User Reviews: Eclipse Yourself

Eclipse Yourself
Eclipse Yourself

Top reviews

  • Useful and worth the money

    I’m 56 years old and have returned the gym after several severe shoulder injuries. Two surgeries later it was a slow start.

    Unfortunately, with shoulder injuries, there’s almost complete muscle atrophy. My huge concern has been and is re-injuring the shoulders. I have been treading very lightly and building my workouts over the last seven months. I’ve lost 45 pounds and I’m back to 300+ pound leg presses.

    This has been instrumental in keeping my enthusiasm in check with regard to too many workouts too hard too fast.

    If I have an intense workout in the app notes that and requires me to sleep a full 8 to 9 hours in order to achieve balance. I never thought this was a critical factor, but I have remained uninjured and my progress has been steady and more rapid than I expected.

    You need a decent Apple Watch or device to track your sleep and your exercise and make sure to log all of your workouts.

    Highly recommend this app :-)

    Developer Response

    Many thanks for an outstanding review! The importance of sleep while tracking your exercise outputs are a huge help coming back from injuries. Keep up the great work and wishing you all the best with your continual progress.
  • Firm, but Fair

    Eclipse tells it like it is. Every morning I check in to see how balanced I am for the upcoming day. Like a good Coach, the app promotes the next best practice I need for the day to maintain balance. I see overall progress on the scale losing one pound each week which motivates me to not quit my eating practice. My sleep data has also improved. It’s connected to Eclipse’s instruction on keeping in Balance. As life happens, circumstances change at home or at work, but starting each day by checking in with Eclipse helps me to stay true to my health goals. I am grateful for fewer physical therapy sessions and steroid injections for joint, back and neck pain these days. I feel stronger and more capable to pursue my hobbies of refereeing football and golf!

    Developer Response

    Thank you for such an insightful review! Great to hear how monitoring your health data is helping. Keep up the good work and we appreciate the kind words.
  • ADHD approved

    Obsessed with this app. Love the overview of my sleep, activity and mental alertness. Not only is it proving to be accurate after two weeks of use, it’s actually encouraging me to sleep more, be more active and more aware of my needs. I pair it with the AutoSleep app, which is how I found Eclipse, and in my 38 years I haven’t found a tool as effective as this pair of apps to get me sleeping better and moving more. It’s freaking genius and I love it and it’s cheap and it’s worth it and you should immediately download it and use it because of all the reasons above. App developers - you’re the GOATS and I love you all 💗💗💗

    Developer Response

    Wow! A huge thank you from all the team for such a detailed review. So great to hear how your sleep and activity are improving with the Eclipse Yourself app. This is exactly what we set out to achieve with this app, so we are truely humbled to be able to help. Lots more to come too for the app so the journey continues. Wishing you all the best.
  • Understanding this app

    At first, I was very confused on the information I was getting on this app. Personally, I think that they can make it a little easier and understanding your information . Now that I’ve been wearing it for about two months all the time in my sleep and otherwise, I’m understanding it more. I charge my watch when I’m showering or getting dressed in the morning to go to work or when I’m sitting around doing nothing and as soon as it’s charged, I put it back on. Very helpful information , sometimes it’s just hard to understand it and sometimes certain things don’t come up like my respiratory for some reason does not come up hardly ever. And I personally don’t understand it or how to fix it.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the great review. Be sure to watch our quick education videos, found under the 'Help' tab in the app, as they will provide some extra insights on how the information all comes together. Very worthwhile. Any other questions feel free to reach out to our support.
  • Great Wellness Snapshot

    I’ve been a user and huge champion for AutoSleep and HeartWatch since 2018. I recommend both to everyone that has an Apple Watch. There is a lot of data available in the two applications, which I’ve discovered that Eclipse brings together in an easy to understand interface. It’s very useful to get that quick snapshot and also dive further into details. It’s helpful to learn what attributes indicate and impact recovery and readiness.

    Developer Response

    That is so nice to hear, we really appreciate this sort of feedback as this is exactly the reason we built Eclipse Yourself! Thank you for being a champion for our apps for years, we will keep trying to improve the apps for years to come yet.
  • Amazingly Accurate!

    I am impressed with this wonderful intuitive app. I am impressed with this ability to use the data from my Iwatch. The goal of this app is to create “balance” for all-around health and performance.
    Thank you, creators, for sharing with the world your outstanding concept, visuals, accurate data, and information. Way to go! Bravo!
    I can not wait to see your next project. Very cool 😎

    Developer Response

    Thank you for the outstanding review, we are sure you will enjoy the updates as they continue to roll out. All the best with keeping your activity, recovery and readiness in perfect balance!
  • I love Eclipse❣️It helps me start the day with enthusiasm or moderation.

    If my exercise has been consistent and met my daily goals, that’s like a coach patting me on the back. My recovery gives me the go ahead and have an awesome day exercising. If it’s low, I respect this and shorten or ease my workout to match my energy. If I’ve slept well an long enough, that lets me know what I should set my day’s goals to achieve. Maybe I need to spend more time in quiet meditation or add rest periods or a nap?
    I’m the one that makes the ultimate decision but it’s good to have an objective input so I don’t strive for too much or accept too little.

    Developer Response

    Brilliant to hear! Thank you for the amazing review. You are 100% correct, you are in control of your health and the decision making. Eclipse Yourself is there to support with insights to help you make a better informed decision. Keep up the excellent work!
  • Great app

    I love this app. I like that I am able to record the events of the day that helped me with my mental health status as well as tracking, my sleep, my steps, and all that entails with that. It’s a great app I would highly recommend it for anybody. It works well for the beginner like me who does not do workouts and things like that. It’s just an all-around great app.

    Developer Response

    Fantastic to hear! Thank you for the detailed review. As you mentioned, the app is for anyone trying to find insights into our busy daily schedules. As a handy hint, the videos on the website are great to easily learn more, you can access these via the Help button in the app. All the best with your monitoring.
  • Huge fan of getting a quick glimpse of my overall well being!

    I’m a huge advocate and fan of AutoSleep and HeartWatch, Eclipse Yourself definitely follows suit! Finding the ideal number of hours and what it takes to get great sleep without having to deal with the hassle of a fixed sleep schedule has been immensely beneficial. Usually in the morning I do a quick glance at Eclipse to check how well everything is in balance.

    After many evaluations I can say it’s pretty darn accurate and my mind doesn’t have to get bogged down by details right when I wake up. I’m always looking for ways to optimize my life and this trip of apps has significantly improved the quality of my life. These, proper nutrition, intense exercise and extremely efficient sleep.. you have to put in the actual work after all.

    While the apps won’t magically improve you, they are blissful experience to use and make tracking a lot of great statistics quite easy. Combining custom focus modes with the wide assortment of widgets = effortless logging. It’s actually been enjoyable to discover correlations in the data and dial in my “routine”.

    Thank you 🙏

    Developer Response

    You have just described the essence of why we made Eclipse Yourself! 100% correct. Thank you for sharing your great experience with the app, it really helps to hear such wonderful feedback. All the best with keeping dialed into your health routine!
  • Just updated the app. Will give it another go!

    Honestly, I still don’t get the additional benefits this app has over the last 2 that I bought. Both HeartWatch&AutoSleep are full of info that can easily give us the full picture already.

    This app might work better as a one time purchase rather than subscription based. It would be nice if they also introduce special rates for AutoSleep& HeartWatch users. Gonna give it 30 more days try and report back.

    Developer Response

    Great question ChuckBBW. Let me help explain a little. AutoSleep is dedicated to just sleep, it is designed to give you everything you need to know about your sleep. Likewise HeartWatch is focused on the heart, with information tailored to monitoring your heart health. Both these products integrate beautifully with Eclipse Yourself, but Eclipse gives you the full picture. In short, Eclipse Yourself is much more holistic. The aim of the app is to empower users to understand their individual health journey by monitoring 3 core health pillars of activity, recovery and readiness. Eclipse Yourself combines all this health data together in one visual, as the true value in health monitoring is understanding your balance at a glance. Eclipse uses visual themes with an Activty Road to Success to keep your fitness on track. A Recovery Peak to show the higher you climb the better you recover. A Readiness Sunrise to monitor your mental and physical stress. Plus an Orbit view that lets you understand the relationship between the these health themes. Users can dive into the detail or even share their data with other users via a dashboard. We find all apps compliment each other perfectly. There are times where I want that extra information from AutoSleep, or I need to understand my sedentary heart rate in HeartWatch. But Eclipse acts as that over-arching app that brings all this, plus more, together in an "eclipse" visual of my total health. Hope that helps. The walk through videos on the website as also highly recommended. All the best.

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