FarmVille 2 User Reviews

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  • Marine Park

    Doesn’t work, can’t load second item for tugboat and screen freezes.
  • Could do with some improvements but is still my fav game

    I love this game and I am addicted to but things are so expensive on the game and it takes you weeks to get the money you need. Also there is a fire in one of my fields that just won’t go away. I also think it would be easier to have a thing we’re you just sell or give your things to the buddy that needs it because sometimes it takes forever for the thing to load up so you can buy the items, people are often exposed to the items first and buy them before you get there and sometimes you have to sell the things so many times so your buddy gets it you run out of the item! Some things could be changed in this game to make it even better than it is so please take my requests to consideration and put them into action. I am sure these fixes would help many people.
    Thank you for your consideration
    Kind regards from a lover of the game.
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  • Few snags but otherwise a good game

    Snag no.1 - disappearing crops and trees leaving nothing but sparkles behind. If you click in the general area they come back so not too fussed
    Snag no.2 - much more annoying. I can’t chat. If I write something it doesn’t appear in the chat unless I exit the game, clear cache and then re-enter. I have missed lots this way
    Snag no.3 - very annoying. I can’t send guests. Every time I see a request I try and send and always get a pop up saying there was a problem sending your guest. This has been happening for a couple of years now

    Other than that fantastic game
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  • Amazing!

    I love this game! I love that you have so many things to work on which means it’s never dull!

    I only have 1 thing which I don’t like and that is the global market , this game would go a lot smoother if you could have the option to chose what item you are looking to buy rather than having to keep checking and wait for the random selection to provide that product , even then you have to be so fast to buy otherwise someone else gets there first !

    Other than that one thing I love it and I highly recommend installing !
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  • I love the game!! But has few problems.

    I love the game but had stop playing it I notice people cheat on tournaments and the company seem like they don’t care if they cheat they do nothing to solve the problem. I think they should get rid of top tournament to be fair. They have so many tournaments in the game I couldn’t handle it and I had stop playing. Any game takes over 6 months to play isn’t worth play I got tired of playing all the time I got bored with it. I wanted get end of game but never got there since takes so long to finish the game. Mine it kept crashing on me all the time and company refuses to fix the problem just told me to reinstall which I did but still had crashing. I didn’t do well in tournaments because kept crashing all the time very frustrating to play the game. If they got rid of some of tournaments in the game I might consider playing again. I think they don’t want you to finish so have to keep playing so have to keep buying gems. I think this game to addictive to play you can really get hooked on it. One of reasons I stop playing I don’t want get hooked on a game. Now addictive is a disease and have to be careful not get addictive to it. I feel lot better not playing it but I do miss playing it. I play gamehouse games now and they are lots of fun playing and I get to finish the game less then month and I don’t have to buy any gems which is plus. Be careful everyone don’t get addictive to this game think of your health, take care.
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  • Awful game

    Game is very hoakey, Zynga has no clue about the issues that continually pop up, nor how to address them. And worse, they just don’t care. Try to reach out to them to illustrate an issue and you might get a response but more than likely not..... if you do get a response it will be asking for the details that you already provided in your initial message, as though they did not even bother reading it all. Bottom line is, if you want to waste your time on a game that does not behave as the published guides say it does, and where the rules constantly change to where you cannot possibly stay informed, then have at it. And good luck to you, you will need it. It does seem as though Zynga is so big now that they care very little about each individual game or if it is filled with bugs, as this one clearly is. I see why there are so many working hacks/cheats posted online, as Zynga has created an environment where you do need to cheat just to be able to play. Very unfortunate.
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  • Tropical escape

    Love the game, but you do run out of things to do. Need to keep it a bit more more busy.. not really satisfied with the points and all that you receive, should increase it. Also should Lower the waiting times a little as well but above all, great game!
  • Disappointed

    Your last update really messed up ship gone, lighthouse gone, I leveled up and got nothing.... I play every day and enjoy the game but with all the issues and the bots....not worth the space anymore on my SG10 phone . I will be removing it and it will soon go away on my I Pad. My club was at top of cruise...we better not go down in rank either.....get the bots issued fixed...people need expansion parts and the bots take is to be fun not all these players quit at level 10 or less.. I add them to my club to help them but the bots take the not fair to the new players or us very long time players. You do know how to get rid of them...your not dumb...sorry on limited income I’m not wasting my money on the play cards to have bots take the parts.......get it fixed or the game goes just like after years of playing FV....FV 2 lasted one year with all its issues it had.... Tons of games out there to play so get your things fixed or this long time , every day player is gone
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  • Fun game with a few glitches

    I’ve been playing the game for a few months now. I really enjoy it, and I think it’s a great game, but it’s pretty glitchy. It regularly restarts itself when I’m in the middle of doing something. The last update was horrible. Right in the middle of a cruise, the cruise ship disappeared so my entire club was unable to complete orders. We had all worked very hard and put lots of time, money, and game resources into reaching first place in the cruise competition, and then lost everything with the new update. Incredibly frustrating, especially for those of us who had spent real money in the game. With the new update, many of us also lost a lot of the resources we had collected. Randomly disappeared from our boathouses. Up until the recent update, the game has been great about 70% of the time, when it’s not glitching. I warn against putting real money into the game, though, because lately it hasn’t been reliable, and you might end up just wasting your money as many in my club did.
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  • Sharing

    I live in a house of love and sharing. We love helping others and sharing what we have though we have very little. In our house we were brought up to believe in GOD and that it is our responsibility to look out for everyone including yourself which can be difficult in today’s world! You get taken at advantage by scam artist and have to pick up and move on.
    This is a fun relaxing game and 12 people were sharing one two years ago and then now this one because we cannot (we have tried) use one device for all our own accounts to create our own games under our own game ID.... there is currently two game ID’s but load the current game a few days ago..
    No money to buy everyone their own devices as we could barely afford to have the one we share but came from a promotion giving them away for trying services...
    Thank you for some fun!
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