Ecosia User Reviews

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  • Teamtrees

    Let’s plants treeees
  • Awesome

    I’m used to using google and Ecosia functions very similarly. Easy to use and I love that we can see all their donations. I also like that they are not interested in selling my data for a quick buck. Just move it into the place where your regular browser is so you will use it and not forget haha.
  • Can't keep open tabs

    Half my open tabs disappeared and turned into a globe icon and no longer load the page when I open the tab. Why?? Please include a disclaimer that this browser cannot handle more than 10 open tabs or something so we don't lose important stuff. Thought I could leave a page open in a tab and come back to it later. But that's asking too much. Now I can't access those tabs or find out what was in them before Ecosia trashed them
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  • Almost perfect

    I love this search engine, primarily for its cause and features. I believe it lives up to what it promises, but I cannot give it 5 stars as it has two primary issues which bother me to a good degree. Firstly, after a few trees, the tree count seems to have gone away, which is disparaging from its purpose of encouraging the use of the app by showing personal progress. What once was there seems to be replaced by a friend invite tracker. Secondly, it lags behind as a browser as it slows significantly when too many tabs have been opened, which I have not noticed on browsers such as opera GX and chrome. I also miss add blocking, but I understand the need of ads to generate revenue for the cause. Overall an amazing browser for supporting the environment but a lacking browser for casual, everyday usage.
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  • Utterly Satisfied

    Not a picky internet user when it comes to functionality. Ecosia has long offered a general user experience geared toward mindful internet use. I recommend the browser to any ethical casual folk traversing the Web.
  • Used to be good

    I love the goal of this browser, and I used to love the browser itself, but whatever changes have been made recently have made it nearly useless.
    The browser /used/ to produce useful results, but now it absolutely does /not/. It now shuffles results for some reason, which can make a nightmare out of finding specific sites more than once, and it’s rather insistently trying to push AI-based searching -though, in fairness, it keeps that in a separate tab as of the date of review.
    Most frustratingly, the search engine seems to only /sorta/ search according to my query, ignoring search operators and autocorrecting with no indication that it did so and without any option to un-autocorrect the search: If I search something like, say, ‘“seedless orange” stores near me’ with the intent of getting only results that include the phrase ‘seedless orange’, the results will /still/ include things like ‘seedless watermelon store’ and ‘orange paint store’. If I search something like ‘James Foxx’ (who doesn’t exist afaik) it’ll kick up like 3 results before filling basically every other result with links about actor /Jamie/ Foxx and I can’t find any way to undo this issue when it happens.
    I haven’t had these issues with any other search engine and, for the meager number of trees my searches are planting, I honestly believe at this point I’d be better off just throwing $20 at a reforestation charity or something.
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  • Feel better about browsing the web!

    Feels great that my web searches contribute to tree plantings! Sometimes the image search is better on other platforms but my go to browser has been Ecosia for over a decade now and they are constantly improving it too.
  • Would be good to fix a bug

    The logos next to the search results doesn’t show sometimes, it would be nice to see a picture next to a result. And OceanHero has a great idea of showing progress for how many bottles I’ve contributed to collecting and it’s a lot of fun. You could do something similar and add a progress bar for the trees planted from the searches I’ve made.
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  • Fantastic

    It is wonderful to see a search engine truly committed to 100% ethical internet browser access. A brilliant idea that sets a robust moral standard and puts its money where its mouth is in a time of extreme, empirically evidenced anthropogenic climate change, rather than greenwashing with fudged or non-denominated statistics and blatant untruths about its care for people and the planet (pay close attention, Google, Bing, DDG, Yahoo, etc.: Ecosia’s existence proves that you need to lift your evidenced ethical game by an immense margin!)
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  • Great search engine … with TREES!

    I’ve been using it about a month and so far it’s shown itself to have all the advantages of the usual big search engines plus a few really useful additions. Best of all is the Chat option, which has been hugely helpful where my own searches have failed. I’ve also just had to contact Help in order to change the settings - the response was prompt, pertinent and personal. And the cherry on the cake - a few trees have been planted all because of my obsession with searching the internet 😃
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