DJI GO User Reviews


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  • The PROS and CONS

    I just recently got my DJI osmo mobile 2 and absolutely love it!! I can’t believe I have been trying to take video without. Having used the app along with it I have some things I like and don’t like about it.

    - the panorama picture features are awesome!!!
    - motion time lapse is great!
    - adjustable zoom speed
    - adjustable joystick sensitivity

    - photo management, should be an option to store directly to native iPhone folder instead of app which then makes a copy to your phone taking up 2x space.
    - AE/AF Lock is reset after you stop recording, so if I want to continue making small mini clips I have to constantly try and set the exact same exposure and focus as all the other clips in order to blend into one large film. This is very frustrating when you have bright whites and you want all your whites to look the same in every mini clip.

    Improvement: fix the AE/AF lock so it stays until the user changes it.
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  • Not as advertised. Only records in low resolution.

    The app is supposed to record 4K, as the new iPhones support that resolution; in fact, iPhones have recorded 4K video for several years. But this app only lets me shoot in 720P. It’s a big waste of a very expensive phone camera. Also, the exposure control bar is directly adjacent to the focus reticle, making it hard to adjust lighting.

    As an aside, other users are shooting 4K with Filmic Pro instead ($5.95 from the App Store), but that app isn’t completely compatible with the Osmo 2 gimbal (the Osmo control buttons mainly are disabled, except for power and the 4-way motor hat). Same with the built-in Apple Camera. The stabilizer works, but you must tap the phone screen to control it instead of using gimbal buttons.

    This is disappointing, since DJI in their marketing and videos implies you can take advantage of your phone’s maximum capabilities. Had I known the app and gimbal are crippled by lack of updates for current generation devices, I’d have bought another stabilizer. Not recommended.
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  • Good except storage

    Unlike others I have had no major issues with the app. The auto-follow doesn’t do everything I would like, but that’s more an issue of recognition software limitations than it is the app. For example it will lose you if you’re in a dark area with bright light behind you or if you turn your back on the camera and move around a lot. Overall I’m very happy except the storage. It’s ridiculous that they use their own storage area instead of the camera folder. This makes it a much bigger process when moving movies/photos off your iPhone than it should be. Would be a 5 minute fix, not sure why they don’t address this issue.
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  • Bad storage management

    The only problem I have with this app is it lacks in storage management. Instead of videos and pictures being stored in the typical iPhone data point where you would expect to find your pictures and movies, This app stores of them in the app’s folder directory. This creates a few problems. If for example your iPhone only has 64 GB capacity and you record a 4K video which is 40 GB in size, you will not be able to export the entire video. Before you can drag videos from your phone to your PC or MacBook, The content must be exported from the app to the iPhone library. The export process does not simply cut and paste the content but rather copies it. So with the capacity of 64 GB and a video file 40 GB it creates a problem. Contact you recorded is now stuck in the app folder with no avenue for exporting to your computer. I had to download iMazing to circumvent that’s a problem. Additionally, when you delete these large video files space is not freed on your device for whatever reason. I have tried using this app to delete the files and I also tried using third-party programs. Do you only way that I have been able to reclaim storage capacity from this app is to uninstall the program and then reinstall it after the painful process of exploring media. DJI Can fix this if they simply use the iPhone’s default media library, rather than hoarding the media in me app directory. Because of this extreme inconvenience I can only give the app two stars.
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  • Not worth the hassle

    Was given this as a gift thankfully. If I bought it I would return it. Very cumbersome to get the phone to stabilize. The manual was 2 pages long and never mentioned how to calibrate the “balancing” of it all. The up is down and right is left is very annoying for a beginner user. I would also expect the same quality as I am using my iPhone X but everything is worse than the camera on the flip phone I had years ago. Why don’t the pics go to my album. That makes no sense. I don’t like to share my location and yet it must have it enabled to work.. why is that necessary if I am using it for personal use. I do not want my pics on an app that I have to then go download each and every image (most are so terrible they are garbage). I will stick with my regular camera (Nikon) and my iPhone. I wish it would just allow me to use it as a stabilizer and use my phone settings for quality and all other settings. Do not recommend this at all.
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  • Good, but could be a bit better

    I just got an Osmo Mobile 2 and I’m having a ton of fun with it. The app is useful overall, and has a lot of excellent features. I would like to be able to switch between the two cameras on my iPhone X, rather than use digital zoom. I would also appreciate a way to recover deleted files, or maybe a trash folder that waits a few days before permanently deleting them. Oh, almost forgot, the iPhone X is capable of 4K 60, but the app doesn’t allow for it.

    Ultimately, I just want to be able to fully utilize the capabilities of my phone. Otherwise, great app.
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  • DJI Osmo Mobile 2 - BEWARE

    I’ve used the Osmo 2 for a total of 10 minutes, now on my iPhone 7 Plus it won’t tilt, when it DOES tilt it is not a result of my input on the button, it just rapidly ON ITS OWN VOLITION, flips the phone back and forth, banging the phone like it’s possessed. I downloaded this app to my old iPhone 6 to see if the Osmo 2 would work with it. Not only does it behave the same way, but this app doesn’t even have the Osmo Mobile 2 in the list of devices for the iPhone 6 to connect to, nor does its WiFi signal show up to connect to. If I run the app on my iPhone 7 Plus the Osmo Mobile 2 is listed. Why isn’t it listed in the same app when running it on an iPhone 6? This page says “works with this iPhone” yet it does not. Buyer beware.
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  • Worst editing app!!!!!!

    The app itself was designed nicely, you would think that a company that charges $500+ for drones and have sold thousands would invest in looking into the reviews. The editing app is HORRIBLE, get ready for some major frustration. It crashes in the middle of you working on it, hit the wrong button and all your work gone, there’s no save feature. Also, when you go to upload it, takes 5+ minutes just to upload a video of 1min. The app editing portion is a joke. Seriously guys, the ceo or someone really needs to take a look at these reviews, listen to your customers. All it takes is someone or another company to read these reviews, fix these issues and hit you where you are weak. The frustration is beyond me.
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  • Great Gimbal, TERRIBLE App!

    My family just spent a week in San Diego having a blast and getting some amazing videos captured on the Osmo Mobile 2 and my iPhone 8 Plus. On the first day, I noticed that the video files stayed inside the DJI app. So I manually moved them over to my local device media library. Very time-consuming.

    I decided, ok no big deal. I’ll just deal with offloading the videos when I get back from the trip. Well, here’s where the DJI GO APP failed miserably for me. We’re back home ready to view all the amazing videos we took, I click on the app and it wouldn’t open. I do it a second and third time. I finally restart my phone. It still won’t open. So I decide to uninstall and reinstall the app and sign back into my account where (I should have access to my video library.)

    NOPE! No videos. All gone. All of my videos stuck in the app were held hostage because I couldn’t open the app. When I reinstalled the app, it apparently deleted all my video files as well! They make you sign up for a DJI account but don’t give cloud backup! So I lost everything.

    Use the Osmo gimbal WITHOUT the DJI GO app. Use your native camera/video app or use Filmic pro or ProMovie.
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  • App crashes constantly

    I will try to limit my frustrations to just the mobile app... I have a Phantom 3 standard. The app on my iPhone 7 Plus crashes within seconds of launching it, every-time I try to use it. (I update the app and firmware whenever available) I am forced to use my iPad to view the camera which doesn’t fit on the remote bracket. Please fix this!

    Aside from that, there is always some minor issue when I try to fly. It’s a rare day when I power on, connect, and fly. DJI you have so much potential to be amazing, but the constant hiccups when trying to fly leaving me feeling sour and not wanting to use your product.
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