User Reviews: Bentkey | Kids Entertainment

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  • Take my money!

    Please remember what you stand for in the coming years. I was worried about overly political content with lots of buzzwords. This is not the case. My daughter loves the shows and is already singing along. I will be canceling other streaming platforms. We try to limit or tv time anyway. Keep the content coming. I hope this succeeds!

    I hope to see more educational content in the future!

    Btw the streaming doesn’t work great. Not sure if it’s an Apple TV thing or what but I can’t multitask at all on my phone when it is streaming to the tv. Sometimes you can’t lock your phone, otherwise it will shut off the streaming. Fix this and you will be golden!
  • Great content, weird bug

    I want to rate it 5 stars, it deserves that based on the content alone, but there is an issue that is really distracting on the FireTV app. The time bar and play button will not go away! Half of the screen is darker than it should be and you do not get to watch the shows without that weird bug. It seems to be happening app wide. I can’t provide a picture, but it doesn’t seem to be happening on the iPhone version. Once this gets fixed, I will happily bump this review up to 5 stars!! Thanks DW folks! Finally, I can start weaning my kids of the Disney+ app! We love the old movies, still, but can’t stand the garbage they are pumping into the app nowadays. Again, thanks for working so hard on media that supports and nurtures kids instead of indoctrinating them into a cult.
  • Finally an alternative to Disney

    Thank you dailywire and Bentkey team for delivering. The app looks great. The one bug I found was when I tried to connect it to my tv, i couldn’t lock my phone. I also couldn’t let the phone go to sleep, so I had to keep my finger on the phone to keep the stream running on my tv. Other than that, my son loves the content. The production team did a fantastic job on all the shows. They all look and sound great. Overall, knowing that the app was bound to have a few bugs and they will get fixed, this a great app. I look forward to the Bentkey theme park! Great job, and thank you again!
  • My kids LOVE Bentkey shows

    I have a four year old and 18 month old who adore Bluey, Mickey Mouse, and Blues Clues, but since downloading Bentkey, all they want to watch is Chip Chilla (or, the Chubbys, as my daughter calls all of them, after the baby). I’m not complaining because The Chillas are like the educational version of Bluey, and my four year old is at the age where she is really starting to engage and talk about what she’s watching (her favorite episode is Extra Extra, but mine is Chilla Swap) and I’m loving the conversations we have while watching together. We are watching Tish Tash next, and I’m excited to have more content for my kids to watch that is both educational and uplifting for them and not boring for Mom!
  • Thrilled!

    Our family had been waiting for family friendly content from DW for sometime and we definitely believed in their mission + their ability to deliver. However, we were expecting one or two shows and they delivered a whole app! We were already saying we were going to get rid of our Disney subscription- this will be a fantastic replacement. Disney is super nostalgic for us for many reasons, but with the direction it’s taken- we’re glad to start a new era with our children. Something they can be nostalgic with in years to come. This is wonderful news and we’re so excited. Love all the content we’re seeing!

    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us such a wonderful review!  We are so excited that you and your family will be able to enjoy our growing library of family-friendly content. We are so grateful for your continued support and keep your eyes out for new shows every week!
  • Feeling serene

    Since having my first baby 6 months ago I pride myself im hoping to do no screen time as much as possible before 3 years old but it still came to mind a few times as winter approaches. Those childhood memories, under a blanket, drinking hot cocoa on a winter night night cuddled by my mom while watching a movie and it hit me. Except those old classics, the ones from my childhood, would I even feel comfortable letting my child watch movies, tv shows or even kids entertainment? When it feels like everything has a hidden message, an end game, some brainwashing with a darker purpose, could I make those memories with my daughter ? I feels like just knowing there will be kids entertainment that won’t try to turn her brain into mush, that there are shows she’ll be able to enjoy with being taught a narrative that goes against everything we believe in
    already feel relieving and exciting!
  • Finally some family based content for kids!

    We are so happy with Bentkey! The shows are so good and have great lessons and messages in them. The days of pre-screening our kids’ shows are over! We don’t have to worry about them seeing something inappropriate while watching; which can’t be said about really any of the other kid-based streaming services. There is a large selection of shows and we are excited to see what new shows/episodes come out. We love ChipChilla and are super excited for Snow White. We will be using Bentkey as our go-to for our kids!
  • The kids love it

    We sat down and watched a few shows this afternoon. My 5 year old daughter particularly loved Mabel Maclay, and went off to build a time machine as soon as we were done watching. My youngest son loved Chip Chilla, and my oldest keeps asking if we can watch another episode of How Ridiculous.

    I absolutely love that there’s now an option for quality, safe kid’s programming that I don’t feel like I have to constantly monitor. But I’m particularly impressed with how much the kids enjoyed it. I was half expecting it to be a lower quality cheese fest, and am pleased to say it’s not. It’s great. I can’t wait for more.
  • Quality, safety & morality

    I have watched three different programs so far with my 3 & 6 year old. The kids are loving the content choices. I didn’t realize how much I missed trustworthy children’s entertainment until now. It’s a huge relief knowing I can pop these shows on without having to worry about agenda and indoctrination. Clearly Daily Wire didn’t sacrifice on quality. I’ve noticed the different programs offer a traditional moral lesson which I have greatly missed. The programs also have that slower, intentional pace rather than some of the overstimulating imported garbage available on some streaming services. Thank you thank you for creating this platform and providing parents with safe, quality entertainment for our precious kiddos. You have a customer for life in me. THANK YOU.
  • Brilliant Move by Daily Wire!

    I grew up watching Disney cartoons & classics that promoted virtue, family, and dignity - values that are now nowhere to be seen. In an attempt to be relevant, Disney has adopted a sickening agenda that promotes broken families, sexuality, and racism, to young children. And it’s heartbreaking to not only see the effects in action, but to witness it closely in my own home. Daily Wire is a company I’ve stood behind for a few years now, and I’m thrilled about Bentkey! Because I know the heart behind Daily Wire and their desire to provide kids with wholesome and virtuous content that not only allows, but ENCOURAGES children to be children, I take great delight in promoting, supporting, and championing Bentkey! Thank God for parents who will the good of their children and for giving them the platform that provides the resources to other parents throughout the country to do the same.

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