Aplikasi unfaedah
Buka aplikasi ga apa informasi apa2 yg tertampil, balance 0 no active packet. Padahal ada pulsa dan sedang aktif berlangganan paket data.
Dan sering crash tanpa sebab yg jelas harus instal ulang lagi baru bisa. Kan tae ya.
Such a worst apps from indosat, bad very bad... Unstable and unfaedah app ever.
Dan sering crash tanpa sebab yg jelas harus instal ulang lagi baru bisa. Kan tae ya.
Such a worst apps from indosat, bad very bad... Unstable and unfaedah app ever.
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Force close setelah update. Mengecewakan
Cant open the app
Need update ASAP
cant open
it wont even open after the latest update..
Useless app from bad provider
Forced to download this app just to check billing statement as provider stopped emailing statements. Who does this in the first place? With the app i still cannot access the statement. This combined with poor connection that always call drops i think its time to say goodbye Indosat Ooredo
Aplikasinya tidak bisa download ?
Logout Sendiri
Sering crash di os11.. mohon di tindak lanjuti.. Overall mantap.. Dengan desain baru.. Tetapi sering ke Logout sendiri sekarang......
Since update to latest ver..always Crash when i tried to open...
Always crash please fix with update
Always close
Always close automatically when opening the app aftrr upgrading new iOS