User Reviews: Headlines Plus

Headlines Plus
Headlines Plus
The Publisher Desk LLC

Top reviews

  • ad overload

    every article comes with 5 ads, every ad has another ad. after you delete one 2 more pop up. then finally after you get the 35 ads deleted the next thing u see is you have to make an account with the wall street journal or someone else to be able to read the article. drudge used to be great but now its a SELL OUT!!!!! care about your customers and maybe i will download ypur app again but until you do fix it i hope you site crash and burns
  • Great content, but HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE App

    I love reading Drudge - but this app doesn't make it easy.

    I've had a much better experience with the native Safari browser instead of this app. With the app, I get inundated with ads. I know people will be quick to say that the sites post the ads. Fair enough, BUT I don't get the same experience with Safari. Not sure if the ads are baked into the App or if Safari is more intelligent at suppressing them.

    Another quirk? Click on the 2nd or 3rd column, then turn your phone sideways. It automatically goes back to the first column, which is annoying. If I'm on a column, I'd like to be able to view it and stay on it until I click to another column.

    The app also freezes on me. I used this app long ago and drifted to another app, only for the other app to be shut down. This one is going to the trash now. I will check the ratings somewhere down the line to see if it warrants another install, but for now -- Safari it is.
  • it's a crappy web browser made into an "app"

    Nothing more than a cheap quality web browser that points to the drudge site and is more unintuitive than Safari or Chrome. Take the extra step of using your mobile browser so you don't have to deal with his piece of junk and pop up ads. It's 2017, this project is about as successful as using a tennis racket to play baseball. I don't get how creating an app that reads 3 columns of news headlines on a website could have failed so miserably. Even more surprising is that Drudge still promotes this app on their site, it's pure ignorance to the audience. Read the reviews Matt... you're losing readers.
  • Freeze Up

    What is going on with this particular Drudge App?? I've been a Drudge fan for years. For whatever reason, this one has started to 'freeze up' right in the middle of reading an article....can't scroll, can't switch to something else---have to turn off my IPad & reboot to get it to work correctly again. Then a few mins later, does it again. Other apps, drudge included, do not do this. Fix it please!
  • Would Give it 5 Stars but....

    When you can actually read an article, it's a great news source. It's nearly impossible to read one. Many of the articles you only get to read some of it To read the rest of the article you have to subscribe to and pay for the app, ex Washington Post etc. PLUS So many pop-up ads, and they don't go away. They take up the entire screen. Hit the close or x button, it will just repeat the ad. I realized I spend more time trying to close ads than reading the articles. Plus, beside the pop-up ads,each article is followed by rediculous ads as news worthy or entertainment gossip stories...selling diet products. Needless to say....I'm removing it.
  • Crashes! Crashes! Crashes!

    Less and less, the Drudge Report is my go to news source. Why? Many times I'll be reading a story, when, bam!, it crashes. Don't know why unless it's because of the frequent and annoying pop-up ads. Drudge used to have an ap called "Drudge Plus" which contained a "Readability Optimized" option. No pop-ups, just text, and no crashes. Bring it back. Update four months later: Crashes continue, and they are frequent. Something must be done if the Drudge Report wants to keep its readers. Take away one star! Update: I would give it zero stars if I could. Goodbye Drudge😠
  • Pop-up ads a feature, not bug?

    The fact that the developer has not fixed the pop-up ads makes me think it is intentional. I'm a big consumer of the Drudge Report so I found a workaround: installed 1Blocker app, long press Drudge links on iPhone and choose Open in Safari. If Reader View option is available for that page, I switch to that.
  • PopUps Galore

    I love Drudge, perusing it several times a day. But more and more I find more frustration than not when using the app due to incessant and unavoidable pop up ads that are often so intrusive as to make news articles utterly unreadable, forcing me to use a PC if I want to read some news content.
    I understand profit incentive; I've been a self-employed small business owner for over thirty years.
    But this is getting ridiculous.
  • Like Drudge/rotten app

    I like Drudge Report just fine. This app for all intents and purposes works well. The bizarre problem is it's data usage!

    My data usage skyrocketed since coming back to the iPhone 2 months ago. After calling ATT to discuss this huge jump- it was determined I have some Apps using huge inexplicable amounts of data! My previous high of around 8 gigs ballooned to 24 gigs! That's an insane increase. The worst offender was this app! Why on earth baffles- I'm not streaming video! So, off it goes— I'll try it again when I see the ratings improve. Until then I'll just use the web version.
  • Check your storage!

    Be forewarned! Although this app works fairly well (although the constant no internet connection pop up even when connected is annoying), for some unknown reason, the makers of this app decided to retain the documents and data every time you open it. The only way to prevent this is to delete it and reinstall it every now and then, otherwise it will use GB's of storage!

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