User Reviews: Notes

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  • Almost There… A Few Things

    Love notes. I used to keep notes in separate text files in my Documents Folder, all under categorized folders (‘Legal’, ‘Manuals -> Mac -> iOS’ etc. etc). Then I went to Evernote, and it was much better of course - being able to search, add photos to a note, colorized text, etc., which is where Notes needs work. I work in a mixed Windows/Mac/iOS environment. I sometimes want to simply paste a picture into a note. NOT EAST TO DO IN NOTES. If the photo is on my Windows system, I have to first copy it to ny iCloud Drive, then on my iPhone, ‘Save’ the photo from the Drive into my Photos app. Only then can I import the photo into a note. Also, if I want to add color for text, I have to get off my Windows machine, and do it from my Mac. Why not make these features global? I know Apple would like me to own & work only from Apple products, but in the real world for a lot of people, this is not our reality. Apple, please make all features available globally.
  • Notes

    Notes can you please bring a feature to your app? when you pin a note on your iPhone if you have serious notes that you need to keep on top on the Notes app please bring us a serious button all the notes that are very serious that you need to be pinned in will stay in the top of the screen, and it won’t be shuffled. Do you have to look for it in the notes app and it will stay on the top and you can’t. It will be the first note and the second serious be able to access immediately and I iCloud and please bring a regular pen option for regular notes and please bring an option. We can edit your notes and move them around which one on top or bottom if you’re not serious note. you can shuffle them around but if it’s a serious note, I will always stand the top and it won’t move around and go on the bottom and have to find it inside the notes app. this is the best app on iPhone please make it more faster and more easier. and improve Face ID on every iPhone for the Notes app.
  • My most-used app

    To say I love and depend upon this app would be an understatement. By now I've accrued years' worth of valuable notes, thoughts, writings, journal entries...the ease of use and the simplicity of this app is its greatest appeal.

    iPhone's introduction of spoken–word type a few years ago only increased my dependence, too. Voice typing can be faster than normal or swipe typing, but it also saves your hands from pain and fatigue. And so, it is on this amazing feature my complaint hangs.

    A huge amount of my time is now wasted in deleting superfluous commas and other punctuation this feature automatically adds to my notes. This so called "smart programming" is probably an attempt to save time, but I cannot stress enough how terrible and frustrating and poorly it works. Leave the punctuation to me, please! As a writer, this is utterly crucial. Apple, please return voice typing back to its original simplicity…the only updates I want are an increased accuracy of my enunciation (which, happily, I've noticed has already improved since the feature was introduced).
  • Love app but many bugs

    Please play around with selecting text, cope and paste, cutting, long pressing and moving through text on the screen, holding space bar to move through text on the screen, and the app freezing. I have been using this app since my first ipod touch where it was pretty much impossible to get the notes off your phone if you didnt have a mac so I lost a lot but I still stuck with it. Lately iv seen myself straying away from this apps usage due to the major issues Iv been having with these features. Trying to select certain words or copy and paste especially when hashtags (#) are involved is so finicky and glitchy and annoying that im thinking of moving to something else. I also have bad eyesight thats been getting worse through the years so I have larger text enabled on my phone and some of the features are laggy or visibly cut off due to this.

    Lastly when in edit mode in the folders section there is 3 dots to click, it wont let me clock the circle with the 3 dots to edit the folder. Ive closed the app multiple times restarted my phone and everything but it wont let me edit the folder.
  • I need help!

    First of all, I will say this app is very useful to me, but it’s doing some things, to my text, that I don’t know how to fix, first of all, I am visually impaired, so I have to use the voice over, so basically what’s going on is, I will dictate something, then I will tap with two fingers to finish dictating, then I will listen to my text, and it keeps on giving me a pop-up to undo my typing, now I’ll click cancel, and I’ll go over my text again and it will still give me the pop-up. until it just gets so annoying, until I just click undo, and it will still give me a pop-up, and then, too, when I go back on my notes, and I get back on the note to listen to my text, and then I continue making it, it will play the text that I just wrote before the first line of text that I put! Sometimes even, when I don’t get a pop-up to undo typing, it will still play it in reverse, so could you please, if possible, get back to me soon, and fix this bug? But other than that, it is a good app, and it is very useful,
  • The best app on the iPhone

    Apple's minimalist philosophy is great, but when it comes to actually implementing minimalism it is always a hit or miss. Sometimes they screw up, like with Music, but sometimes they create a masterpiece, like Notes. Notes does everything I want it to every time. I have never wanted to go searching for another app to replace it. I have never needed to. It seems like a simple little app at first, but there's so much beneath the hood, that is brilliantly hidden from the user. It is not just minimalism done right, it is minimalism done PERFECT.
    There is no better note taking app. Every other one has some annoying interface full of pop ups, pestering me to sign into this or upgrade to this or check out this feature, it makes me want to pull my hair out. Meanwhile Notes lets me do what I came there to do: write. It is the perfect app for the crafting text. It is fast and to the point, simple yet has everything I could ever want.
    In conclusion, I love Notes.
  • Recent Font Issue

    I’ve used this app for years to keep track of my to do lists etc. it’s always been great, and I’ve never had an issue until recently. However, in the past few months I’ve experienced a strange bug that is really ruining my experience. For some reason, the issue only occurs when I have a line of text that’s double spaced (I hit “return” twice before it) to create an empty line above it, which separates it from the text above. If I place the cursor to the left of the text and hit “delete” to delete the return and remove the empty line above it, the font for the text on that line changes to a smaller, uglier font that is hard to read. It only changes for the line immediately after the deleted return. All of the lines below it remain in the standard notes font. This is super annoying, because it happens every time and there’s not even a way to change the font in notes. It’s such a stupid bug I would have expected it to have been fixed months ago. I’m not sure why it would even occur in the first place. Please fix this! I’ll change my review to 5 stars as soon as it’s fixed. iPhone X with latest software updates.
  • Deletions

    The problem with this app is that it is designed in a way that makes it almost inevitable that you will delete information. Recently while editing a note, I realized that I had recorded some data in the wrong note. I highlight the text so that I could cut or delete it but that option was not available. Among others I had the option of copying it but no simple delete was offered. So I had to manually starting from the end of the sentence hold down the backspace until the data was removed totally. But that is because it takes too long to hit it repeatedly and it proceeds much more quickly to hold it down. So it starts with one letter at a time and does this for several letters, then will delete words one at a time, but then very quickly if you continue holding it down it will delete your entire note. This all takes place within a span of a couple or three seconds. There is no time to react to it. Once the note is gone, there is no means to recover. I am told shaking the phone will undo your most recent action. But why not just place an option on the screen to undo? There is no security to protect the notes using save in which case changes could be discarded if you are not satisfied with them, or can continue in a state of edit. In short, not a single thing which could be done to protect your data is done to protect it. This app is among the very worst.
  • Recent Update & Lagging

    The notes app has been a love hate relationship as an iPhone user. The sheer amount of words that it holds is incredible. Though with that comes lagging. Over the course of the past month I've used this app for larger note taking such as random ideas to safe keep, places to go, bucket lists, etc. Yet even though it has a low amount of words the typing slows down and lags behind significantly. I've noticed this issue more as I've gone into the recent software update that gave the Notes app more qualities.
    This update also comes with flaws of its own. I attempt to scroll down my note when it flings me back to the top at random. Or even to the middle at any given time. It also freezes when a collaborator edits, leaving you with a stuck drop menu that's at the bottom and who edited it at the top. I hope these things can be fixed, whether adding a higher word limit to slow lag or to look into the new update for bugs.
    I appreciate your time and hope the best for new downloaders! Don't be discouraged by this review, the Notes app is highly recommended for reminders and ideas!
  • This is just pure awesomeness!

    I love to come home, relax and write things down on my notes that I can’t tell others after a long day. Like my crushes, what I’m feeling like, anything. The app is my on the go diary. I tend to get on notes a lot, more than I think I should. Writing is one of my passions, and I also have been writing stories down on it as well. I don’t think that was the original purpose of the app, but it helps me out. I love the notes app so much, it’s like a fresh start. Sometimes, I do get carried away, and write too much. Right now, my app is struggling to stay open and even open in general. I’ve tried resetting my phone a few times but I’ll just keep trying. I love this app so very much, and I find it very useful. I also like to schedule my daily plans and/or last minute trips. I feel like this app is my getaway to a world of writing, I just wish the app would work for me. I believe it might be my fault, I’ve written so much on just one note, that it has trouble loading. I’d hate to delete the whole thing though. Maybe their should be an update for an option for pages? Other than that, I love the app! I don’t know how I could live without it!