User Reviews: Headlines Plus

Headlines Plus
Headlines Plus
The Publisher Desk LLC

Top reviews

  • Good content

    Interesting articles without having to search the internet. Articles that are probably suppressed elsewhere. Very well structured and easy to navigate.
  • Good story selection, except for wrestling

    I’m actually enjoying the selection of news stories in this app better than Drudge Report these days — except for the slew of stories devoted to wrestling. If you would just do an occasional wrestling story that would be fine but the amount right now is just silly. Does anyone actually care about reading wrestling news stories?
  • Actually more balanced than drudge now...

    Do some research, ever since drudge switched from intermarkets to granite cubed, now renamed Voranda, drudge has become far more one sided in the wrong direction. This app actually appears to be more balanced than drudge. Do your own digging and realize that drudge now has turned to an unknown entity for its source of ad revenue, and this is all looking extremely suspicious.
  • Great job Apple! NOT!!

    How do you ruin on of the greatest news apps out there? By allowing spam, ads and endless video pop ups! I guess that is one way to shut someone down!

    I used this app since its inception. I have friends with androids that don’t have as many problems, so I can only surmise that this is an Apple issue, which is strange since it is a “closed” op system!

    Sad that the powers that be can’t let people make their own decision on what they use and read without trying to influence it by creating a negative experience!
  • Not usable

    There are some apps that make you wonder why they were even made. If the goal of the app was to make the content easier to get to then the developer should pay money back. It is a horrible experience. The ad unit implementation is just horrific and you cannot read the linked articles or for that matter even scroll the main page without it constantly interfering. I accept the need for monetizing the content. But this is just painful. Send the main webpage screen as a home screen app on your iOS device - save yourself from the pain.
  • I’m deleting this app for good

    I’ve used the Drudge App for many years and there have been annoying pop up ads when following a link, but nothing like it is now. Don’t bother downloading this app unless they do a major fix on it. I’ve tried to go to stories for the past week but a black screen that looks like it’s trying to run an ad is continuously popping up to where I can’t even scroll the titles on each page. Whoever is running this app should be fired because I notice from other reviews that I’m not alone in my frustration. Just go straight to Matt’s page from your browser. Much better
  • Once great news site tarnished by spam

    Matt Drudge, please stop linking to news sites that don’t let the reader read! I’m so tired of sites like cbs affiliates, aljazeer, wapo, and more relentlessly pushing me into video clips, ads, and bogus “prize” trolls. Your format is great, I’ve been a long time fan, but it’s getting ridiculous. You have a 5-star app but I can only give 3 stars for the content issues.

    This is by far the most dreadful application on my phone due to its terrible functionality. It crashes constantly and freezes for no apparent reason near 50% of the time I use it. I have left only ONE other application review since becoming an iPhone user in 2011. This is the second. That should tell you how awful your app is. I don’t care about pop ups or annoying advertising. I just want to be able to read content by Drudge. Please get this under control.

    Suddenly your app is nothing but pop up ads that won’t go away making it impossible to enjoy the news on what used to be a great app. I’m surprised Matt allows these pop ups to destroy his app. I’m giving you a few days to clear these pop ups out and if they persist, I’m reluctantly deleting this app, consigning it to oblivion, and moving on.
  • Drudge is losing me

    I’ve been a fan of Drudge for years and loved his site. But lately, instead of reading the articles he links to, I spend the vast majority of my time deleting endless pop-ups, unwanted videos and fighting to keep my screen from going blank, rather than reading the informative articles I want to read.

    My Drudge Report’s app has gotten frustrating to use and is no longer an interesting place to visit. But until Drudge gets rid of all those annoying pop ups, I’m forced to go elsewhere for my news.

    It’s too bad, Drudge had a good thing going and has built up quite a following. But with fame, it seems Mr Drudge must feel it’s ok to cash in by bombarding his viewers with those endless ads.

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