dubbii User Reviews

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  • Love it!

    I’ve struggled with adhd paralysis about house work for years. But your app has help me so much. I did the laundry, unloaded, and loaded the dishwasher, all in the same day without feeling tired! Love it sooo much! <3

    Developer Response

    Wow you are smashing those tasks, we’re so glad dubbii could help motivate and keep you focused. Keep up the good work! 💙
  • Amazing

    First time using this and I am crying with so much positive emotions, I used it to just clean the kitchen as I’ve been doing the bare bare bare minimum for a few weeks and leaving it down to my partner to do, it has taken me about 30 minutes to do the whole kitchen without procrastinating and taking a million coffee breaks like it normally does, thank you so so so much Rich and Roxy for this amazing app I love it and I hope my ADHD will get along with this as well, probably will edit this review soon after I’ve used it a few more times xxx
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    Developer Response

    What a lovely review, we’re so happy our app could help! Keep smashing those tasks!! 💙
  • This what everyone needs but don’t know they need.

    When I found myself cleaning my windows this morning I knew it was time to write a review. As for without this App that would never have happened.

    However, first the back story picture this there I am doom scrolling and I discover I Rich and Roxy and ADHD love.

    They lead me to this App I was obviously highly skeptical. How would this help but there is an option to try out task and my lounge looked like a bomb had exploded my cleaning was more a case of moving things round into different piles and trying to clean around them.

    So I gave it a go and I was impressed but I didn’t buy the App straight away aren’t you impressed. I waited till my lounge looked like a tornado had hit.

    I wanted to know how much all this would cost as this wasn’t so clear, at least it wasn’t for me. I had only recently gotten stung for forgetting to cancel a subscription which I had paid heavily for.

    How can you complain when you signed up but not cancelled in their “free window”? I have cancelled now. I digress ever so slightly so I emailed like a crazy person and got the answer.

    I honestly find it really helpful and would encourage anyone and everyone to give this a go.
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  • This app helps so much !

    I have been using the app for a few days now and it has helped me finish tasks that id usually start but end up getting distracted in something different. I have been going through the app today doing the different tasks that i needed to do and it’s helped me tidy the whole house, something I find really hard to do and usually get frustrated at myself because I struggle to finish a task once I’ve started it. Most of the time I get bored, distracted or just simply forget what I was doing. So being able to do all the tasks I want to do has made me feel so good about myself and I’m excited to see how the app further develops and trying to have a more organised life.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks so much for your review! We’ve just dropped more content to help with decluttering so please check that out and let us know if it helped! Love reading reviews like this, keep smashing those tasks!!! 💙
  • Fantastic and judgment-free

    Made by people who clearly understand ADHD. The step-by-step breakdowns and encouragement make you want to keep going. It seems like the creators and continually adding more tasks which is great. My only other suggestion is to add more song options; I LOVE the electro swing song, but could always do with more. Thank you Rox and Rich!!
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    Developer Response

    Yesss love this review, thanks so much for downloading dubbii, and for your amazing suggestion. We’re definitely planning to add more tunes but remember you can listen to your own music too! Keep smashing those tasks!! 💙
  • This app takes the stress out of self-care

    This app takes tasks that are overly stressful for people with ADHD, breaks them down into easy steps, and then has a video of someone to follow along. It sounds silly, but I have showered every morning for the past week, and that hasn’t happened in at least five years.

    Developer Response

    We’re so happy that dubbii can help, we added self care a few weeks ago based on user feedback so drop us a suggestion in the app if there’s anything we can help with. Thanks for your review 💙
  • Thank you so much!!!

    I have been recently diagnosed at age 42 with ADHD and I am a woman. Getting through my chores with kids over the years has been a struggle. I am so thankful for this app as this has let me off the struggle bus. This morning was the first time I actually had an accomplished morning!!! Will be continuing and hoping this will break my ADHD paralysis. So happy to have found this app :)
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  • So helpful

    Really helpful, didn’t know what body doubling was and so relieved I finally found out because it makes such a difference. Only slight negative is that the welcoming video and the video before you subscribe won’t let you replay it so I forgot all that was said in the video and wanted to replay it to listen but it wouldn’t let me. Thank you so much for making the app x
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  • Thank you!

    I struggle so much with housework and hygiene routines. It’s all just chaos in those departments. Last night, with the help of dubbii and the recently added “nighttime routine” task, I washed my face for the first time in… a long time. Weeks maybe? Thank you so much for this app. I didn’t know how magical body doubling could be! Highly recommend.
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  • Thank you so much

    I have only started using it last night, and I needed this so much. I was able to clean the kitchen in 20 minutes, which usually takes me 2-3 hours. GAME CHANGER

    Developer Response

    WOW that is speedy! Hope that dubbii continues to help- check out the latest update for body doubling videos to help you with decluttering! Thanks for your review 💙

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