dubbii User Reviews

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  • This actually works. You will feel successful

    I wasn’t sure when this first came out. Body doubling with somebody else in my place works great but someone on my phone I wasn’t so sure. But it turns out Rox and Rich literally break cleaning or any task into bite-size pieces so that you can actually do it. Even if you’re just sitting there watching for a little bit, you’ll get motivated to get up and start doing it. ADHD paralysis is in full force. This is a way to break through it. Even if I don’t use this app every day I definitely do use it for cleaning and I’m incredibly grateful and I recommend this app to other ADHD’ers all the time. I wish some of the cleaning ones were longer than they are but they are getting better with new content and making them longer, which is great because we need that. This is phenomenal and I can’t thank you all enough.
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  • A suggestion

    I have Audhd and I absolutely love this concept! You’re amazing for making this a possibility.
    One of the ways I feel this could be improved upon is adding another option for sound, specifically “chatter”. It’s hard for me too look at people and when I’m busy the visual aspect of seeing you do the task while nice doesn’t motivate me. I would love to hear speaking, and it doesn’t even have to be about anything specific, rambling on about what you’re doing; the weather; or some fun fact about sharks would be great! Thank You and keep being awesome!
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  • Undiagnosed

    At the age of 42, I begun to realise that there’s a 99% chance that I have ADHD and am on the wait list to see a psych - who knows how long that will be.

    Whilst I don’t have a diagnosis, I can honestly relate to practically every that Rox shares, from not replying (or even opening) text messages, forgetting to shower, picking my clothes out of the floordrobe or washing the same load 5 times because I forget to hang it out.

    In my own research on ADHD, before I stumbled upon ADHD Love I had read about body doubling and how it can be useful to get things done. Reflecting back on my own behaviours, I realise that I definitely find it easier to do these mundane tasks when I have someone else around… so when you live alone, where does that get you?

    At first I was skeptical that the app would motivate me, but it is amazing how much it has helped and changed my routine. This morning I found myself tidying up my lounge before the app even reminded me.

    The only thing I would love to change is reminder function. It would be so much easier if could set the next time you did something by selecting a date or time, rather than adjusting it in hourly increments.
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  • Shower Buddy

    I cannot express how grateful I am for this app. For anyone who suffers from executive disfunction, this has been saving my life and sanity. When I saw they had made videos for showering I broke down in tears. Due to CSA the shower is triggering for me. These videos have been the most comforting and effective in years.

    Dubbii has removed so much stress and guilt from my mind. Thank you for such a wonderful app.
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    The app is simple, easy to use and the concept is great. I love the way you can do chores easily with somebody else, and i thank the creators for doing this so much. Definitely will be using a lot! Only just downloaded it but i got up straight away and was motivated, tidying my room took no longer then 15 minutes and now i'm in bed snuggling up. Thanks for creating this app, it's amazing.
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  • This app is absolutely amazing!

    I have officially used this app for more than a week and personally it has really improved how i feel physically and also about myself. I had always struggled with keeping a routine of personal hygiene like brushing teeth and having regular showers, but actually this app seriously helped me get motivated to do it and i chose the step by step option which slowed things down and helped me get it done. I would 100% recommend this to people, but i would also advise that before you pay for the subscription you choose to try one of the body doubling videos; maybe one that you know you struggle with or cant keep a routine with. I also love that there are options, so you could choose a step by step body doubling video or you could have the option to play some type of music while Rox or Rich are in the background doing the thing with you.

    This has made me feel amazing and supported while i do the boring stuff so i can (afterwards) let the dopamine depict what i do 😅.

    Thank you so much and i also hope that my review has hopefully helped people get the help they might need by using this app.
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  • So cleaver

    Such a cleaver idea. I don’t need it, but I downloaded it & watched a free video, such a brilliant tool to help people with the mundane daily tasks, none of us really wanna do. I’m sure it will help a lot of people.

    Well done.
  • What all Adhder’s have been waiting for! Awesome!

    So I thought I’d try this app, as I love ADHD love and wanted to support them, as they’ve helped me overcome a lot of shame about having adhd. I thought it seemed a little basic as I’ve been working on my routines etc for years now… how wrong I was! The thing with ADHD is when we are ‘on’ we are unstoppable, but when we crash it’s almost impossible to get us moving… this app solves that, as you do the task alongside them and it feels ‘real’ so you don’t want to quit on them! Also you can choose to a complete a task with either of them, which is really fun! Highly recommend this app and can see me using it a lot! Well done guys! :D
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  • Want to use it

    I want to use it, but I can’t get past the choosing one for free part. Yes I do have autism sprinkled in with my ADHD. I can’t decide which one to pick for free. I feel like it’s a lifetime commitment. What if I pick the wrong one and I don’t like the app? I’ve downloaded the app twice now once when it first came out and once today. And I get all the way to the screen where you have to choose one. And I can’t choose one. I love you two and I hope one day there’s an intro or a video during which you can sample a 2-3 different activities. I’m stuck between dishwasher and organizing the wardrobe. But I also need paperwork but can’t imagine how it only lasts for 5 min when I have a mountain of paperwork. Maybe you would consider brief snippets of the activities in a YT video? Not giving away the product but helping us understand better what it is. Just trying to think of ideas to help people like me that can’t commit. 🤦‍♀️
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  • Genuinely makes a difference!

    Downloaded this app on impulse and honestly, I’ve gotten multiple made beds, days with appropriate meds, clean rooms, and more out of the subscription.

    Something I love is learning other people’s routines for a task, which adds to the dopamine because often the suggestions are really good, and I learn something to make a whole mandatory part of my life better in the future. Like just the reminder to breathe and wash my face after waking up before scurrying off into my day improved my morning a lot.

    Thanks y’all. This is a good one.

    And if you’re on the fence, try it! :)
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