User Reviews: Cara

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  • Display name issue

    I just downloaded the app and I’m very hopeful about it, but when I’m signing in the app didn’t let me type my name in Turkish alphabet. Please make an update to allow other language’s letters on “Display Name”
  • Do what instagram couldn’t do

    Just recently moved to Cara! Hi! A few updates should do the trick to make this app work and all artists shall move here! :D

    so far so good!! my only suggestion is to add the ability to share videos/stories rather than just status posts. also more features that would help customize our accounts (like banners, etc) would be a nice addition!!
  • I love it but..

    I really like the app! It can take a while to load things but I understand it’s brand new so it can happen but my only issue is if I post a piece without selecting the portfolio option, it will just be in my timeline :/, there should be an option to where non portfolio pieces can be seen as well!
  • Too laggy, impossible to use

    This app has SO much potential, but it takes forever to load anything, and when I first joined the app and put in my description, it somehow managed to scramble up the words!! I had to re-type the entire thing. Not to mention, why can I follow myself while on my account? And sometimes when I reload a page it says I’m following 0 people? It’s so laggy sometimes it’s near impossible to use. Cool concept, good intentions, bad play out, I cannot use this app.
  • We need somethign like this more than ever

    AI is stealing our art, Instagram and meta ai are planning to feed all of our things into their generators. We need a platform like this to move to
  • Please make TOS dyslexic friendly!!!

    I was trying to read the TOS and rules just so I could make sure to follow them and understand them, but it became hard to read since I’m dyslexic

    I love the app completely dont get me wrong! Amazing place!!!

    But it’s insanely hard to read due to my dyslexia 💔
  • Great app! some improvements to be made though.

    i absolutely am in love with this app. the artists are all incredibly talented. it’s very easy to find people and get exposure on this app. the only issues i have are that the app feels a bit slow. this is obviously going to occur because the app is very new, but overall i love the concept of this app and plan on posting all of my art here!
  • I like the idea of this…but

    I made a few posts but for some reason every time I try to post another picture, it crashes.
    I want to keep using it but it’s so unstable
  • Amazing but

    So I just started using this and I adore it. My only beef is that twice now I’ve tried to add art to my portfolio and it’s “flagged it as AI”.
    Ai is literally the bane of my existence. Never once have I generated any kind of art with Ai but especially not these. All my art is hand made. It says to let them know if this is wrong but I don’t know how and it’s a little frustrating. I work hard on everything I make and to be told it’s AI generated is kind of infuriating to say the least. I’ve literally put glaze on all my art idk what to do to make it right. I’d really appreciate some help

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