seriously higi, could you please use a little more compassion when labeling thing on both your app and at the stations.
    When I check in and the results tell me I'm "obese" and then I use the app and the weight chart on the right hand side says "obese" as you look at your progress.
    I'm trying to better myself and labeling the chart in that manner makes it difficult to continue feeling motivated.
    Maybe change it to something more positive to help inspire instead of reminding them of how the populace views them.
    Please don't force a label on someone when they are trying to improve.
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  • Good but needs more work

    The app is great for viewing my historical trends of weight and blood pressure. I like that it grabs my account information from the Higi stations. However, for an iPhone app, I hate that it doesn’t store my log-in information. When I stop to do a health check, when I’m done I hop back in my car and I check my iPhone to see the trend. Every single time I have to type out my long email address and password before gaining access to my stats. My only other recommendation would be to add the ability to email my statistics to my doctor.

    Like I said, it’s a good app, but it could use some more work.
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  • the service is helpful but the App need much better improvement!

    I believe this company is making a huge investment (just GPS all Higi stations around you and the country) and is serious about providing health support .. And that's why I think the app needs better improvement in being more simple and straight forward I giving the info you need or better rewards system ! The sweepstakes are getting better take all those expensive and Yapi regards that only Silicon techs can afford to pay for a $69 t-shirt or Organic Shakes for $25 !! N give things we can get enthusiastic like the Membership club ! A fitness gadget .. Maybe coupon reward for Active wear at Target or some nationwide sporting good. Also .. Some of the Higi stations are way off so ( don't trust too much in those numbers ) and get a scale at home ...
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