myCircadianClock User Reviews


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  • Changing time

    I am in week three of 14 and so far, I am enjoying the app. I love the picture feature. However, if you are just recording a food item manually, it records the present time by default and doesn’t let you change it afterwards. This has messed up my food diary (and your research data, by the way!!) so many times!! I can understand that you cannot erase past items, but you should allow people to change the time of a food item. Since this is all about the right timing, it is essential to record the correct time and it shouldn’t be that difficult to add this option to the app!!
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  • Primitive

    This app is very primitive. Even the how to videos sound like a kid just talking into a recorder and the pics are so small. I used the app for 10 days and then it just stopped working. It was a lot of effort to log food and sleep. Also, the picture taking and food logging just seems so antiquated. There are so many apps already that can log things like food, sleep and water intake, there is no need to try and reinvent the wheel. If you need good data collection, see what is already out there and team up with a company that already has the ability to track this type of information and already has millions of users.
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  • I love this app

    In 2015 I was still teaching and my weight was 151 pounds ( I am 5’3”) I listened to an interview of Dr Panda and decided to get the app and give it a try.
    I went from 151 to 114 just by eating within the time I set. No effort, no hunger, I took a picture of everything I ate.
    Fast forward to 2020, the pandemic and other things going on in my life, and I started eating later, and later. The pounds started to add up.
    I just hit the reset button and I am back on track, and I started loosing the weight again 6 pounds so far!
    I also love that I am contributing to scientific research.
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  • NOT user friendly

    Incorrect sleep times. If I go to bed after midnight and wake up 5 hour later, it’s says I slept more than 12 hours. Trying to correct it is almost impossible. I will reel-enter data, then It will change yesterday’s total. Very frustrating. How can you collect in proper data? App is not user friendly. Needs a lot of work. App glitches when trying to enter any data. You have to push the buttons 5 times to get it into the data entry mode. And it is infuriating. Doing this for 2 weeks is difficult due to glitches in app. Not sure I want to deal with this for another 14 weeks.
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  • Helpful and great IT support

    While not the flashiest app, it’s both functional and informative, allowing me to track food and stay on track for my diet and eating window. I’m a big fan of the simplicity and lack of ads that would clutter the otherwise streamlined interface. While bugs do occur, per usual for a phone app, the software team is quick to fix it which I highly appreciate. I’m excited to continue participating in the study!
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  • So far so good!

    Dang this is such a novel way to conduct research! I heard about this app on Rhonda Patrick's podcast. Initially, I was a little disheartened to read the reviews reporting glitchiness in the app, but I'm happy to say I've been using it for a while now and so far haven't encountered any of the issues described.

    I'm not usually one to write reviews, but in this case I feel this is truly an example of how technology can be used for good. Super rad. Thanks Satchin Panda!
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  • Lots of Potential But...

    This app is pretty buggy. I was excited to be using this app to help in this research in hopes of not only helping myself but others as well. Sadly this app has caused me unnecessary stress as I fight with it trying to get things right. The main trouble I seem to be having is with the sleep function. At first it would stop counting hours and now I keep getting multiple sleep entries. It says I slept over 40 hours last night! Not sure how I pulled that off.
    There are other bugs too.
    I can see where this app could be very useful if working correctly but not in its current state.
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  • Diamond in the rough

    Although there’s been some issues with the app, it’s really helped me with time-restricted eating and really improved my overall health and mood. Every update it gets better and better although it’s glitchy sometimes, the overall health gain heavily outweighs the issues! Some people forget that this app isn’t programmed by a developer and is done strictly for the research.
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  • Convenient to use!

    This app is developed by lab and it is meant to be used in a study. The purpose of the study is to see if reducing one’s eating window to 10 hours a day improves health. For this reason, the app does the job. It is very easy to take a picture of a food item that I am eating and uploading it. The item gets a time stamp and the food is recorded. The app is very simple and efficient.
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  • App too slow and buggy to keep using

    I was so excited to participate in the research, but after completing the two week baseline I discovered that much of my data was not recorded. Only five or so foods are able to be annotated with a single entry, so much of my data were lost because it took me a week to realize I had to do a new entry just to log an entire meal. Additionally, there were no instructions stating that you couldn’t log food, beverages and meds with a single entry. So if I went sequentially through the tabs, the only thing recorded was the medication; all the food and beverages I annotated were lost. The vast majority of photos I took are not in the history. I wanted so badly to participate in this because it sounded fun and I’m doing time restricted feeding because of Dr. Panda’s research findings. If the technical kinks get worked out, I would be happy to begin again, but right now the data collected for me will just demonstrate a glitchy app and not a picture of my dedication to fully participating.
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