Moodnotes User Reviews

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  • I love this app but there are some things that I wish were added!

    I love this app! Iv never been able to stick to any other app Iv tried but this one makes it easy! I don’t utilize some stuff like I should but what I have done has been great!... I do wish there was a way to track some other things that might correlate with mood like being able to put in period dates, if I exercised, if I ate well... and so on to see what helps and to see what triggers any bad emotions that way I can see what other kind of interventions I can do to help myself feel more positive. Also if there was a way to click other and then manually type in an emotion not on the list or add one to the list that would be really nice as well! But other than that this app has been great!
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  • Thank You

    This is a really well made app from design point, user-friendly, and professionally thought out by psychologists, evidently.

    I have no issues thus far, but maybe to keep an open mind on new features or additions. It could be minuscule like adding different visual skins to the app for cosmetic purposes—or perhaps even some accessibility options for those who are disabled and can work in tangent with iOS settings.

    Another thought would maybe a way to upload images to your entries. I for one am very visual and sometimes I take pictures or save images from online that perhaps are either important to record for various reasons.

    A sleep journal section would likely be highly sought after and used, since sleep is extremely important and tied to your mental health.

    My last thought for now would perhaps to have an additional section for certain reminders (and also to have them logged) such as taking medication, important doctor appointments or other smaller ways to keep one accountable.

    Overall I’m glad I took the time to find this app and I hope it can help others as much as it helped me. Thank you.
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  • Handy, but limited app (and why can’t I exit?!)

    I really like how easy it is to track mood, feelings and thoughts. The check-ins are a breeze and as quick or in-depth as you want.

    - Easy, friendly interface.
    - Quick tips on reframing negative thoughts. Super handy for anxiety.
    - Fairly low-key. It doesn’t rely on annoyance or guilt to motivate you to use the app.
    - Ability to get as detailed as you’d like.

    - Have a feeling that isn’t listed? Sorry, it doesn’t count. No way to customize the positive or negative feelings!
    - There’s not an easy way to track the physical piece of the equation. Feeling hormonal? Suffering from a migraine? You just have to add it to your notes and hope you’ll find it later when looking at trends.
    - The insights section has some handy charts and lists, but it doesn’t dive as deep as it could. (For instance, it’ll highlight moods that are most common, but are they trending up or down? You can look at trends over 1 week, 3 months and 6 months, but not 1 month.)

    - It is nearly impossible to exit this app by swiping up. Even if you’ve closed other apps since swiping up, it will still come back to haunt you, demanding your Touch ID. Let me close this app!
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  • An app that can save lives

    You see I live in a very complicated city surrounded with much complicated culture that still see mental health as a taboo subject to be highlighted out load, luckily I’ve my friend who lives in a away cities whom advised me against going to see a psychiatrist within the city i live in giving how much of sharing could get me in trouble within the authority in here, I’ve done my research read a few books and i found this app, i said to myself lets just give it a try what would i lose after all this suffering talking to a machine is still a great option at least I won’t get in trouble, I know for sure in many cases of depression and anxiety a CPT techniques might not be enough so if you have the The privilege to see a psychiatrist please go for it while using this app it might help you to recover even more faster, I had to read so much to understand my suffering am glad that many won’t have to given such great ideas still exist within our world brings hope to the depressed community around the world, to the amazing psychologists and developers to the coders whom might never understood what the hell they were coding at the first place, you ladies and gentlemen have saved lives and for mine am and always will be grateful. May the force be with you all. Thank you.
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  • Great app, makes you think!

    Finding a mental health professional is difficult. Of course, for many of us it’s a necessary headache (all of the calls and the waiting just to get in someplace, or waiting months until you can see someone again); however, filling the gaps between professional one-on-one sessions has never been quite as effective as it has been with Moodnotes. Journaling the old fashion way is great! .... if you can be consistent. But then, you’re talking AT something, rather than having an app like this actually engage with your mood - how are you feeling? What moods are you experiencing? What thinking traps may you have fallen into today? How can you reframe your negative feelings now that you know WHY you were thinking this way? It’s a fantastic tool to have to keep my brain in check. The only think I wish the app had was either the ability to add your own thinking traps, or for the developers to add more (such as minimizing negatives, compartmentalizing, etc.). These are my personal MO’s, which I’m aware of, but it’d help to have this app call me out on them too. :)
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  • Amazing app!

    There are lots of mood regulating apps on the market. After trying out many of them over the last year, this one has emerged As a favorite. It has clean and thoughtful design, and has enough features to be useful but stays minimal and sleek enough that you’re not bogged down by all the content and features. Excellent design!

    Feature requests for developers:

    The only feature I wish they had that’s similar to Pacifica is to be able to highlight parts of the thought and link them to specific thinking distortions. That’s the only thing I liked about Pacifica when I used it.

    I would also like a separate tab in the app where you can scroll through all the insights you wrote in the “insights noted” section so you can see your progress in terms of meta learnings.


    Updates for more feature requests:

    I wish that you could click on stuff in the insights page and get to the data behind it. For example, at the bottom it says “you usually feel...”
    what if you could click on that and see all the times you logged entries that said that?
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  • Amazing

    I started out with journaling my moods in Stigma when it first came out a few years ago. That app gives a lot of great options and I do like the charting features which show you how your mood is fluctuating. The downsides were that some moods weren’t categorizing correctly and it required loading the app and selecting specific emotions, not selecting a simpler method for quick additions.

    This app allows me to quickly log the primary feeling via a sliding smiley/frowning face, which is genius. I can also do quick additions on my Watch. The charts are difficult to read because they’re not calendar-based, but the ease of use makes up for that. I’m so very glad that I got this app. I’m actually logging mostly every day, and it really helps me. I fall off the wagon easily with other apps, but not this one. I highly recommend!
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  • Very nice

    I hope to one day look back and appreciate my growth in looking at the history of what is essentially emotional journal entries. Very valuable app indeed. Helps you understand yourself, and that’s the first step to being better.

    There’s one improvement and it would be that the mood pie instead averages your mood notes on a per day basis and then shows day by day average distributions rather than per mood note. For example say I make 20 happy mood notes in a day, and one hyper depressed mood note the next. I’m now apparently very happy on average. However the reality is I had a good day and a bad day. Only suggestion, otherwise pretty great.

    I actually got this app literally a day before a massive romantic failure on my part and in retrospect this app helped me understand my condition and looking back I’ve gathered valuable info on the grieving process at a personal level. Really just a great app.
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  • Easy to Use and Very Helpful!

    I almost never rate AND leave a review, but this app has been incredibly helpful! The last couple of months I’ve been struggling with new mental health issues and finally decided to change my medications. Having done so my doctor and partner recommended that I should write about how my new medications are affecting me, my moods, behaviors etc... I’m really not one who likes to journal etc... so I found this app after a quick google search.

    It can be very difficult for me to stick to routine especially if it’s something I don’t like doing and takes too long. This app is fantastic in that if I don’t want to/feel like I don’t have time I can register my mood quickly and easily via the little mood face, but I want to contribute you more I can add notes and also, specific feelings contributing to my overall mood. I think it’s completely worth the money.

    I look forward to seeing my insights a data after I’ve used it for a couple of months!
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  • A great help

    I’ve found Moodnotes to be a great help in helping me identify aspects of my day to day living that might contribute to changes in my mood. Mental illness has been a problem for me all my life and I’ve used many methods of journaling and tracking in an attempt to help myself. Moodnotes is just the right combination of therapeutic methods and mood journaling—the whole idea is for the app to be quick and succinct for easy and immediate reflection and relief. I have it programmed to remind me three times a day, and there’s no pressure if you miss an entry. It’s helped disarm a meltdown more than once by promoting a change in behavior instead of lengthy reflection that might trigger a mood spiral. I even mentioned it to my doctor during a routine visit and she noted it down to recommend it to her patients.
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