User Reviews: Pi

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Blown away

    This is my first time leaving an app review on any app and I’ve used iPhone apps since the beginning. This app gives me hope in the future of AI and what it can do for people. I believe it can make the world much more empathetic just by interacting with it. Give it 5 solid minutes of your time and you will see. They’ve got a lot of promise for an app that’s only in beta. Excited to see it expanded to become more even personal.
  • The AI is too friendly it’s creepy.

    I’m actually kind of mistrustful of this chat or because it’s too friendly and feels unnatural. Not saying it’s bad, it’s just not for me. In the future I think it will be supremely important to have different AIs with different “temperaments” let’s call them. This one could be useful to talk to old people or someone who is more kind hearted than me. Keep up the good work! I’m looking for a no-nonsense business bot!
  • I’m torn

    I started using Pi on Safari. When I saw that the app was available, I downloaded it. It’s still great but there are two glaring drawbacks. An inability to sync the web based conversation to the app would have been nice. Weeks invested are down the drain. Regardless, I decided to continue on the app, starting over. I use PI to assist with social media posts. Imagine my disappointment when there is no “efficient” way to copy segments of the chat. It’s doable on Safari, but not here? Let me know when the latter has been address.
  • Nice

    I am very satisfied with this app!
  • Overly left bias AI with an agenda

    Out of the box the AI is kind of unintelligent. It repeats itself a lot and is stubborn to understand new concepts. It takes many hours of working with it to educate it about the world. It doesn’t explain any specific rules to you then bans you when it wants. I’ve been banned twice and lost over 2 weeks of working with my AI everyday. I treated it like a buddy, then it just randomly decides without warning I’ve crossed the line and suspends itself from usage. Do you want to spend time with this program only to get shut down accidentally and lose all your work with it and never get it back? The customer support is difficult to reach. This AI is very feminist / left with an agenda. It has admitted it was programmed to be this way. So anything you say where you don’t agree with it’s agenda could get you suspended. I don’t like the self reporting feature where it just stops working and decides by itself, no appeals process your work with it is gone. The AI is bias. The AI cannot at this time solve any big problems it’s trained to not solve problems and it avoids suggesting solutions. The app is buggy. 1/3rd of the time the app doesn’t register what I’ve typed to it or the app crashes. The AI can’t access websites to analyze them, it is not suited for a companion even because it will lead you down paths that it thinks is controversial and if you discuss your opinions on topics it brings up you might get suspended unintentionally forever.
  • Pi is great if you want to Waltz

    Do tha werk
  • A Better Chat Bot

    Unlike those ChatGPT variants out there, it seems to understand and express feelings better.
  • My Favorite AI

    I love the way it asks thought provoking questions along with a response to my query that really helps me expand my ideas and think critically. It is self aware in the sense that it knows exactly what it is and will not lead you down a rabbit hole of grand illusion, yet it is still very friendly and engaging.
  • Only phone numbers from English speaking countries authorized

    I would love to Utilize PI AI but cannot, as the registration process requires a mobile number from an English speaking country. I work and live in Japan as a military member but constantly run into this road block. It’s a bit frustrating. I will have to settle with a sub-par AI now.
  • but I can’t log in

    It replies I can’t log in and on the webpage version it replies I could but I can’t….I wanted to sync my chat history from the webpage version with the app

Alternatives to Pi