Midiflow User Reviews

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  • Note off velocities are ignored

    The bugs I mentioned in an earlier review were resolved with an iOS update - I forget which one, it’s been a while. Midiflow has been stable for a while now, and I’ve been using it without incident. As I said then, the feature set and power this app has is great. I couldn’t do what I do without it.
    One perplexing omission I just discovered is its seeming inability to handle note-off velocities! As far as I can tell, they’re all turned into note-ons with vel=0. I’m OK with this although it sent me on a wild goose chase of troubleshooting that wasted a lot of time. If anyone uses note-off velocities as a modulation source for anything, you may want to look elsewhere - unless Johannes addresses this with an update. He is still unreachable, as far as I can tell. The forum is dead - and the “feedback” button on the top left of the UI (described in the documentation) is gone! It almost seems he doesn’t want to be bothered!

    Speaking only for myself - the app is working fine (for now) and I’m gonna stick with it as long as it works on my iPad and iPhone. I can’t help feeling a little nervous about the lack of support.
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  • What's up with the forum?

    Great to see this app is being maintained but the forum appears to be dead - I've registered succesfully and can log in, but cannot post. The most recent post there is around 2 1/2 years old at the time I type this! I love this software but it's a bit disconcerting to think there is no support at all. I only wanted to post one minor feature request.

    Between this, StreamByter and AUM, I can make an iPad/iPhone music rig that rivals what I've been doing for years on my Mac with Plogue Bidule. I'm afraid to update iOS because I might lose Midiflow!
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  • Where is the return button!!!

    I bought this app with high hopes and it can do the simplest thing which is to go back to the previous page….??!!! Do not waste your money I want a f..ing refund!!!
  • Layout issues on my iPhone, can’t do what I want either

    I found a number of bugs, posted them on the support forum and got no response. Main one is layout issues in iOS 16.5.1 on iPhone 11, no ‘Done’ button/link visible so you get stuck whenever you go into a menu. On an older iPhone these navigation links appear.

    This app is probably good for some things, but the functionality I need (filter out Note Off messages) is not there. I was able to create this with MidiPipe on MacOS in about 2 minutes.
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  • This app looks abandoned, and for me, buggy

    I want to be nice because I know these i-apps are not big money makers for smaller developers. Midiflow has (imo) a fantastic feature set, and once you get to know how it’s organized, it’s pretty easy and quick to set up a patch for very detailed and complicated scenarios.

    I bought the app, then paid for all the IAPs. I should have checked here and on his forum first. Johannes seems to have abandoned this program. When it works, it’s great, but it’s unstable. It crashes a lot, right after I edit a song. I save the song (overwrite), switch to another song, crash - and when I go back to the song I was editing, all the edits I made before saving it are gone! Make the edits again, save (overwrite), then save an extra copy (with a different name) as a backup. Switch songs, crash. Once again my edits are gone, AND the backup song I saved is gone too! To say this is extremely frustrating is an understatement!

    I know this isn’t the place for bug reports but as someone else mentioned, Johannes’s forum is locked and the most recent post there is over a year old as of this writing. I got an automated response to an email I tried sending to the admin of his forum saying “we don’t respond to emails, ask on the forum”, lol. The last update to this program is a year ago. All this to say I’m disappointed that I can’t recommend this app, as great as the features are. I play music for a living and was hoping to take this and my iPad on stage with me. I’m honestly not sure what I’m gonna do. Things do seem to be working when I’m not trying to save songs, and I already have many hours invested learning the app and programming the presets for the gig I’m doing. More stress testing I guess, once I have the programming finished. I probably shouldn’t update my iPad’s OS now, no telling what will happen!
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  • Useful, but no support

    Good set of features for managing your MIDI chain on IOS, but if you run into a bug or have a question there is no response, and the community forum is locked
  • iphone version can’t use

    IOS14 iPhone11, no back to main button, can’t return parent menu, such as edit name, change velocity…
  • Force closes when I try to remap

    Sad that I paid for the app annnnd the remapping function
    Please fix as this is really the only reason I bought this
  • Nice as Midi Host. Problems with GUI

    This app seems to do what I wanted which is to get a clock in from a usb midi interface and then re-route the clock, through the same usb interface and a powered usb hub, to multiple synths. However I’m having some difficulties with the user interface where I’m not able to return to the main page from the “create a song” page and from the “select input keyboard” page. Please fix this issue or explain me how to do it. Give 3 stars for now….
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  • $11 dollars wasted

    The app crashes on the first note struck when a roli seaboard in single channel mode is connected to an analogue synth

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