It’s hard to complain about this service, because in less than an hour, I can have the photos in my hand for a very small price. I thought it was way too inexpensive the first time that I used it, and when I picked them up, I knew why. The colors are typically over saturated to the point where they look a little fuzzy. They have filters and a few ways to adjust different photographic effects to combat this. However, what it looks like on your phone may not represent what the photos will look like when you pick them up. My biggest gripe would be the extreme inconsistency of how the photos are cropped. Every time I’ve used the app, the photo fits perfectly in the cropping grid that they provide. But roughly half of the photos that I’ve received over the past 5 years or so are so off center that they’re not usable. I’m assuming it has something to do with the aspect ratio of the camera on your phone. If anything, make sure the photos that you’re having printed have the subject matter in the center of the picture because one, maybe two sides will be cut off. So do yourself a favor, and spend a couple dollars on having some practice photos printed so you’re not disappointed when the results aren’t exactly what you were shown. The good points are the speed in which they are printed, the low cost of the basic photos, and I’ve never had a mix up or a missing photo. Like anything else, you get what you pay for.
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