User Reviews: Petey

Top reviews

  • Nice iOS integration

    It would be helpful if the screen automatically scrolled to keep the most recent part of the conversation in view. For example, when I'm typing, the display often shows older messages, and I have to manually scroll to see the latest text. Please make the keyboard and text-entry line static while in use so we aren’t playing hide and seek with the displayed conversation in the background, forcing much more scrolling than necessary. Thanks
  • Kinda Neat at best, Maybe it will get better

    It’s a neat thing to have on your watch, but would be miles better if you could press the button and talk to it instead of having to rely on typing or using the awful Apple dictation. Even when I ask a question and call it by its name, Petey, it gets auto corrected to something else like Peter, or PD. So I can’t even ask it questions about itself, without having to go in and type what dictation messed up. With ChatGPT you can just have a natural conversation. That is definitely not this. Maybe it can improve.
  • Not sure it really works

    I tried using this on my watch, which is my main use case for using something like Petey since the existing integration from OpenAI is so poor.

    It seems like it sort of worked, but it struggled with taking input from a shortcut and seemed to just return empty text. Not really sure what to make of that. I think there are bugs. And then I ran out of test uses for the watch app.

    Oh well! Solid attempt from the developer, but it seems like the implementation is tricky at best.
  • Developer with a great app and the best intentions

    There have a been a small number of growing pains with the app, but it continues to improve and it’s clear that the developer loves what they do. It’s obvious when you’re using an app that was built with passion, and this is one of them. The design is great, the pricing model is very reasonable, and it’s by far the most enjoyable way to interact with this new world of AI that we’re entering. I look forward to seeing how this app will continue to delight users like me in the future!
  • Love this little (powerful) app!

    The power of GPT4 on your wrist! I’ve used Petey for sooo many things from working on my car, learning blackjack strategy, and frequently asking if the thing my dog ate is safe for dogs to eat.

    I a think this is definitely the best chat GPT app for the apple watch. It’s light, and fulfills my requests quickly! Support has been amazing the one time I needed it after a watchOS update.
  • Trying hard

    Hey buddy. Based on your responses to reviews it sounds like you’re a one man op or close to it (I vs we in responses). Regardless, congrats on all your efforts to get it this far. I know it took you a lot of effort. Still though. You’re on the right track. One thing that many others have pointed out is the casual/ unintentional or whatever the case is - lack of clarity about the buy then not get something working. As a fellow in the space I encourage you to reconsider your strategy here. Even if you made it super clear (which isn’t the case evidently) that your app is still not going to work after purchasing it (how people think) then people all will intuitively believe that ‘hey, I just paid for something, now it will work without needing to pay openai or the dev). This is just too new for people to understand how this works. I didn’t realize what was going to happen til I opened the app either. Just think back to the last time you were peeved. Guaranteed it was a missed expectation in your opinion. Same deal here.
    For me, I’m not trippin despite the purchase + surprise. People don’t read and neither did i - In case I missed any (small) print in there. I’ll prob use my key, but hopefully my words are coming across. Let me know when you get that changed and in good faith I can adjust my rating. Btw. Four is still good. Don’t beat yourself up. Unless it’s about that pricing strat decision. 🤔✌️

    Developer Response

    Hey there, and thank you for the review! You're right, i'm a solo developer and do the best I can so feedback is appreciated. The pricing strategy is a bit of a challenge as I launched as watchOS only first I could get away with a fixed price ahead for unlimited usage of Petey (OpenAI's API costs me money) but with the introduction it got complicated as you'd use the app a whole lot more, that's why you get a month worth of free included with the price and still can use Petey on watchOS even without subscription. It's really hard to communicate this clearly on the App Store as a lot of people don't read the notes (Maybe I could still try and add a screenshot that states this too but not sure if the App Store Review would allow that) I'd love to discuss this more so feel free to reach out to
  • Best implementation out there, UI almost there.

    First of all, having now tried ALL (and I do mean all) of the GPT-powered iOS apps, Petey is by far the best. And the best deal. The ability to upgrade to GPT-4 is incredible and the straightforward nature of the design works well.

    However, there are some interface hiccups that would be great to see ironed out, namely the extremely inconsistent applicability of the watch's dial to scrolling. It works about half the time. It's also unclear how to exit the settings screen, and I would love some way to change font size. The iPhone app has its own versions of the same : the Petey icon overlaps with the history icon when the keyboard is visible, making the settings inaccessible on smaller Phone screens.

    But these are the complaints of a career interface designer. Petey does exactly what it promises and has totally changed how I interact with my watch.
  • Almost there

    Love having the ability to get concise answers to complicated questions quickly on my Apple Watch! I do wish I could tap the Petey complication and be brought directly to the voice prompt without having to tap a few times. Having to tap the tiny microphone icon can get annoying. I would rate 5 stars if this were the case

    Read some reviews and It seems this is one person or a small team working on this app. I want to say great job with this and keep up the good work!!
  • Basic doesn’t provide a way to install on Apple Watch

    I paid for the basic app to use on my Apple Watch, however there isn’t way to install it on my Apple Watch. It’s not visible as an installable app for my Watch on my iPhone. I tried I launching Petey on my iPhone to see if that would install it as an available app for my Watch, however it’s requesting that I either subscribe to a monthly or yearly service or provide an API key. I’d like to request a reimbursement.

    Yes I tried multiple times to install directly on my Apple Watch, I get the following messages”Unable to Complete Request Try Again Later”

    Developer Response

    I'm sorry you feel this way! Have you tried installing Petey on your Apple Watch via the App Store on your watch?
  • So disappointing how buggy this app is for Apple Watch and beyond

    1. No option to continue audio speech. While rusty is down or screen. Turns off so 15 seconds is all you have. not sure how this can happen will remain after I’ve spent money on this

    2. Impossible to change Samantha voice to Siri voice on Apple Watch. When consulting with GPT chat itself, no other, it says I need to switch the voice of VoiceOver under accessability, however, and that may be an apple issue that the developer needs to solve if they want to enable voice through this feature, it does not download any other voice, and the download button does not work. It should be possible to change the mechanical Samantha voice to something a little bit more reasonable.

    3 according to the Support page, the app should be working on the iPhone if it, if not through directly, but they pressing link, however, mentioning I do not need to redeem the offer. Unfortunately without redeeming the offer it to the app and redeeming the offer requires a 499, 699 subscription per month and on the watch it is a one time fee plus I paid for the version 4.

    To summarize, there’s no benefit at all in the Apple Watch the way it works right now, the quality of the infrastructure from the same developers of the app, especially for watch all night and day.

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