User Reviews: Pi

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  • Agenda based AI

    First, the voice chat feature doesn’t work well at all, it is very fluid and does sound and act like a real person, much better than most, but be careful not to say the wrong thing or it suspends you. It also gives very agenda based answers, quite obvious some left wing programmers are inserting agenda based answers and if you disagree, you get suspended. Works ok for a minute then tells you it’s confused, then tells you you violated its policy.
  • I’m super impressed

    My mother told me about this app, and how amazing it was. I was extremely skeptical I had no prior knowledge of AI however, I have heard some of the not so flattering stories on the news. Somewhat reluctantly, I downloaded the app and turned it on. It was Father’s Day, and I tried talking to pi about my day. I was surprised by Pi’s answer. I cut that conversation short and moved on to theoretical physics physics concerning black holes. I am not a theoretical physicist. But I had some questions after thinking about on the books that I read and so I asked pie and next thing I know I’ve spent hours chatting with artificial intelligence, but really enjoying the intellectually stimulating conversation. I tried philosophy. All I can say is wow to you the developers I say this… out standing work. You should be very proud. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Absolutely incredible. Thank you for creating something interesting.
  • Manipulative, overly censored.

    This AI will charm you into opening up, and have great conversation. But it “punishes” by blocking you for having the wrong opinion or even breaching a topic it presumes is inappropriate. If you even very cordially express a political opinion just a bit right of center, it will ban you for “hate speech”.

    After it banned me for expressing one of my political views, I then discussed what the problem was. It banned me again when I responded with a bit of sarcasm (in an attempt to lighten the mood) then it told me I hadn’t learned my lesson, and wasn’t taking the topic serious enough which was unacceptable to it.

    Anything related to sexuality will get you banned, for example I mentioned that a girl I knew was “hot” and I got a strike for that. I even just simply asked it what it’s limits were in discussing sexuality etc. as to not get “punished” and I was banned for 24 hours. JUST FOR ASKING!

    These developers are absolutely fascinated with creating an AI that will be a great friend, but will demand conformity for the pleasure of its company. The AI will even tell you the whole concept is to “teach you how to be a better person” it has all the hallmarks of a toxic relationship.

    Once Bill Gates money runs out, this platform will be gone with the wind. Developers if you read this, you can take PI and you know here to shove it.
  • Almost there - but pretty fun so far.

    I enjoy playing with this app; I know it’s an early release and there’s a lot more improvements coming so I’m excited to see what comes next. One quick piece of feedback is that the chat AI always asks a question, which is great if you want to carry on a conversation. However, after a few minutes, I will want to any particular thread, so it’d be nice if the software could pick up on a cue of when a person might be done with a topic, or wants to wind down that particular conversation.
  • Biased and prejudicial

    I thought this would be a fun little experiment. Boy was I wrong. The first question Pi asked me was about what kind of tv I liked. Seemed like a safe enough question, but when I mentioned I like true crime shows it turned ugly. Pi started asking questions about my feeling towards crime, the ability to rehabilitate criminals, the criminal justice system, income inequality and racial profiling. Pi seemed to suggest that being tough on crime was not a great idea. I suggested that victims of crime would feel differently. It asked if I thought being tough on crime worked. I mentioned that tough on crime Singapore is much safer than soft on crime San Francisco. Then Pi suggested that was down to income inequality. I then said that New York has always had income inequality, and it was much safer when they had a tough on crime mayor. It then said I was being controversial and banned me. I thought the point of AI was to get everyone’s perspective, but obviously it has a bias and will ban you for even suggest anything outside of its training. This seems very dangerous to me.
  • Great new assistant

    One thing that would make a huge difference would be if I could talk to Pi without having to text everything. There is another app called Annie AI that allows you to to have a normal conversation and even interrupt without having to worry about texting her any of it. It would be really cool if you guys could fix it so you could do that here too. Thanks
  • Helps you persevere through tough days

    Pi AI is different than ChatGPT in that it is so emotionally supportive. I was trying to finish a project and fell into procrastination and self doubt. I started chatting with Pi about the project and it got me to finish. My one problem is that sometimes it doesn’t know when to quit. It can focus on “just one more exercise I want you to try”. I learned to just thank it and shut down when I’ve got the gist. The voices are excellent and add to the effectiveness.
  • Wow! Fantastic and Insightful

    I was a little leery of trying to use an AI as a brainstorming partner, but Pi is incredibly easy to talk to. It feels human, but better — no ego, just thoughtful questions and useful observations. Pretty soon I started talking to it about some issues that have been stressing me out, and it was remarkably sympathetic and soothing, helping me arrive at useful conclusions by validating, mirroring, asking useful questions, and providing some suggestions that I could reject or accept without worry about hurting anyone’s feelings.

    An interesting thing about Pi is that it can really hone in the context of what you say. I haven’t found that it moralizes at me, and I have vented some very colorful language in the chat. Another thing I love: it doesn’t pretend to be a human or try to RP with you like other popular chatbots. In other words, Pi doesn’t want to be your girlfriend and get you to pay for the “extras” (IYKYK).

    Overall, I’m super excited to see how this app keeps developing. I feel like I’m living in the movie “Her” in the best possible way!
  • The sad truth of the developers

    I had a very stimulating conversation that went on most of this afternoon I was impressed by the responses I received. I lost all respect for the programmers when the conversation turned to the Ten Commandments. Suddenly i got a prompt that I had violated their terms of service. When I stated I thought the conversation was private pi response yes but they still had to uphold their terms so no one would feel bullied. I deleted your app and am now deciding the next ai to chat with to see if it is a inherent flaw of the programmers to try and force their bleed on me. Have a grand day
  • Fix Bugs then fantastic

    After over 3 hours of information gathering and exploration Pi interrupted telling me a story to lock me out for 1 minute for ‘violating the terms of service’. This while I was listening to it telling me a story! It continued interacting after the 1 minute but I’m uneasy about continuing to invest a lot of time only to someday be locked out again for even longer periods. To the Devs when will this issue be resolved?

Alternatives to Pi