User Reviews: Warhammer 40,000

Top reviews

  • So close to a great service.

    This app is setup great. Easy access for beginners. Build army lists easily and export them. $6.00 a month for premium is totally fair as well… If they didn’t require to go buy a physical copy for your army just so you see what your army does on the app. Very disappointing the codex’s are free online and the fact is the books are not really worth it outside of collecting. They will be out of date in a matter of weeks maybe months. Having an app that keeps you up to date would have been nice and could have made quite a bit through subscriptions. Alas it’s just not worth spending $72 a year on a service that is so limiting.
  • Could be better, Could be worse

    I understand that GW needs money to keep on going. but you need to buy the codex so you can see your own army (just your own) and the subscribe to have more then one battle sheet.
    I think the app would be much better if you didn’t have to buy the codex. I’m fine with the whole thing subscribe. you can make it so if you subscribe you can see core rules or something like that, but just not I need to subscribe and buy the codex to play the game.

  • They enjoy shooting themselves in the foot.

    It’s staggering how poorly games workshop did at making this app a functional piece of the game. Everything is now hidden behind a paywall. If you want to experiment with more than one army list, there’s a paywall. If you want to know the rules of a factions army, there’s another paywall per army. And the hilarious part is, all of that stuff is absolutely free on third party apps like BattleScribe. It’s like that don’t want people to use this app, and consequently they don’t want to sell more minis. If they made everything free, everyone would use this app because it has pictures and rules. They would sell more minis too because designing an army would be easier and more visually satisfying and the rules more accessible. But no, games workshop has decided they don’t want the business.
  • Paywalls

    I don’t understand why people hate financially supporting a company. Is GW expensive? Yes. Does GW have subscriptions and paywalls? Yes. News flash every hobby is expensive.

    Take golf for example. Golf equipment and clubs are expensive. Memberships are expensive. Paying for cart each time, expensive. Food and alcohol, expensive!! Golf balls that are constantly lost. Expensive.

    But people will forever continue to play and PAY for golf, why? Because they love it. And it’s a great way to waste time and money with people you enjoy to be around and share the same interest as you. (the premise of every hobby)

    GW supplies models, paint, rules, video games, and books for warhammer. All of those as we know are expensive. But, warhammer in my opinion is the greatest and most creative universe of all time, With truly ENDLESS hours of entertainment, warhammer is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Point is if you love Warhammer, PAY for it! Support the company so that in return they can support you and the hobby you love.
  • Weird place rn for starters

    As someone new to the hobby, it's very weird how they're locking all datasheets behind getting the codexes. I understand locking extra detachments to some degree as an incentive, however locking out every single detachment and unit datasheet behind a paywall makes me feel absolutely clueless abt what types of stuff I would want to get into because I don't even know if they are cool or worth it. They should have at least left one starter detachment and the units' basic datasheets as a means for people who have little to no clue how to get started to at least get a general idea abt what they want to run because the app was that for me when it had stuff open. I'm lucky that the faction I chose still has their datasheet open, but it feels like it's a massive turnoff for any newcomer after any info involving a faction they're interested in becomes locked behind a paywall
  • Betrayal.

    I understand them wanting us to pay for the app. I understand them wanting us to pay for the codexes. But they have betrayed us with poor planning. I have paid for the app and it is incredibly frustrating that I get locked out of stat updates when a codex comes out. The absolutely ridiculous thing is that they have locked me out days before I am even allowed to own the new codex. So now I have paid for something that they are not even providing. Not lining up updates and locking out paying customers seems like a criminal offense. I have given money and am not given the product I paid for.
  • Completely unusable due to poor monetization decisions.

    With the release of a new codex, GW locks the rules behind a paywall. This isn’t just a digital paywall either. In order to see your army’s rules in the app, you must pay $60+ for the physical copy of the codex, IN ADDITION TO the monthly subscription cost. To add onto that, they lock the rules before the physical codex is even available for purchase. They also do not allow a digital codex purchase, so a physical copy is mandatory. Good luck playing the game if your LGS doesn’t have your codex on the shelf. The app would be good, except for the fact that GW goes out of their way to make it as unusable as possible. I was happily paying the monthly subscription for the army builder alone, but given the current monetization scheme by GW, the subscription simply has very little value. The other WH+ content is good, but you can burn through all of it in less than a month.
  • Good start

    This should be around 4 stars, but due to the amount of 1 star ratings given by people who probably don’t even play Warhammer anymore I bumped it to 5. GW has a large following of people that hate them to hate them, and just follow suit. App has some issues but I’m glad it exists and works. Is there a Paywall? Obviously. GW has never given out free rules. There’s a reason why they are still around while most have gone out of business
  • Solid base, needs polish

    General the app is pretty good. Solid and mostly easy to use on the army building side. The rules look up system makes it easy to search up or touch the rule in the data sheet to get the info you need.

    The bad news is the rules are not up to date. Devastating wounds still read as causing mortal wounds instead of ignoring saves. In a game as big as 40K, no normal user will check the app to make sure all the rules are right. And stumbling across a big miss like this spooks me a little about what other rules might be wrong.
  • What the app does right it does great, but bad business practices outshines any of the good

    Starting by allowing every player to view the rules for every army was great and created a great atmosphere, when even playing a random opponent I never met I could be certain we both got the rules right. However with the advent of the codexes and the subscription model, almost any usefulness has been stripped away. Having to pay $60 for every set of rules I want to be able to see is ridiculous. And I implore anyone to try an alternative rather than buy into this, altogether temporary, cash grab GW has produced.

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