User Reviews: Home

Top reviews

  • Very good but could have a batter ending

    So Home is a very fun game depending in your taste in games. I am hopping for like another game like this like maybe make a second one.

    I do have one problem though, well more than one. Okay so the chooses need bigger impact on the game seems like the last choose you have to make is the only one that impacts the story, then the story ends! Also nothing was answered like I was left with more questions than when I started (if you made a second one all those questions COULD be answered). But that's just what I think is wrong with it.

    All those people who say the graphics are bad, THEY ARE MENT TO LOOK LIKE THAT.😡 All games to also those are pixels and every other game has pixels maybe just smaller but this game has fine graphics.
  • Amazing

    This is among the best games I've ever played. I still think about it years after I finished it, it reminds me if fight club, an incredible, mystery, mind bending, unexplainably wonderful. It's hard to describe this game without spoiling it but ill leave it at play with headphones and it's well worth the price.
  • Unique is a good word for it

    Guessing at the edge of your seat, clenching at every sound, hoping it will never end, and begging it to be over. When graphics are taken back to mere pixels one is left with an expectation of something original to keep one interested. This game does just that. The story and choices involved are both completely engaging. The controls work great to serve their purpose even though there are a few moments where the immersion is hurt by a minor issue when touching a wall. All things considered however, the overall experience is still fantastic. While plenty of games incorporate a successful decision system and story; this game is certainly unique.
  • Interesting, but frustrating

    Home has a great premise and decent execution from an artistic standpoint... it's creepy, unsettling and intriguing. It also tries to do something interesting with narrative and player choice.

    Unfortunately, it makes a few really big mistakes with its design that mar the experience - I personally felt cheated and frustrated at the end of it all.

    I really like the idea behind the game, and it could have worked well if choices had been presented to the user more clearly throughout the game - in terms of what is necessary, what is optional, what is reversible and what is permanent.

    When you get the user heavily invested in a movie-length experience, you need to be *really* careful that they get the payoff that they have worked for at the ending, and it's a real shame that Home fails in this regard. Some more playtesting and tweaking could have turned this into a real gem of a game.
  • Not what I expected. A hidden gem

    It reminds me if those books I used to get from the library. The story starts and depending on your choices the book would instruct you to turn to a certain page to continue the story. This is way more complex and ingenious. But it's more than a story it's like the best game of clue and the best kind of movie. The kind that leave you to fill in the rest of the blanks to make your own assumptions. I'm not saying this app is for everyone but if you are a clever enough person to see how awesome it really is I promise it's worth your time. There are multiple endings which makes it worth it to me. But I still wish the game took longer.
  • Terrible

    I was expecting a much better game than this. The plot was boring at best, the graphics were awful, and the story made absolutely no sense. I was left with more questions than answers by the time I was done. I was anticipating an engaging and thrilling horror story (one where things are explained by the end) but instead got a confusing, unrealistic, frustrating story that had barely any horror elements at all. I could write a better plot for this game in my sleep, one where a player/reader could actually become involved in the plot. What a waste of money. I DO NOT recommend this game for anyone.
  • Amazing

    I love the mystery of it all especially how there is no "definite" answer to what happened even though the story strongly implies a specific suspect as the murderer. Very creepy atmosphere made the game more fun. I really love the fact that there are so many player options to switch the ending and keep the game interesting.
  • Very interesting

    First of all: I'd say this is more of an interactive story/ text based game, so for those of you that don't like reading that much, this isn't for you.

    On the other hand, for those of you that DO, this is probably a good quickie for you.

    I was very interested to continue looking for new things that might lead to an answer and at the end I sorta didn't get it. But I think it all depends on how you play out your options and opinions.
  • Excellent 'chose your own adventure'

    Simple controls, great atmosphere, and I love the retro look, but what really sold the game to me was the story, or more specifically how your actions and decisions can radically alter the tale you experience. Only real complaint is that it is kind of short, but since the game is meant to be played multiple times, that isn't much of a problem. After completing the story, I highly recommend looking up other people's stories to see some of the various interpretations of the events.
  • Cute little thriller

    If you wanna get your heart racing while delving into the possibility of your wife's murder, get this game!! It had me hooked from the first second, i was actually reading the dialogue in an eerie voice as my friend sat in my room, the whole time shes looking at me thinking im a game is a a good way...thrilling...exciting. Buy it.

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