Buddhify User Reviews

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  • The best

    Tried them all. This is my favorite. I could tell you all about how easy it is to use or the intuitive interface but the thing is that the meditations are directly applicable to the way that we live our lives. I started using the app for the anxiety-reducing meditations, but learned so much along the way about technique and myself that I now do a 30 minute solo meditation every morning and a guided meditation many afternoons. Deepak Chopra said that everyone should meditate once a day, unless you don’t have time. Then you should meditate twice a day. Get this app. And use it. It helped me change my life.
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  • Have sleep problems? Look no further

    This app it truly amazing. I don’t use it nearly as much as I should and I don’t use it to all its functionality. However, I use the different sleep meditations to help me get a goodnight sleep and wind down and it has made a huge difference in my happiness and life in general. Let me explain…

    Side note: I, on occasion, have a really hard time falling asleep despite being very tired and wanting so bad to sleep. Before this app, my sleep problems would keep me up all. Night until I pass out from exhaustion. Let me give a real example…

    I was having one of the worst times falling asleep a couple weeks ago the night before I took my midterm for a summer class that would make or break my entire fall schedule. It ended up being about 5 am after restored attempts to fall asleep I finally remembered I had the app and boom it worked! The guided sleep meditation allowed me to put anxiety aside and the calming voice just eased me into sleep.

    I really and truly can not recommend this app enough. If you have ever had trouble with sleep look no further the app is well worth it and there is so much more to it then just helping you fall asleep!
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  • Amazing

    I have been and where very skeptical about meditation. I have never had it work well and thought it was kind of hokey! I have been through some very tough times in my life; combat, battling cancer twice, loss etc…but for the last month a back injury has interrupted my life and left me helpless! Unable to move, in serious pain, emotional distress, lost work, lost recreation, lost vacation, unable to volunteer, mow my lawn, drive, finish moving and so forth. Awaiting approval for back surgery to fix my issues I was reading and found an article about meditation and one of the apps they recommended was Buddify and I am
    so happy they did! I love it, it’s great and has helped me relax, stay calm and know that this too shall pass. I use several different sections of the wheel a few times a day and getting into a routine and incorporating it into my daily life! Thank you, well worth the $5,
    hope it helps you too!
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  • Much Needed Support

    These are difficult days for me. Difficult for many of us. I need something to help me focus on mindfulness. Most apps are much too expensive and feel formal. I needed simple, honest, caring and loving. This gives me that. Thank you so very much for such a gift. And the best part. You only need to pay understand $10 for access to this personal “On the Go” community. I wanted everything they had to offer because I trust them. So I paid under 50. I look forward to continuing to use this daily and to financially support them yearly so they don’t stop. Thank you thank you🙏🏼❤️👍🏽
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  • Unnecessary need for an account

    I’m not particularly fond of having to create an account for many things, considering a vast majority of things these days force users down the account creation route. Unfortunately this app disabled many settings until an account has been created. This shouldn’t be necessary. These settings should be easily saved in the devices local storage without having them synced to an account. If the app was free, it wouldn’t be so bad. However, after having just paid for it, I don’t want to have to create an account to toggle such simple settings. Otherwise, a nice app.
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  • Fantastic app!

    My counsellor recommenced this to me. It’s been a real life saver, possibly literally. It’s been helping me through some very serious mental illness and emotional pain. I really look forward to using it several times every day. Thank you!
  • Love except some voices

    First of all, it’s a great concept and app. There are meditations I just can’t get through though due to the voice of the person guiding. I read reviews complaining of this and thought I’d be fine as a lot of complainers are English people who are annoyed by the American accent, but I am American and there’s voices that I can’t bear. Particularly the girl who has that vocal fry thing and a weird accent. I can’t pin it down, it it’s not good for this. It doesn’t sound serious. There are enough good ones to make this worthy of a download but I would never purchase it unless I knew those meditations were re-recorded with an appropriate voice guide. It’s not mean to say this. Not all voices are cut out for such a thing! I feel badly about it saying it though. I’m sure she’s a lovely person. I don’t have the right voice for this either but the difference is I know it. :/
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  • I really wanted to like this app

    This app didn’t provide as much guidance with breathing and meditation for every category as I wished. Since I paid for this app, I tried it out whenever I could. However, I noticed that I kept going back to the free guided meditations on the Calm app and Aware app. When I realized that I hadn’t been using this app at all (and even avoiding it), I thought I should write this review.

    It gets 3 stars because the layout and the amount of content is impressive. However, the guided meditations in this app are just not my thing. There isn’t enough focus on breathing I think. My mind keeps wandering and I realize halfway through that I’m not even listening to the audio at all. I feel like the other apps give constant gentle reminders (regardless of category) to bring me back into focus. This feels more like an app for those who simply want a friend to make them aware of their surroundings as they do daily tasks... rather than themed sit-down guided breathing meditations.
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  • Great value

    I love this app and have used it for a year or two now. I have tried other more ‘well known’ meditation apps, however I think they are way too expensive for what they are. When I bought this it was a one off payment for around a fiver (not sure what it costs now), which I think is much better than paying expensive monthly subscriptions. I only really use the sleep sections of the app so would be good if more content could be added to stop it feeling repetitive, but otherwise, no complaints! :-)
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  • Fix your app

    I downloaded the app a few months ago, paid the $6 or whatever, used it once and then have been experiencing errors and nothing loads. I get it to work every now and then, but it’s almost as if the app wants you to start sitting there doing nothing waiting before it even loads! Kinda genius!

    These are preference things, but all of the voices are British (like headspace) and are not as calming to me as an American or Asian accent. Plus there’s too much talking and not enough silence in the guided meditations. You need a nice balance.

    If you’re looking for a cheap, no BS meditation app, I recommend Plum Village from the Buddhist Monastery.
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