User Reviews: Headlines Plus

Headlines Plus
Headlines Plus
The Publisher Desk LLC

Top reviews

  • Enlarging font (print) & Adding headline source info

    This is a great app and my first news source each AM. Does need a way to expand screen print size. (Pinch fingers does not work when inside the linked news source site.) Also, it would be helpful to include the news source in each (homepage) headline, thus minimizing time visiting undesirable news sites.
  • Was a major storage hog....until....

    Overall I am happy with the app (despite the pop-up ads issues documented here). I was shocked, however, with the amount of storage it was taking up on my iPhone: 4.5 GB!!). I found a solution via trial and error. I deleted the app (via "manage storage" under the IPhone's general settings and freed up the 4.5GB. I even got a warning that I would lose all my Drudge documents and data - never thought or knew I was storing it's docs and data so I did not care. After deleting, the 4.5GB git freed up. I then went to the Apps store and reinstalled the program (from the cloud). Bingo! The program works and "manage storage" showed only the initial program size (a hell of a difference in overhead). I am going to keep using the app, however, will routinely do the delete and reinstall to keep its size (and my iPhone's available storage) under control. I don't know why it holds on to stored docs and data - I never initiated storing that stuff). Highly recommend doing what I did for this app and its voracious storage consumption. My whole process took less than 30 seconds and I recovered a lot of storage space by doing so.
  • Out of control Pop Ups

    It is outrageous the amount of pop up ads. Sometimes I will click on a link for an article and get directed to an ad website, never getting access to the content I wanted. Other times, I will be reading an article and touch the text of the article to scroll only to be sent to an ad site. This happens repeatedly. Isn't there laws against that?! There ought to be, because I definitely was not touching any ad or link. Horrible. I've read drudge for years but I'm DONE.
  • Needs an update for iPhone 7

    This app won't work well on iPhone 7s or iOS 10. Keeps crashing over time. They also need to enable landscape mode when reading web pages because the font is too small on specific sites.

    Also they should get rid of having to make a choice every time you click on a link of whether you want the original site or an optimized one. Optimized hasn't worked for I don't know how long ago.
  • Content vs Presentation

    Few places on the ever expanding web hold even a kernel of truth that you'll find here. Try it for a week straight and you'll see for yourself, or grow mature enough and try again to see if you can wake up to the world around you and begin to think and reason for yourself. If you don't want ads, download an adblocker... Fool. Or take ads for what they are and realize every website and app has ads on it in order to thrive. Do you know how much newspaper subscriptions cost? Drudge doesn't ask you personally for money. He provides a real-time feed of news around the world, free of charge. There are few people that command as much respect for their effort as Mr. Drudge. Dittos Mr. Drudge. Long Live Drudge.
  • Safari is a better experience

    This app has been through many revisions from a simple embedded WebKit browser in an app to a whacko-do crazy interface and a reversion back to being a browser in an app. At least now it shows a column at a time. It is slow when loading an actual article. It still feels clunky.

    I ran the far superior SimplyDrudge app who was forcefully removed under legal threat from the App Store by the official licensed DrudgeReport developers lawyers. Apparently they want their ads delivered while they provide a terrible user experience.

    I am still running SimplyDrudge and will continue to do so as long as it still works. It parses and renders the content in a much better way and the whole experience lets you enjoy Matts content aggregation. Unfortunately others won't be able to download it as it's gone from the App Store.

    You are better off running Safari with an ad blocker but please whitelist the DrudgeReport. I only block the news site ads, Drudge isn't terrible with their ads.
  • Works great for me...

    I'm not sure what the users who gave this app poor reviews are talking about. The app is really good as far as I'm concerned and works just as well, if not better, than the actual website. It's clean and user-friendly and I have not experienced many ads at all and definitely no pop-up ads. Have not been using very long but I consider it to be excellent so far.
  • Unreadable

    I am an avid Drudge Report reader, but this app for iOS is unreadable for me on my iPad (the text is too small and the UI is amateurish).

    I am saddened at hearing that Matt Drudge has threatened legal action against the creator of the magnificent Drudge reader, "Simply Drudge," and forced its removal from the App Store. I am trying to get others tapped into the Drudge pipeline, but the lack of a credible reader for iOS is imposing too much friction.

    Rather than going all litigious, Drudge should work with the Simply Drudge creator to come to a workable, win-win deal with him (because his app is heads and shoulders better than Drudge's).

    Conclusion: Drudge is a magnificent news aggregator/clipping service, but a terrible modern-day UI designer.

    12pt courier is a nice gimmick that harkens back to the 30s gadfly reporter -- I get it -- I like it. BUT I CAN'T/WON'T USE IT with my aging eyes. PLEEEEASE bring back simply Drudge. I'll pay for the bloody thing. Stop the small mindedness and work out a revenue sharing deal!!! Or just buy it and make it official!
  • "Simply Drudge" is better

    For many years I read the Drudge Report; one of the main places I get my news. I struggled, however, with the bugs and glitches of the app but put up with it for the content. Then I discovered an alternative app, Simply Drudge, and found their user interface to be SO much better. But now it’s gone, and I heard that you guys at Drudge Report forced them out of the app store. The truth of the story is that their app was much better at displaying your content. Please either hire QuickSnails or let them manage their Simply Drudge app, it’s just Simply Better.
  • Fix please

    Adds for App Store pop up when you open an article and do not allow you to read article because evertime you close out the store and go to article after opened it still pops up the App Store again and again. Not all articles do this but more now than ever

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