User Reviews: Boring Report

Top reviews

  • Amazing but doesn't work on macOS

    I know it's an iPad app, but just a heads up on macOS Ventura with an M1 Ultra it crashes immediately upon trying to open it.
  • Solid App

    Love the idea of shortened, meaty summaries with the full source readily available. One big improvement idea that could be implemented is utilizing reader view for the built in article viewer. This would allow it to match the dark and light mode of the app to look more unified. Also means when I have it on dark mode and am trying to read at night, I won’t randomly be blinded by a website that is pure white!
  • Great app so far, but one request

    Been using it for a few days and it seems to filter out all of the nonsense and provides just the need to know facts, it’s been awesome so far. However one thing I wish the app did was remember the sort type I had it on, as I prefer to sort by new instead of trending, since I’ve noticed some of the trending news can be up to several days old. If I close the app out with sort by new and I reopen later, it’ll default back to sort by trending. If it could remember to leave it at my last sort setting that would be great! Otherwise overall pretty impressed with the app so far.

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for the valuable feedback. With the latest update, your sorting type will be remembered. Additionally, we revamped our news sourcing, so you should see newer news. If you have any other concerns, please reach us at Thank you.
  • Great ideal but old news

    I wanted this app to be better. I really like the idea of it a lot. Unfortunately there’s some UI stuff that make it a little wonky. More importantly is the news is old, so this is not a way to get the latest news. It’s not running each article through a summary AI for you, it just does it at a central location and then the article is distributed. Perhaps the distribution method is why all the news is old? Not sure. But I’ll check back in to see how this app matures.

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for the feedback! We are always looking to improve, so any and all input makes a huge difference. Regarding the UI stuff, can you let us know what is affecting the experience? As for the older news, we are actively addressing that, so please stay tuned. You can reach us at
  • Cool

    But as the other reviewer said, it’s populated by older news.
  • Great App, Broken Now Though.

    I cannot understate how much I love this app, and how much I love the idea. It’s such an awesome use of AI technology. That being said, I have some reservations. The news doesn’t refresh often, which I understand is because the app is new, but it often feels like a even human transcriber could update the feed faster, and so the use of AI is not very prevalent. I see a future where this app could update hundreds of up-to-date articles by the hour or even minute, but that future seems a bit far away.

    I also want to say that the latest update has completely broken the app, and my feed will no longer load anything. This is needless to say a pretty big deal, and I’m assuming a fix is already on the way, but just wanted to say that. Anyway, love the app and can’t wait to see more! 4 stars for now, but a 5 stars is very much on the way.

    Developer Response

    Hi, thanks a lot for the feedback, and we're glad that you like the app! We're looking to improve the amount of news and the sources, thanks for letting us know about that. With regards to the issue you are facing, please email us at and we'll try to get it fixed for you.
  • Not really news.. more like old news?

    I think this idea is great, all of the news articles that are marked "now" or by timestamp are not really in realtime. Sometimes they are 2 to 3 days old. The timestamp appears to be when the article was generated rather than when it was actually published. That makes this more like Boring Old News Report. Moving categories around is really kind of a pointless feature. it would be nice to have a fully combined feed with filterable categories. Also, some of the news sources are hardly what I would consider reputable if not completely unknown? Is it possible to filter out the unknowns?
  • Efficient and unbiased news summary

    The Boring Report app uses cutting-edge AI technology to generate human-like text that is informative and factual without being overly sensationalized. This makes it a great option for anyone who wants to get a quick overview of what's happening in the world without wasting time reading through long, drawn-out articles. Whether you're short on time or simply prefer a no-nonsense approach to news, the Boring Report app is a must-have for your smartphone.

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