User Reviews: Cozy Couples

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  • cutest game ever.

    me and my boyfriend first got this app together when i was on vacation for a bit, and since it’s connected us so much, from the quizzes, games, both taking turns saving up to buy decor, and the diary has made our bond so much better, and we got to know eachother more. the streak keeps us connected and setting eachothers moods really helps to let us know. this app a very wholesome and so much better than those many couple apps with ads, and a bunch of things that you have to purchase. No matter if you bought the subscription or not, everyone gets a great experience with it. Thank you for making this app💗

    Developer Response

    Your review made my day! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on Cozy Couples. I'm happy to hear it's helping you and your boyfriend stay connected and that you're enjoying your experience using the app. If there's anything else you'd like to see, feel free to reach out to Until then, stay cozy! 💜
  • A few suggestions

    My fiancée and I love this app and have used it everyday since we downloaded. I would suggest a few things however, like adding more moods. I have issues with depression and that unfortunately isn’t an option to show. Also ‘anxious’ would be a good one to add. Another issue is there doesn’t seem to be much customization available. For instance more pets would be nice, not everyone is a cat or dog person. We have two lizards and a tank of fish in real life and it’s sad we can’t reflect that in our couples app. Please consider expanding the pet selections to include more exotic options. The thing I’d like to customize most though is how dark the app is, it’s always night and everything is a depressing dark theme. I’m a daytime person, I’d love the option to make it daytime instead of night and be able to buy lighter furniture and wallpaper for our house. Or perhaps a day and night cycle based on our time zone. Otherwise we enjoy the app and the activities. Looking forward to seeing how the app grows from here as well! Thank you cozy for helping couples become closer! :)

    Developer Response

    I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying using Cozy Couples! The feedback you shared is also very helpful and much appreciated. More moods, pet options, and decor choices are on the roadmap, so stay tuned for updates. Thanks again for using the app, and stay cozy! 💜
  • Love it! I have suggestions

    Love this app! Has definitely been a really nice this for me and my s/o. We use it daily working together to take care of our plants, cat, and save up for furniture changes. Have no plans of stopping using this app, but I have some suggestions for later updates:
    - make the gramophone larger, just feels too small
    - option to add tacks into the map of places visited together
    - have the most recent photo uploaded appear on the picture frame
    - allow for pet customization
    - customizable color and emotion for the lights. Adding a slider for colors with the option to write in your emotion I think would be super helpful because sometimes the options available just aren’t exactly describing how you’re feeling
    - color slider for the back wall and shelves
    - have a sun in the sky during the day and a moon in the sky at night
    - more options for decor
    I see you, creator, working so diligently to add more options for us as time goes on and we so appreciate for them! Hope some of these ideas spark your creativity 💚

    Developer Response

    I'm so glad to hear you and your s/o are having fun using the app together. I also really appreciate the thoughtful and detailed feedback - it's extremely helpful as I plan new updates and improvements to Cozy Couples! I'll be sure to keep these ideas in mind as I continue working to make the app even better. If you have other suggestions, you can reach me anytime at! 💜
  • This app is great

    Me and my woman’s didn’t have many activity to do together she very far away and we don’t like to do a lot of the same stuff she likes watching shows and thinkings like that and I am more of a gamer we try to do each other's hobbies but it’s hard with the distance my ps4 broke and our phones are off rn due to funds so us being able to screen share shows hasn’t really worked with internet so being able to have this app Which I found of Instagram was a great way to revitalize our relationship and I’m glad that most of the things in it are free most purchased are cosmetic and all things are unlock able by spending time using the app I am very satisfied and glad I get to have something to do with my partner

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your review! I'm so happy to hear that the app is helping you and your partner connect and grow closer. I wish the two of you all the best, and feel free to reach out to if there's anything that would make your experience even better! 💜
  • Almost there , but not quite!

    This app has great potential and me and my partner love to use it when we can’t see eachother and it’s very cute. The only thing that needs improvement is the customization. There’s very little to make the Cozy Couples home your own shared home. All the different options are extremely expensive given they provide very little customization. This app would receive a full 5 starts if it had more unique customization to really build your own home with your partner because it never feels like our own.

    For examples of what I’m thinking:
    Different pets in terms of animals and breeds of cats, dogs, etc. Different house colors/themes that you can purchase and apply. The map can be a pinboard of locations you visited together. The picture frame can hold a real picture of the couple. The more customization the better.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for taking the time to write a review and share your suggestions! I really like the ideas you've shared, and I'll keep them in mind as I add new customization options. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy playing the games and completing the activities with your partner! 💜
  • Adore!

    I love this app so much. Me and my partner have been dating for about a year and a half, and ever since downloading this app, I feel as though we’ve grown closer. I am autistic, and this app really helps me process some emotions they might be feeling, so I can work with them. I also love the diary feature, it updates everyday and asks you and your partner a question, and this feature I feel helps me understand how we feel/think about different things so we can better communicate and work with one another. I also love that both people are gender neutral, because my partner is genderfluid, it allows them to always feel comfortable in the app. This app has become my safe place, and I genuinely cannot express how much I love this app and how much it helps me. 100% Recommend!!!!!!!!!

    Developer Response

    Thanks for taking the time to leave such a kind and thoughtful review! Knowing that the app is helping you and your partner grow closer really means a lot. I'll be adding new features regularly, so stay tuned for updates! If there's ever anything that would improve your experience, please feel free to reach out to Until then, stay cozy! 💜
  • Wouldn't change a thing.

    I normally don't leave reviews for apps, but I need to explain how genuinely adorable and convenient this app is. My partner and I have been extremely long distance for 7 years, and while we talk everyday, we just finished a 2 week vacation together, and have been missing each other terribly. I got this app advertised to me, so we gave it a shot, and we LOVE it.

    There's no intrusive ads, no paywall (unless you want to unlock more trivia games, which are totally optional to play), and no free trials. Now one of the best parts of my day is looking to see what they wrote in our diary or what note they sent me. Not to mention its vibe is so relaxing and "cozy," like advertised haha.

    Beautiful app.

    Developer Response

    I'm so glad to hear that you and your partner have been enjoying using Cozy Couples together! It's definitely a labor of love, and it means a lot to know that it's helping bring couples closer together. If there's ever anything that would make the app even better, feel free to get in touch at Wishing you and your partner continued love and happiness! 💜
  • Simple & Memorable

    The only item you pay for in this app is the plus membership, but even without it you still get a great amount of things you can do! Most apps have a lot of activities locked behind a paywall and can be very annoying especially for long distance couples who have some restrictions. This app is just lovely even without unlocking everything, me and my boyfriend can decorate the layout, take care of our pet, take care of our plant, write in the diary, and send notes to each other while we are busy or away. It’s perfect because we have different time zones as big as an 8 hour difference and the new Affection feature brings us more joy as we love to express how much we miss one another!! ❤️

    Also, suggestion :) maybe add a feature like reminders or something like that! Where we can remind each other about in life things like “don’t forget to study”

    Developer Response

    I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a lovely review! Knowing that the app is helping you and your boyfriend stay connected despite the distance means a lot. I'm glad you've been enjoying the activities, and I can't wait to share more features for your cozy home soon. I also like your reminder suggestion a lot, and I'll see what I can do to add it to the roadmap for future updates. Until then, stay cozy! 💜
  • I wish we could replay games!

    My partner and I love this app so much. It has helped us reconnect and stay connected during a strenuous time in our relationship. We love being able to see each other’s moods, write notes, and answer the diary prompts throughout the day whenever we’re apart. The mood lights especially have been really helpful for us staying connected whenever we’re spending a long time apart due to work or travel. My partner and I love to discuss our diary answers more in depth at home every night and it’s really brought us closer together. Our only request is if games could be replay-able! We played one game “Showing love” and it was really fun to see each others answers! However, it would be cool if we could replay the game to see how our answers change over time. We haven’t started any new games out of fear we’ll play them all and run out of games to play since it looks like you can only play them once! Especially since most games are for the paid version only it would be nice if the free games were able to be replayed. Overall thank you we are so grateful for this app!

    Developer Response

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts - hearing what you like and what could be improved is very helpful as I work on improving the app! I'm glad you've been enjoying sharing your moods and discussing your diary answers with your partner. Your suggestion about making the games re-playable also makes a lot of sense, and I'll definitely consider it for a future update. I'll also be adding more games on a regular basis to ensure there's always something new to look forward to. If there's anything else you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out anytime to! 💜
  • Very disappointed

    We used to use this app every day. We bought every single trivia. First off it doesn't make sense that we can't see the other options we had to choose from after we answered each question. Second it doesn't make sense to need premium to view quizes we bought and completed already. I'm just very upset at the fact that everything is tailored around premium. It's not even worth 30 dollars a year because there's nothing to do. Then the streak gets lost even if you at least opened the app it's crazy we had a 57 day streak lost all because I forgot to do something but I opened the app like 3 times that day. I want to continue to like this I really do but I am angered by the fact that everything is held behind a subscription service. We were waiting for new quizes and the two that get added are both for premium and our subscription ended the day before.

    Developer Response

    Hi there - I'm sorry to hear that Cozy Couples hasn't met your expectations. I appreciate the feedback on the quizzes and streak mechanics, and I'll be sure to take your suggestions into account for future updates. I care a lot about providing a good experience for all users, whether or not they choose to subscribe. Everyone has access to the daily questions, notes, photos, mood sharing, caring for your pet and plant, decorating, sending hugs and kisses, and more. The optional Plus plan unlocks bonus features and helps support ongoing app development. Feel free to reach out to if you have any other suggestions (and I'd be happy to help you get your streak back on track)! 💜

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