User Reviews: Headlines Plus

Headlines Plus
Headlines Plus
The Publisher Desk LLC

Top reviews

  • This app is terribly lacking useability

    I've tried using this app over the years and it has always disappointed me. My biggest complaint is constantly dealing with blank screens after clicking the links and having to re-load the entire app to refresh. Alternative apps have disappeared (like Simply Drudge) that were FAR SUPERIOR GUI & Useability. I've been waiting and I'm still disappointed in this "official app". I'm not nitpicking either.. This app truly needs improvement still even after developer change. It's one of the only news sources I care for so I will continue clunky use with fingers crossed of future improvements (or alternatives).
  • Good source for news links

    Ignore the reviews that call it biased, Drudge links to other sites. Drudge doesn't even write their own content and "liberals" still can't stand other viewpoints. Special mention to all the ad hominem in the hate comments, why don't you point out what's wrong with the linked news instead of throwing insults?
  • Very much improved

    I got a new phone and while I started loading my purchased apps I noticed this updated app. It it like the one drudge dropped several years back which was frustrating. This is so much more phone friendly and glad to see drudge finally did this. As far as the negative reviews, it shows you how anti free speech so called liberals are.
  • Jeeves is a biased review

    Jeeves you sure claim to know a lot about this app and website to hate it so much. You even tell us about the upgrades so you must be a longtime reader despite your comments. I keep the app and go to the website both. The news they publish is directly from other news sources and they don't actually 'write' anything. Gee, Jeeves...I can't tell you have an agenda at all.
  • Somewhat better

    It (so far) doesn't have constant redirects and pop ups; that's a plus. I like being able to select between columns rather than scrolling and zooming to be able to see anything. It's still a bit slow and the size of the buttons and how they operate will leave some wondering if they pushed anything or not. Still, it's better...but not good.
  • 1000% improved from that last POS

    I mainly read the site through a feed reader now, but this app is finally a decent way to access the site again. Please consider updating the app to use Safari so the new ad-blocking feature can be used to filter all the crap the new sites push on you.
  • So much better than before

    This app used to be great! Then they destroyed it. I'm glad to see they've finally made it better again. This one is simple and clean, loads fast and just works! I love the 'column' buttons at the top too. Wish the iPad version had them. Much better!
  • So clunky and cumbersome

    This may be better than it used to be, but that just means it's earlier iterations must have been horrible. While I like the idea of looking at "top stories" or each column individually, the execution is clunky and cumbersome. Not only is everything really sluggish loading on an iPhone 6, but clicking the links is often unresponsive. Add to that that every time you click back to Drudge from an article it takes you to the top of the default "top stories" so you have to click back on the column you want and scroll back down. Keep trying guys!
  • Much lag

    1st: Love DR. Check it many times each day. The new update, while totally ripping off the earlier/better version, is markedly improved.

    2nd: Because I'm on it so often, I notice tremendous lag more often than not. There is far more wait-time with the new iPhone app than with the one-size-fits-all app. If you can figure that out, then congrats - you made it full circle back to the original (or +5 updates back) version!

    3rd: Why not have link-share options as part of the app? Being the media genius Matt Drudge is, you'd think want free advertising by letting people post to Facebook or tweet or text directly from the app.

    4th: I can tell I'm getting increasingly agitated writing this review as I remember how amazing the old version was. So, stop 'helping' us access Drudge Report if helping really means stripping/slowing things down.

    5th: Is Matt Drudge, unbeknownst to him, actually hiring lib-tard developers who are actually sabotaging him?

    6th: That last part felt mean. Creating an app is probably really difficult. Thanks for an app that is slightly better than the full website version.
  • Seems to be improved now

    Absolutely LOVE this website. WAY BETTER than google news. There were problems w/ the app before which rendered it unusable. However, it seems normal again, and therefore a definitely MUST HAVE NEWS APP. This is without question the absolute best news aggregator out there. If there's a better one ( I seriously doubt it ) I'd like to know about it. A salute to Matt Drudge!

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