User Reviews: iHome Fitness & Health

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Won’t sync WiFi- or Bluetooth.

    Returned to store and never buying home again.

  • Error

    Keep saying check DOB and height. I’ve checked it’s correct and yet it keep sending me an error alert
  • Really buggy

    I put my profile information in and it does not list my age correctly. I put my birthday in and calculates my age as being 10 years younger. I changed my birthday in the settings as if I were 10 years younger and now it’s off by six years. It makes me wonder what else is, incorrect in its calculations. I don’t trust the data.
  • App doesn’t work - at first

    I was originally having the same issue - profile info won’t save, despite several attempts. But I gave it 24 hours, and voilá - things work! I got a reading on all 14 of the markers. Wasn’t the reading I wanted to see, but I guess that’s why I bought the scale in the first place.
  • Wouldn’t connect to scale

    It wouldn’t connect to the scale and it appears you can only have one account attached to it so my weight and my wife’s weight would be on the same app without a way to differentiate. Waste of money but you won’t know that until you buy it
  • Needs a lot of improvement

    I can’t scroll down on any page. Even if I have my Bluetooth off, when one of my children uses the scale, it records their weight on my profile and I don’t see where I can delete an entry.
  • Some of the stats seemed inaccurate

    While I use it, it’s great for tracking the my weight but the bmi is inaccurate I feel. As I weighed my self I saw the bmi extremely high and then decided to check my bmi on other websites/apps and they all said a similar lower number compared to what the app gave.
  • App doesn’t work

    I am having the same issue - profile info won’t save, despite several attempts. Basically just bought a regular scale. Could have saved myself some $ and bought a cheaper one without these bells and whistles.
  • Won’t save data

    I was able to create an account and setup the app on my phone; when I entered my profile info, the DOB and height won’t save and I keep getting an error that those two data points aren’t entered even though I hit Save and have done this step numerous times. I’ve taken the batteries out of the scale to reset and deleted the app and re-installed but it still doesn’t work!! Really annoying since I wanted my weight and BMI!!
  • This is not accurate.

    I am 10 pounds from goal weight. I wear a US size 10. This scale says I have 50% of my weight as fat. I just hope the weight is right, because I don't trust anything else with this scaler. Sigh.